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CP* 2020

ESC 2020

2020 i3 video


CPW 2019

REX 2019

2019 i3 video


CPW 2018

REX 2018

2018 i3 video


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REX 2017

2017 i3 video

2017 House Tour

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REX 2016

2016 i3 video

2016 House Tour

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REX 2015

2015 i3 video


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REX 2014

2014 i3 video

2014 House Tour

CPW 2013

REX 2013

2013 i3 video


CPW 2012

REX 2012

2012 i3 video


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REX 2011

2011 i3 video


CPW 2010

REX 2010

2010 i3 video


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REX 2009

2009 i3 video


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REX 2008

2008 i3 video


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REX 2007

2007 i3 video


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REX 2006

2006 i3 video


REX 2005

2005 i3 video


REX 2004

2004 i3 video


CPW 2003

REX 2003

2003 i3 video


CPW 2002

Rush 2002

2002 i3 video


Rush 2001

2001 i3 video


Rush 2000


Rush 1999


Rush 1998


Rush 1997


Rush 1996


Rush 1995


Rush 1994


Rush 1993


Rush 1992


Rush 1991


Rush 1990


Rush 1989


Rush 1988


Rush 1987


Rush 1986


Rush 1979-1985 (No record)


Rush 1978


Rush 1977


Random closed 1970-1977

Rush 1968, 1969 (No record)

Random opened in 1968;
also first year of Dorm Rush

REX 2021

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Saturday, August 28
Experimental Build Your Own Crepeoh no we have all of these flavors and need to try EVERY COMBINATION. Experiment withboth sweet and savory crepes, but with toppings and syrups mixed in! Will you go forberries, chocolate, and honey, or something more hearty withpumpkin-puree, caaramelized onions, and chia? It's all up to you!Pecker14:17
Tetris but IndoorsWhy play Tetris on the Green Building when you can do it within the comfort of Random?Challenge your friends in a test of block stacking prowess.Clam15:17
Determine Your Real Life DND Ability ScoreEver wonder what your character sheet would look like if you were a dnd character? Wecan help you get started with the ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution,Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) through a series of fun challenges!Bonfire Lounge16:47
Bagels and LocksYou know what's even better than free food? Picking locks. Fortunately, we won't makeyou choose between them. Come pick your way through locks and eat through bagels, orvice versa depending on the quality of your dentist.Foo18:47
LovecraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you've always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand reform them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.Black Hole Kitchen19:47
Sunday, August 29
Spinning on the RoofdeckLearn to spin balls on strings and staffs around your head without hitting yourself!Come hang out on our lovely roofdeck and learn the basics of fire spinning, just withoutthe fire.Roofdeck12:17
Hardk0re Tea Connoisseur TrainingA fast-paced crash course in the theory of creating tea blends and an opportunity forexperimentation and galaxy-brain tea-time flavor discoveries.Pecker13:17
Anime Music QuizHow well do YOU know your anime openings? Pit your knowledge against Clam in a battle ofmemory.Clam14:17
Fish or NipsIn the new hit gameshow, given just someone's tinder bio, can you guess if the tindererhas a fish in their photo, or no shirt?Black Hole Lounge16:17
Ceiling Tile PaintingDid you know that gullible is written on the ceiling? And that's not the only thing thatcan be if you come decorate one of Random Hall's ceiling tiles!Black Hole Kitchen20:17
Overcooked and PanicDevelop your culinary abilities and panic in the four-player cooperative video gameOvercooked.AiW21:17
Bonfire Pillow FortWe have pillows. We also have snacks! Come to build with the superior materials fordefensive structures!Bonfire22:47
Monday, August 30
Smash ShitNeed a way to relieve some stress? Want to unleash your inner destructive spirit? Comeuse sledgehammers and smash your problems into submission.Foo and then the Random shaft16:17
Harry Potter TriviaThink you know the Harry Potter Series inside out and backwards? Test your knowledgeagainst other Harry Potter nerds while enjoying some chocolate to fend of the dementors.Bonfire Lounge16:17
¸.•☆•.°★ tea time ★°.•☆•.¸It might be intimidating coming to MIT after a year of pandemic. Chat with a fewfriendly upperclassmen about your questions, worries, and hopes for this semester whileexploring our collection of 70+ different types of tea!Black Hole19:47
Tuesday, August 31
Water Wars PrepCome join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in war­paint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doomand deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker!Black Hole Kitchen18:17
Takoyaki?? What Chu Tako 'Bout?Come eat some good food and learn about the noble and refined art of making takoyaki (orjust come to watch people furiously roll balls of octopus-filled, doughy goodness).BMF Kitchen19:17
Geoguessr? I Hardly Know 'er!Come join us as we Guess Geos by any means possible! Learn the try hard strats such as:staring at signs, staring at cars, staring at the sky, staring at the sun, and staringin general! We'll make our lives more miserable (in a goodway!) for no apparent reason by adding arbitrary restrictions! It'll be a good time (aslong as we don't get stranded in The Middle Of Nowhere)!AiW20:17
Wednesday, September 1
(R)ice Cream ConesI am convinced that this will be the next aestheic street food phenomenon. Rice, withspices, furikake, fillings, all mixed together and piled high in a savory cone, toppedwith chili-oil and your sauces and broths of choice. Whata magnificent snack!Pecker Kitchen11:47
Make your maker, bake your maker, meet your maker, eat your makerI've heard that religion's pretty *sweet*, but what does god look like? Come make andbake your maker by shaping a sweet, pliable dough to re-create god's likeness in themost delicious and holy form---the sugar cookie. Pecker Kitchen16:47
Milk BarWelcome to my start-up, disrupting the stock market and throwing boba in the dust.Innovative, synergy, block chain - that's us, the milk bar. To generate our new milkflavors, we use the most efficient machine learning strategy -prefrosh! Join our MLM (machine learning milk). No coding allowed.Black Hole Kitchen17:47
Thursday, September 2
Philosophy and FrostiesCome and learn about philosophy at the 'tute! We've prepared a number of funphilosophical problems and puzzles for your brain to chew on and a wide assortment offrozen desserts to then freeze it! There will also be a Q&A sessionwhere you can ask us about philosophy at MIT!Foo11:17
Kwazy CupcakesWatch Brookline 99, make cupcakes, decorate cupcakes, have the craziest cupcake, eatcupcakesPecker Kitchen11:17
LOTR But Ever Time Sam Takes a Step…...he says it'll be the farthest he's ever been.Bonfire Lounge13:17
Too Tool for SchoolDreading the oncoming hours of tooling? Come tool with us the fun way - with drills!First we will learn to use the tools in Random shop, and then we build a porch swing onthe roofdeck!Random Shop, then the Roofdeck13:17
Lindt™ Elite Butlering AcademyWe are a highly sophisticated service Management education corporation teaching the artform of Lindt LINDOR truffle Chocolate Service. In our 1 hour speed butlering academy,you will understand chocolate pairing and service, interactingwith your Random clientele, and earn a butlering certificate of butlerology.Black Hole kitchen13:17
Baking Pre-historyYou've probably made history, but what about making and baking pre-history?! Contrary topopular belief, dinosaurs actually tasted like sugar, so come satisfy your sweet toothby baking a sugar-cookie stegosaurus, tasty triceratops,or beautifully-decorated brontosaurus in Random Hall!Pecker Kitchen16:17
Nekomimi Maid CaféCome to Random to be served delicious food by maids with cat ears! kawaii neko maid cafe(=^-.-^=)/ nyaa~Foo17:47
Queer Ladies' Movie NightWe're all queer here! Come join the ladies of Loop to watch cheesy queer movies (happyending guaranteed) and decorate pride flag cookies. People of all genders andsexualities welcome.Loop Lounge20:17
Hair to Dye ForIs your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors in the rainbow! (Feel free to come in at any time during the event.)Black Hole Kitchen20:47
Midnight ChefIt's midnight, and you haven't eaten yet; your refrigerator and pantry are both empty.However, you have a refined palate and need a three course meal of the highest caliber.Come, cook a full meal using only the food we can scroungeup at the gas station convenience store right next to Random!Foo24:17
Friday, September 3
Multitools and MultivitaminsLearn all the different uses of a multivitamin, and why you should eat two multitoolsper day!Pecker Lounge11:47
Bonfire HyperdashExplore Random Hall's Bonfire at high speeds and also learn to count to 5.Bonfire12:47
Friday Fry DayCome make some unhealthy decisions with us! We have a deep fryer and we're not afraid touse it. We have all of the essentials (chicken, oreos, mozzarella sticks), but feel freeto bring any food that you'd be interested in tryingto fry.AiW16:47
DND Chocolate DiceCome make some tasty candy dice with us! If they give you a bad roll, you get thebenefit of eating them 😊Bonfire17:47
Feline Summoning RitualBlack Hole's cats are Elsewhere, the rumors say. When the border between worlds weakens,you will know that the time for action has arrived. We shall snatch at hints of thefuture until we have transcended truth altogether. Cloaksand pentagrams will be provided. As for cats, it's up to us.Black Hole Lounge17:47
Saturday, September 4
Random Hall Truffle BarAre you a fan of Lindt truffles? Didn't know that they have an array of excitingflavors? Save yourself a trip to the Lindt Chocolate Shop and come try the mostinteresting flavors in Random Hall!Black Hole kitchen11:47
Math and TeaMath you won't understand and tea you won't drink! Come be bedazzled by all of the mathyou could learn while a pot of tea sits neglected in the corner.Pecker Lounge12:47
Roof Deck Balloon Pool PartyBring your swim test swimsuit and your Academic Expo sunglasses because it's time for aroof deck pool party! Due to new regulations, no water will be present, but it will bereplaced with balloons!Random roof deck13:47
Fish Waffle EverythingDo you like waffles? Do you like fish shaped items? Do you like waffles made out ofnon-waffle foods? Then this is the event for you! Come to Random and make fish shapedfoods in taiyaki pans!Bonfire Kitchen13:47
Powerpoint KaraokeAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present!AiW15:47
Tea and DumplingsCome to sip on some tea, chat about anything and everything, and make dumplings!(Vegetarian option available)BMF Kitchen17:47
Hypnosis!Close you eyes. Press on my hands. Sleep! Come learn "science" MIT won't teach you, withpractical demonstrationsBlack Hole Lounge20:17
Pecker Board Game NightBoardgames and not-so-boardgames. Come terraform mars, steal resources from “friends” inCatan, accidentally provide people with misleading visuals in Mysterium and more!Pecker Lounge21:17
Roofdeck MoviesBiotech company steal your view of the skyline? That's just an opportunity for a giantprojector. We're watching movies until the sun rises on the best roofdeck in Cambridge.May take late night/early morning vine break.Roofdeck22:17
Sunday, September 5

CP* 2021

Due to covid-19, CPW events were again held virtually on Zoom with limited info. Some events are onthe Random schedule but not on the official schedule - these events did definitely occur as well asup to 23 more:

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 15
¸.•☆•.°★ tea time ★°.•☆•.¸This year has been hard and we all have a lot on our minds. Drink tea and chat with afew friendly upperclassmen about your questions, worries, and hopes for college. Bringyour own tea!17:17
Friday, April 16
The Art of WalkingFrom urban studies to student memes, learn about historical and contemporary artistsengaged with the medium of walking. Even plan your own walk.17:47
Narrative Telephone?19:17
Powerpoint KaraokeAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present?21:17
Saturday, April 17
philosophy and paradoxes?13:17
Wikipedia Disambiguation JeopardyLook at seemingly unrelated things. Find the unifying disambiguation page.14:47
Physics and FizzesHowdy folks, welcome and come on down to Physics and Fizzes! This is the rootinesttootinest hoedown this side of the Mississippi featuring all of your favorite physicstopics from black holes to the origin of the universe and more!16:17
Eat Dinner and talk to MIT people about what life at MIT Is Actually LikeCome and share a low-key dinner with us as we talk about what MIT life *really* is!We'll give insight into the day-to-day; the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you have anyburning questions---or even trivial ones ("if you were a tree"),we'll be here! feel free to bring your own food :)18:17
Live-Coding MusicNo experience required! An introduction to live-coding electronic music collaborativelyusing web applications like Estuary and Gibber. 20:17
Fake Stories from the Black HoleWe don't need upper classmen in order to learn the history of our floor. Join thecurrent Black Hole frosh as we give you a tour of the floor complete with entirelyfabricated tales of times past.21:47
Sunday, April 18
Experimental CookingJust because there's no kitchen access this year doesn't mean cooking can't happen!Hydroflask noodles, radiator cooking, or toilet-tank sous-vide...why not? We might evendo the math on whether things will cook before we try it, butcome watch us experimentally prove it!15:17
Hypnosis!Close your eyes. Press on my hands. Sleep! Come learn "science" MIT won't teach you,with practical demonstrations17:47
B*tches, Money, and Friends: The Variety Show"Shouting in the Silence"? "Song Association"? "Among Us But You Can't Speak English"?Come play these games and more on our variety show! Will this be a mess? Mostdefinitely, but it will probably be pretty fun anyway!19:17
Anime Music QuizDo you take pride in your knowledge of anime openings? Pit your skills against Clam's ina fierce battle of memory!21:17

ESC 2020

Due to covid-19 and only seniors returning in the Fall, Exploring Support Communities was designed tofacilitate virtual connections to floors unrelated to the Spring rooming process. Events were againheld on Zoom.

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Sunday, August 23
Physics and FizzesHowdy, this'll be rootinest tootinest hoedown this side of the Mississippi as Randomphysicists talk about topics like the nature of the cosmos and the large-scale structureof the universe. Can we predict the speed of sound or thepressure inside neutron stars from four constants? Come and see!18:17
Anime Music QuizDo you think you know your anime openings? Put your knowledge to the test in a fiercebattle of memory! Feel free to drop by at any time during the event.20:17
Monday, August 24
Geoguesser IRLWhere are you all EOM17:17
Skribbl.io with ClamEnjoy playing virtual pictionary? Interested in Random Hall or Clam? Bored? If youanswered yes to any of the above, come play skribbl.io and chat!19:17
The Half Of It StreamCome watch The Half Of It and chat with BMF!20:17
fortune telling by people who dont know how to tell fortunesNone of us know how to tell fortunes. But we will try. And we will fail.22:17
Tuesday, August 25
Register to vote with usWorried about the state of USPS? Feel strongly about having a say in your life and yourcommunity? Still procrastinating on registering because things are confusing? Come joinus and we'll help you through the process!18:17
Chaotic CookingMORE EGG20:17
Wednesday, August 26
Meet MIT's BATHYPELAGIC DormsJoin us for a LEPORINE tour of the dorms in your own words. Learn about the BALLOON ofMaseeh, the DYNAMIC door in Random basement, and the SPIDER that EC never wanted you toknow about.17:17
Contemporary Art and Charcuterie Part 1: CharcuterieA riveting workshop to prepare your own cheeseboard for pretentiously deciphering modernart.19:17
Contemporary Art & Charcuterie Part 2: Contemporary ArtPretentiously consume virtual slices of meat and cheese while deciphering our curatedvideo exhibits. Now featuring unironic performance art from art classes. Bring Your OwnBoard.20:17
Thursday, August 27
Pecker Board Game NightDo you miss gathering together around a table filled with tiny game pieces? Do you wishyou could crush everyone in Mysterium once more? Then join us as we huddle togetheraround our computer screens and try our best to bring you thestoried Pecker Board Game Night!18:17
Friday, August 28
Scavenge your AbodeDiscover your inner magpie. Bring us your favorite plate. A lock of your brother's hair.Anything. EVERYTHING.15:47
Game Night Come join us for some fun games like Spyfall, scribble.io, Cards Against Humanity, etc!Feel free to bring your own game suggestions as well :)18:17
Queer Ladies Movie NightCome join Random’s newest chaos floor in watching and enjoying some good ol’ WLWrepresentation in movies. We’ll be starting off with The Half Of It. Come, sit back,watch, and let’s have a good gay time. *All gender identities welcometo this event :•)21:17
Saturday, August 29
Milk by DemocracySpicy milk. Herbal milk. Milk mocktail. You vote on what ingredients we should base aflavored milk around, and we unwillingly drink our monstrosity.14:17
Hypnosis!Close your eyes. Press on my hands. Sleep! Come learn “science” MIT won’t teach you,with practical demonstrations.20:47
Sunday, August 30
Harry Potter Trivia Join us in an informal gathering of Harry Potter enthusiasts to discuss anything nerdyand test your whits and knowledge against your peers. 13:17
Mario Kart and WingsDo you want to learn all the pro strats? Do you want your builds to not be shit? Are youusing tilt controls? Come hang out with Destiny's finest for some wholesome karting andmunching.15:17
Stories from the Black HoleCome, listen, and we will share ancient lore from Black Holes past. Hear tales involvingeye shards, cats, and mannequins. Lots and lots of mannequins.17:17
tea timeThis year has been hard and we all have a lot on our minds. Drink tea and chat with afew friendly upperclassmen about your questions, worries, and hopes for this semester.Bring your own tea!20:47

CP* 2020

Due to covid-19, CPW events were held virtually on Zoom. Event information was limited to preventZoom-bombing (final schedule with descriptions available only to prefrosh and dorm rush chairs).

Event TitleTime
Thursday, April 16
One Shot Tabletops Interest Session (and narrative roleplaying feels)20:00
The Affordances of the Medium: Cooking Apparently Healthy Food in Quarantine20:47
Friday, April 17
Untamed Marathon17:00
Saturday, April 18
Math and Tea14:00
Something Something Nuclear15:00
How to Make Vinegar Eggs18:17
*Zoomified* CS & Juice19:00
Physics and Fizzes20:00
Sunday, April 19
Everything But the Kitchen Sink15:00
PowerPoint Karaoke20:17
Monday, April 20
Tuesday, April 21
Dead Languages and Delicious Lemonade20:17
Saturday, April 25
Roll for Initiative14:17
Pecker Board Game Night (Online Edition)16:00
Clam-inspired Skribbl.io Shenanigans18:00
roofdeck* movies all night long21:00
Sunday, April 26
Anime Music Quiz Night with Clam21:00

REX 2019

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Tuesday, August 20
Roofdeck Movies ALL NIGHT LONGWe're watching movies until the sun rises on the best roofdeck in Cambridge. May takelate night/early morning vine break.Roofdeck19:17
Wednesday, August 21
Nerdy Sing-a-LongCome sing with us! Broadway, Disney, Pokémon, Dr. Horrible, songs about science, andmoreBonfire Lounge19:17
Thursday, August 22
Let’s Get This BreadI have what you knead.BMF19:17
Friday, August 23
Cave Blueberry and The Cult Formerly Known As the Order of the Blank WallYou know those times when you just want to throw a blanket over your head and call it aday? Us, too. But why stop there? Join us and build a blanket cave big enough to takeover the entire lounge, complete with internal lighting,edible cookies, Doctor Who, and some non-sketchy cultists.Pecker Lounge19:17
Saturday, August 24
Deep Fried Reinforcement LearningWhat do sesame balls and neural networks have in common? Come learn! You bring theneurons, we'll bring the oil. You donut want to miss out!Clam Kitchen12:17
Too Tool for School: Dreading the oncoming hours of tooling? Come tool with us the fun way - with drills!First we will learn to use the tools in Random shop, and then we build a swingset on theroofdeck!Shop14:17
Cookies and Smut: Listen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and discover Thor's magnificent hammer!Black Hole Kitchen15:17
Powerpoint KaraokeAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present!AiW16:47
Epic Mealtime of Destiny Bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & baconstrips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips &bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon stripsDestiny Kitchen17:17
Nekomimi Maid CafeCome to Random to be served delicious food by maids with cat ears! kawaii neko maid cafe(=^-.-^=)/ nyaa~Foo18:47
Caffeinated CookiesWant to do all the things but new to all nighters (or half nighters we don't judge)?Veteran that could still use an assist? Don't want caffeine but like cookies? Join usfor some late night jittersBonfire20:47
Spiciest MemesCome see some 🅱ass 🅱oosted 🅱emes with Random Hall's loudest floorDestiny Lounge23:17
RHOPEver wanted to have an obscene amount of breakfast food at the hours of the morning thatman was not meant to experience?Foo27:17
Sunday, August 25
Mario Kart and WingsGo up against Random Hall's best and meet your Destiny! Also there are chicken wingsDestiny Kitchen11:47
Experimental SmoothiesDo you like SCIENCE? What about SMOOTHIES? Come drink our smoothies, and maybe make someof your own. We promise they won't all be poisonous.Pecker12:17
Math and TeaMath you won't understand and tea you won't drink! Come be bedazzled by all of the mathyou could learn while a pot of tea sits neglected in the cornerPecker13:17
🅱MF 🅱eats & 🅱obaCome enjoy boba and music on BMF!BMF15:17
Spagetti to ForgettiScared for college? Excited for college? Hungry? Well you should come eat spaghetti toforget all your homesickness or your past or some weird thing you did last week. Let thespaghetti soothe your soul!Clam Kitchen16:17
LovecraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you’ve always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand reform them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.Black Hole Kitchen16:17
Bagels and LocksYou know what's even better than free food? Picking locks. Fortunately, we won't makeyou choose between them. Come pick your way through locks and eat through bagels, orvice versa depending on the quality of your dentist.Foo20:47
Midnight Chef It's midnight, the nearby supermarket continues to be closed (forever), but you'rehungry. Let's make a three course meal using only ingredients bought from the gasstation.Foo24:17
Monday, August 26
A-mew-sing Board GamesS-catagories, Settlers of Cat-an, Exploding Kittens, and more! Come join us for snacks,cat-themed board games, and cats!Loop Lounge19:17
Chill CalligraphyCome and make fun gothic and italic calligraphy with us!Pecker20:17
Takoyaki 101Learn how to make takoyaki! Featuring people madly rotating pockets of dough to formspheres, artistic decorating skills, and, of course, delicious food!BMF Kitchen21:17
Contemporary Art & Charcuterie: Pretentiously consume complimentary slices of meat and cheese while deciphering ourcurated video exhibits. Now featuring unironic performance art in addition to trashymemesDestiny Lounge22:17
Anime ViewingStart your semester off right by watching some Anime! This is your chance to get up todate with anime and start practicing your college binge nightClam Kitchen23:47
RHOPEver wanted to have an obscene amount of breakfast food at the hours of the morning thatman was not meant to experience? Foo27:17
Tuesday, August 27
DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES WITH FIERCE BLASTS OF DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDECome join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in warpaint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doom anddeathiness! Unleash your inner berserker!Foo15:47
Clam BakeGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We've got the brownies, thehash (browns) and more! (No drugs, just good food and bad puns.)?Clam Kitchen16:20
Applied Knot TheoryAn introduction to the art of tying up pretty people with pretty knots in practical andornamental ways!Black Hole Lounge19:47
Spicy Ramen ChallengeY’all need some more spice in your life 🔥🔥👅👅💦💦 Come to Clam kitchen to eat 2xspicy ramen 🌶 🍜Clam Kitchen19:47
Bondage JengaJenga, the fun way! Try not to knock over the tower while slowly becoming more and moretied up! Play cooperatively or competitively!Black Hole Lounge20:47
Crazy Cat Lady Make-a-thonCome eat snacks, watch cat videos, and make cat toys for the wonderful cats of Loop!Loop Lounge21:17
Pecker Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we’ve acquired, and enjoy a home-cooked meal!Pecker21:47
Disney Night!A whole new world awaits you in college. If you really want to be part of our world yougotta learn the bare necessities. Be prepared to test how far we'll go with Disney.Let's go the distance and learn the lesson number one of collegelife. Come be our guest because Randommmmm knowssss best.Clam Lounge23:17
Wednesday, August 28
Veggie HotpotREX is nearing its end, with much an unhealthy consumed. Roll on in to BMF kitchen androll on out with some delicious and warm vegetates to ensure health and prosperity forthe rest of your school year*! (Small print) health and prosperitynot guaranteed and is subject to terms and conditions. BMF Kitchen17:17
Clam OlympicsContestants across the globe train relentlessly with just one goal in mind: to win homea medal from the Clam Olympics. Do you have what it takes to overcome the greatest featof your life? "'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take'~~Wayne Gretzky" ~~ Michael ScottClam17:47
Feline Summoning RitualBlack Hole's cats are Elsewhere, the rumors say. When the border between worlds weakens,you will know that the time for action has arrived. We shall snatch at hints of thefuture until we have transcended truth altogether. Cloaksand pentagrams will be provided. As for cats, it's up to us.Black Hole Lounge23:47
Thursday, August 29
Grocery Store Scavenger HuntExplore our local grocery stores! You'll thank us later.Destiny Kitchen11:47
Mario Party and CookiesCome play games from everyone's second favorite Nintendo party franchise, Mario Party!Cookies included!Clam12:47
Physics and Fizzes: Explore the world of physics at MIT while exploring a variety of soft drinks.*physsssssssssssssssssssssssssss* Pecker14:17
Soviet Cartoons with ComradesWatch the old Soviet cartoons of your childhood (or at least ours) and eat Slavicsnacks!Black Hole Lounge16:17
Make Your Own Headlamp Come learn about circuits to solder your own headlamp! Then you can see in the dark whenyou need your hands. No previous electrical engineering experience necessaryAiW21:17
Queer Ladies' Movie NightWe're all queer here! Come join the ladies of Loop to watch cheesy queer movies (happyending guaranteed) and decorate pride flag cookies. People of all genders andsexualities welcome.Loop Lounge21:17
Retro Video Game Night: Have you ever wanted to play video game classics such as Goldeneye 64, Super MarioBros., and Banjo-Kazooie on their original consoles? Well, you’re in luck kiddo, becauseClam is home to almost any retro video game console you canimagine! Come and join us for a blast to the past while savoring a slice ofmouth-watering pizza!Clam Lounge22:17
Friday, August 30
CMS and Matcha LattesCome learn about what Comparative Media Studies is while sipping on an ~aesthetic~drink! Interested in video games, film and TV, or cultural studies? Well, there's a CMSclass about that! Or, you can come to learn how to make a matchalatte. Alternative tea choices available.Black Hole Kitchen15:47
2% MilkBecome two percent milk.Destiny Kitchen15:47
Pecker Popcorn & PuzzlesWant to test your puzzle-solving skills? Hungry for popcorn? Then come to Pecker, whereboth coexist in mutually beneficial symbiosis!Pecker17:17
Hair to Dye For : Is your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors in the rainbow! (Feel free to come in at any time during the event.)Foo17:47

CPW 2019

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Thursday, April 11
A-mew-sing Board GamesS-cat-agories, Settlers of Cat-an, Exploding Kittens, and more!Loop15:17
Epic Mealtime of DestinyBacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips& bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & baconstrips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon stripsScreen reader support enabled.Destiny18:47
Scavenger HuntFoo22:17
Friday, April 12
DumplingsMake the :dumpling: with us :100: :100: :100: :fire: :fire: :fire:BMF12:47
Hair to Dye ForIs your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors of the rainbow. (Feel free to come in any time during the event.)Foo15:47
Cookie Cat(s)!"A refugee of an interstellar war! But now he's at your local Random Hall floor! CookieCat! He's a pet for your tummy! Cookie Cat! He's super duper yummy!" Come eat ice creamsandwiches and watch Steven universe with us! Possiblyfeaturing a surprise visit by Cookie Dough the kitten.Black Hole16:17
Overcooked in Real LifeWorking as a team, you and your fellow chefs must prepare, cook and serve up a varietyof tasty orders in a kitchen filled with various obstacles and constraints to rapidlyprepare meals to specific orders under a time limit.Clam17:17
Bagels and LocksYou know what's even better than free food? Picking locks. Fortunately, we won't makeyou choose between them. Come pick your way through locks and eat through bagels, orvice versa depending on the quality of your dentist.Foo18:17
LovecraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you’ve always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand reform them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.Black Hole18:47
Friday Fry DayCome make some unhealthy decisions with us! We have a deep fryer and we're not afraid touse it. We have all of the essentials (chicken, oreos, mozzarella sticks), but feel freeto bring any food that you'd be interested in tryingto fry.Basement20:17
Make a Cute Friend (And Then Eat It)!What it says on the tin. Alternatively: come make cute boiled egg/bento animals andonigiri! They are almost too adorable to eat.BMF22:17
Friday, April 12
Saturday Morning Breakfast CerealCome watch cartoons from my childhood (not necessarily yours) while eating all yourfavorite breakfast foods (vegan options included) and while petting a cat. Loop9:17
Chemistry and CakeCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn about chemistry and Course V!Foo9:47
Space and MilkAre you a space NERD? Can you drink more milk than Black Hole's BIGGEST milkenthusiasts? Come to this event and geek out about space, learn about cool space things,and explore the ~milky way~Foo10:47
Engineering and WingsWe love doing engineering here at MIT! Come pick the minds of some of our mechanical andaerospace engineering students, while consuming the finest in sintered flour compositechicken wings.Foo11:47
Biology and BrowniesWant to learn about the life of a biology major at MIT? Want to eat brownies? Hear aboutcool research students are doing on campus? Eat brownies? Know if organic chemistryreally is /that/ bad? Brownies? Geek out about biology? Brownies?Brownies! (Brownies will be served.) Foo12:47
Literature and Lemon BarsThere’s more to MIT than just stem. Come chat books and humanities with Random’s onlyliterature major!Foo13:47
CS and JuiceCome hear about computer science research, projects, topics, and oddities. Drink juiceand learn. It's CS and Juice!Foo14:47
Math and TeaMath is the best, right? Especially when augmented by tea and cookies. And zetafunctions.Foo15:47
Physics and FizzesCome and explore interesting ideas in physics and learn what MIT has to offer. (Onething MIT offers is free soda.)Foo16:47
Rooftop Festival of CricketsCome enjoy Random Hall’s second annual Rooftop Festival of Crickets! Get your own rosterof crickets just by stopping by, then compete with your own crickets against others incricket controlled Bug Racers®, cricket-sized mazes, andmore! Win your cricket prizes! Roofdeck14:47
Roofdeck MoviesBiotech company steal your view of the skyline? Steal their wall! We're watching movieson the side of Takeda, projected from the roofdeck until it's too bright outside to seeanything. w/ snacks!Roofdeck19:47
Queer Ladies' Movie NightWatch classic queer movies centered around LGBTQ women and make your own pride flagcookies! People of all genders and sexualities welcome.Loop19:47
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired, and enjoy a homecooked meal!Pecker21:47
Nekomimi Maid CafeCome to Random to be served delicious food by maids with cat ears! kawaii neko maid cafe(=^-.-^=)/ nyaa~Foo23:17
Saturday, April 14
Giant Paper Airplanesmake then throw really big paper airplanes on the roof deckRoofdeck10:17

REX 2018

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Saturday, August 25
Experimental CookingDo you yearn to push the limits of culinary experimentation beyond the conventionallyaccepted or the reasonable? Do people call your creations "interesting," "bold," or"dumb"? No longer! Come to Random Hall to do Science! Exceptedible! Think potato caramel, popcorn cake, and "good" rice cookies.Pecker Kitchen12:17
Life-Sized Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep", pretzel "wheat", oreo "iron", and graham cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything to yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!Foo12:17
B^NIf you haven't been introduced to Toscanini's B^3 (brown butter, brown sugar, andbrownies) ice cream yet, you will be soon, never fear. But in the mean time, experiencesomething exponentially greater: B^N. Ice cream can only be betterwith more toppings that start with B, right? Brownies, bananas, berries, basil, brie,broccoli, beef, blood... Loop Kitchen2:17
LovecraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you've always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand re-form them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.Black Hole Kitchen15:17
Rockets and RamenCome get your financial priorities straight with Destiny's rocket team members whileexploring the two primary uses of our kitchen table.Destiny Kitchen 16:17
Jackbox Power HourPlay great Jackbox party games like Drawful, Fibbage, and Trivia Murder Party and eatpizza with the babes of BMF!BMF Lounge 17:17
BirdlandJoin a dramatic reading of Birdland, an interactive story game about gay summer campersand also birds!Black Hole Lounge17:47
LN2 Ice CreamI scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Served steaming cold.Foo19:17
Angst and AppetizersI look deep into my heart. I see only darkness. I look into the darkness. I see onlydespair. Not very well though. Because of the darkness.Bonfire Lounge21:17
Anime Binge on ClamReady to relax and binge some anime! Come join Clam for some excellent binges!Clam Kitchen22:17
Sunday, August 26
Math and TeaMath isn't all about holomorphic homomorphisms. Some of it is fun stuff you can learnover tea and cookies. Come on down for refreshments and fun math problems.Pecker Lounge11:17
Hair to Dye ForIs your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors of the rainbow. (Feel free to come in at any time during the event.)Foo11:17
Clam OlympicsYou're familiar with the Summer Olympics, and you know all about the Winter Olympics,but have you heard of the Spring Olympics? This year, they are being held in RandomHall. Come compete in the Clam Olympics and attempt to bringhome a medal! We're totally licensed by the IOC.Clam Lounge12:17
Biology and BrowniesWant to learn about the life of a biology major at MIT? Want to eat brownies? Hear aboutcool research students are doing on campus? Eat brownies? Know if organic chemistryreally is /that/ bad? Brownies? Geek out about biology? Brownies?Brownies! (Brownies will be served.)Bonfire Lounge13:17
Spinning on the RoofdeckLearn to spin balls on strings around your head without hitting yourself! Come hang outon our lovely roofdeck and learn the basics of the ancient art of Poi!Roofdeck14:17
Random HallsmeadeIn Hogsmeade you can find all sorts of fantastic treats! Come through Random Hall's veryown portal to the magical town to enjoy some of their snacks and watch one of thedocumentaries about the events leading up to the Second WizardingWar.Loop Lounge14:17
Cookies and SmutListen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and discover Thor's magnificent hammer!Black Hole Kitchen15:17
The Rooftop Festival of CricketsCome enjoy Random Hall’s first ever Rooftop Festival of Crickets! Get your own roster ofcrickets just by stopping by, then compete with your own crickets against others incricket controlled Bug Racers®, cricket-sized mazes, and more!Win your cricket prizes!Roofdeck16:17
CS and JuiceCome hear about computer science research, projects, topics, and oddities. Drink juicewhile you learn. It's CS and Juice.Foo19:17
How to Not StarveFree food is everywhere! Events! Meals! Desserts! But...what happens when REX...ends?Come cook with us and learn all the ways to feed yourself at MIT! Bonfire Kitchen20:17
Rocky Horrible's Sing-Along BlogCome yell Rocky style callouts at Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Daywhile watching this quirky comedy.AiW20:47
Surrealist Party GamesEver wondered what an exquisite corpse looks like? Or how to sound pretentious atparties? Wonder no more!Loop Kitchen21:47
Bagels and LocksYou know what's even better than free food? Picking locks. Fortunately, we won't makeyou choose between them. Come pick your way through locks and eat through bagels, orvice versa depending on the quality of your dentist. No experiencerequired!Foo22:17
Applied Knot TheoryCan you knot? Here's your chance to learn! A practical introduction to the art,mathematics, and philosophy of tying people up. Come learn how to put the Reidemeistermoves on your friends.Black Hole Lounge22:47
Monday, August 27
Bondage JengaJenga, the fun way! Try not to knock over the tower as you become more and moreentangled! Cooperation is the key to victory in this delicate game of balance!Black Hole Lounge12:17
Cards Against Humanity PictionaryWhy play regular Pictionary when you could be drawing things like MechaHitler, being onfire, a middle aged man on roller skates, raptor attacks, children on leashes, orchainsaws for hands? A hilarious mix of Cards Against Humanityand Pictionary! Shenanigans will ensue.Foo19:17
Crazy Cat Lady Make-a-thonCome eat snacks and make cat toys for the wonderful cats of Loop!Loop Lounge19:17
FiascoFiasco is an improv-based roleplaying game, where characters are created based on theirrelationships to other characters, and everything inevitably goes disastrously! Noexperience with roleplaying games necessary - Fiasco is prettyeasy to learn!Black Hole Lounge20:17
Powerpoint KaraokeAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present!AiW21:47
Tuesday, August 28
Smash ShitNeed a way to relieve some stress? Want to unleash your inner destructive spirit? Comeuse sledgehammers and smash your problems into submission.Alley14:47
DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES WITH FIERCE BLASTS OF DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDECome join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in war­paint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doomand deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker!Foo14:47
DumplingsMake dumplings with Randomites! We’ll teach you if you don’t know how to. Vegetarianoptions available.BMF Kitchen20:17
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired!Pecker Lounge20:17
Queer Ladies' Movie NightWe're all queer here! Come join the ladies of Loop to watch cheesy queer movies (happyending guaranteed) and decorate pride flag cookies. People of all genders andsexualities welcome.Loop Lounge 21:17
Nekomimi Maid Cafe"moshimoshi!" come get fed by maids with cat ears! "ichiban no kawaii neko maid cafedesu!" (=^-.-^=)/ "nyaaaa~"Foo23:17
Midnight ChefIt's midnight, the nearby supermarket is closed (forever), but you're hungry. Let's makea three course meal using only stuff bought from the gas station.Foo24:17
Wednesday, August 29
Saturday Morning Breakfast CartoonsEnjoy your favorite childhood cereals and cartoons!Loop Lounge9:47
Disney NightRemember your childhood and come watch some Disney movies. Sing along, eat popcorn andchill.Clam Kitchen23:17
Thursday, August 30
Physics and FizzesCome and explore interesting ideas in physics and learn what MIT has to offer. (Onething MIT offers is free soda.)Pecker Lounge11:17
HASS and ToastLife isn't just about technicals - HASS classes are the best classes. Meet somereal-life humanities majors and minors (we do exist). Munch on some avocado toast andlearn about MIT's cool humanities classes!Black Hole Kitchen13:17
Plant the Random Hall Garden!Did you know Random Hall has a roofdeck garden? Well, it doesn't - yet. But it will infour hours! Help us plant the inaugural Random garden (gloves/trowels/etc. provided)Roofdeck14:47
Milk and Cookies Storytime Against HumanityQuick! Tell us a story involving being a motherf*cking sorcerer, racially biased SATquestions, and...bees?Black Hole Kitchen15:17
Clam BakeGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We've got the brownies, thehash (browns) and more! (No drugs, just good food and bad puns.)Clam Kitchen16:20
Contemporary "Art" and CharcuterieEat complimentary slices of meat and cheese while deciphering our curated video exhibitsof experimental performative social interventions. Previously entitled "trashy memeswith Luis" but now with unironic performance art.Destiny Lounge's Stadium Seating17:17
:sushi:Make :sushi: with usBMF Kitchen20:17
Boffing on the RoofdeckArm yourself with a weapon wrought of foam and tape, and strike with the fury of athousand tigers! FOR THE GLORY OF RANDOM HALL!Roofdeck20:17
Anime KaraokeCan't resist singing the intro and ending themes every time you watch anime? Don't evenknow the words? No problem! Come sing your favorite anime songs and show the world yourability!AiW21:17
Spaghetti to ForgettiDoes the stress of REX make you a mess? It’s time to forget all that by eating somehomemade spaghetti! Come join Bonfire for various spaghetti and music!Bonfire Kitchen 21:17
Nerdy Sing-AlongCome sing with us! Broadway, Disney, Pokémon, Dr. Horrible, songs about science, andmore!Foo22:17
Feline Summoning RitualBlack Hole's cats are gone. Graduated, the rumors say. The halls are empty, devoid ofplaintive wails for the first time in living memory. Only we can bring them back. Whenthe sky grows dark and the border between worlds weakens,you will know that the time for action has arrived. Together, we shall pierce the veil.We shall chase the fleeting past and snatch at hints of the future, until we know thetruth or have transcended truth altogether. Cloaks andpentagrams will be provided. As for cats, it's up to us.Black Hole Lounge23:17
Friday, August 31
Tea Party ExtravaganzaLauren keeps buying weird and/or fancy teas. Too many teas. Please help us get rid ofthem. There will also be scones.BMF Kitchen16:17
LN2 Ice CreamI scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Served steaming cold. Foo17:47
Whipped Cream SculpturesWield cans of whipped cream and make the best (?) art (?) of your life. And then eat it,if you want.Black Hole Kitchen17:47
Paint Someone's RoomGo to a real MIT student's room and cover that person's wall with whatever you want.Pecker Floor #43318:47
Potatoes and Potato ArtCome hang with the entire Irish undergraduate community at MIT and potato (<- verb).We will eat potatoes, paint with potatoes and decorate potatoes.BMF Kitchen 21:47
Office Hours on ClamStart college right by watching The Office on Clam.Clam Kitchen22:47
Easy Meals Under 15 MinutesToo lazy/busy to cook for real? Learn how to make a wide range of meals in under 15minutes!Black Hole Kitchen22:47

CPW 2018

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Thursday, April 12
D+D+D (Dungeons and Dragons and Donuts)Explore dungeons, fight monsters, and have fun roleplaying with friends while enjoyinghot chocolate and donuts. Black Hole16:17 - 19:47
Dumpling HylomorphismsAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolicreduction on food. (Vegan + Carnivorous options available)BMF18:17 - 20:17
Cards Against Humanity PictionaryWhy play regular Pictionary when you could be drawing things like MechaHitler, being onfire, a middle aged man on roller skates, raptor attacks, children on leashes orchainsaws for hands? A hilarious mix of Cards Against Humanityand Pictionary! Shenanigans will ensue.Foo22:17 - 23:17
Lockpicks and LockpickingCome learn how to pick locks! If that’s too easy, come learn how to make your own picks!If that’s too easy, come and pick locks with us anyway and dazzle us with your skills.AiW22:17 - 24:17
Friday, April 13
BMF Arm WrestlingDrink fancy milk with us! delicious milk full of protein and calcium P: (with lactosefree options) then test your strength in the bmf arm wrestling competition! bananas andother healthy snacks will be provided to fuel your biceps:OBMF11:17 - 12:17
(Almost) Life Sized Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it’s not yourturn) marshmallow “sheep,” pretzel “wheat,” oreo “iron,” and graham-cracker “bricks”!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!Foo16:17 - 20:17
Physics and Fizzy DrinksCome and explore interesting ideas in physics and learn what MIT has to offer. (Onething MIT offers is free soda)Pecker16:17 - 18:17
LovecraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you’ve always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand reform them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.Black Hole16:47 - 18:47
CS and JuiceCome hear about computer science research, projects, topics, and oddities. Drink juicewhile you learn. It’s CS and Juice.Destiny18:17 - 20:17
:sushi:Make the :sushi: with us :100: :100: :100: :fire: :fire: :fire:BMF18:17 - 20:17
Nerdy Sing-a-longCome sing with us! Broadway, Disney, Pokemon, Dr. Horrible, songs about science, andmore!AiW18:47 - 20:17
Math and TeaMath isn’t all about holomorphic homomorphisms. Some of it is fun stuff you can learnover tea and cookies. Come on down for refreshments and fun math problems.Pecker20:17 - 22:17
Queer Ladies' Movie NightWe’re all queer here! Come join the ladies of Loop to watch cheesy queer movies (happyending guaranteed) and decorate pride flag cookies. People of all genders andsexualities welcome.Loop20:47 - 23:17
Epic Mealtime of DestinyBacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips& bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & baconstrips & bacon strips & bacon strips & baconstrips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips &bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips &Destiny23:17 - 25:17
Русская едаОтведайте с нами лучшие блюда русской кухни.BMF23:17 - 24:47
Saturday, April 14
Saturday Morning Breakfast CartoonsEnjoy your favorite childhood cereals and cartoons!Loop9:17 - 11:17
Ceiling Tile PaintingThroughout history, magnificent masterpieces have been painted on ceilings. Unlike theSistine Chapel though, you can just take a ceiling tile down at Random. Bring your ownideas, paint from our photo references, or replicate yourfavorite art piece in ceiling tile form!Foo10:17 - 13:17
Experimental Cooking + Cookie RouletteDo you yearn to push the limits of culinary experimentation? Do people call yourcreations “interesting” or “dumb”? Come to Random to do Science! Except edible! Thinkpotato caramel, popcorn cake, and rice cookies. Not a fan of cooking?Steel your nerves and tastebuds in a game of cookie roulette.Pecker10:47 - 12:47
Crazy Cat Lady Make-a-thonCome meet some of Random Hall’s illustrious feline residents and help us make them toys!They will appreciate it.Loop11:17 - 13:17
Cooking with Clams + Clam OlympicsKeep clam and start Cooking by the Book. Don’t be shellfish, you cod dolphinitely bringfriends too! And: You’re familiar with the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, buthave you heard of the Spring Olympics? This year, they’rebeing held in Random Hall. We’re totally licenced by the IOC.Clam13:47 - 15:47
Jack Box Power HourPlay great Jack Box party games like Drawful, Fibbage, and Trivia Murder Party and eatpizza with the babes of BMF!BMF15:17 - 16:47
Clam BakeGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We’ve got the brownies, thehash browns and more! (Just good food and bad puns).Clam16:20 - 17:47
LN2 Ice CreamI scream, you scream, we all scream for Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream! Served steaming cold.NB: Family members who would like to attend must be accompanied by their childFoo15:47 - 17:47
Nekomimi Maid Cafeneko neko maid cafe ~curry rice and omu rice~ nyaa~Foo19:47 - 21:47
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we’ve acquired!Pecker21:47 - 24:47
Yelling At MoviesWriting movies is hard but making fun of them is easy. Let’s do the latter.AiW22:17 - 24:17

REX 2017

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Friday, August 25
Cards Against Humanity PictionaryWhy play regular Pictionary when you could be drawing things like MechaHitler, being onfire, a middle aged man on roller skates, raptor attacks, children on leashes, orchainsaws for hands? A hilarious mix of Cards Against Humanityand Pictionary!Foo19:17
Mario Kart + WingsHave you ever wanted to learn the pro strats? Come to Random and play the fatest,craziest game of Mario Kart you've ever seen! Also there will be wingsDestiny Kitchen22:47
Saturday, August 26
Random HallsmeadeCome and watch Harry, Ron, and Hermione face werewolves, dementors, and escaped convictSirius Black while enjoying some of the treats you may find in Hogsmeade!Loop Lounge14:17
Epic Mealtime of DestinyBacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips& bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & baconstripsDestiny Kitchen18:17
Weebing; on Clam (Name subject to change)Come out of your shells and join our open weebness in clam. Snacks, Games, Quizs,Discussions etc.Clam Lounge20:17
Nerdy Sing­a­longCome sing with us! Broadway, Disney, Pok?mon, songs about science, and more!AiW21:17
Random House of PancakesIs it early, or is it late? All we know is that we have delicious pancakes to feed you.Foo27:17
Sunday, August 27
Math and TeaExplore math, while sipping tea and munching on cookies.Pecker Lounge10:17
Dumpling HylomorphismsAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolicreduction on food. (Vegan + Carnivorous options available)Black Hole Kitchen12:17
Boffing on the RoofdeckArm yourself with a weapon wrought of foam and tape, and strike with the fury of athousand tigers! FOR THE GLORY OF RANDOM HALL!Roofdeck13:17
Rockets!Space ­ the final frontier! Come and talk to rocket people, learn about the basics ofspace travel, and build your own rocket! Also be ready to launch at insert launch timehereDestiny Kitchen14:17
Cookies and SmutListen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and discover Thor's magnificent hammer!Black Hole15:17
Clam bakeGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We've got the brownies, thehash (browns) and more! (No drugs, just good food and bad puns.)Clam Kitchen16:20
Clam OlympicsThe ancient tradition of the Olympics began with the Greeks. After a long time of peopleforgetting about it, it was first fully re?birthed into its more modern form in 1896.Since then it has been held around the globe. This year,the Olympics are being held in Random Hall. Come compete in the Clam Olympics andattempt to bring home a medal! We're totally licensed by the IOC.Clam16:47
LN2 Ice CreamI scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Served steaming cold.Foo19:17
NERF GUN FIGHT! (Featuring awesome cardboard fortresses)First you pillage, then you burn.Foo19:47
Cars 31+2=3Destiny Lounge21:17
LovecraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you've always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand reform them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.Black Hole21:47
PowerPoint KaraokeGive presentations on topics you know nothing about, using powerpoint slides you'venever seen before! Bonus points if you can get through a whole presentation withoutgiggling!AiW23:17
Spicy MemesWho is the spiciest memelord? Come to Destiny kitchen at Random to find out! Enjoy amemelord burrito, and appreciate the dankest memes that MIT has to offer! Featuring aspecial appearance from the spiciest memelord herself, LillyChin!Destiny Kitchen24:17
Monday, August 28
Spinning on the RoofdeckLearn to spin balls on strings around your head without hitting yourself! Come hang outon our lovely roofdeck and learn the basics of the ancient art of Poi!Roofdeck13:17
BMF Arm Wrestling Competitioncome participate in the first­ever bmf arm wrestling competition yayyy, and revel in howbad­ass the residents of bmf are! :P high­protein noms and possibly prizes will beprovided :VBMF Kitchen16:47
Physics And Fizzy DrinksExplore the world of physics at MIT while exploring a variety of soft drinks.Pecker Lounge16:47
Queer Ladies Movie NightWatch classic queer movies centered around LGBTQ women and make your own pride flagcookies! People of all genders and sexualities welcome.Loop18:47
Residence EggsplorationScrambling to feed yourself this week? Come enjoy some egg­cellent free food! And whileyou're enjoying the egg­regiously large amount of deviled eggs, meet Random Hall's mostdevilish residents.Black Hole Kitchen18:47
Sexy Sexy HASSHave thoughts about the way video editing in porn influences our perceptions of genderroles? Excited about polyamorous marriage and crossdressing in 1920s Germany? Got atheory as to why webcomics are so conducive to queer erotica?Come chat about all the sexiest bits of the humanities at MIT!Black Hole10:17
Spicy Ramen ChallengeFeeling Spicy? Come challenge yourself and friends to the spiciest ramen in Clamkitchen!Clam Kitchen20:17
Billiards Hockeypool table doesn't really work right. So why should we play by the rules when itdoesn't? We'll be using hockey sticks instead of cues.AiW22:17
Midnight ChefIt's midnight, the supermarket is closed, but you're hungry. Let's go to the gas stationand try making a three course meal.Foo24:17
Random House of PancakesIs it early, or is it late? All we know is that we have delicious pancakes to feed you.Foo27:17
Tuesday, August 29
DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES WITH FIERCE BLASTS OF DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDECome join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water war! Coveryourself in balloon armor! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators ofdoom and deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker!Roofdeck12:47
DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES 2: AQUATIC BOOGALOO @ Random HallMeet us at Random for some last­minute prep before we head to the water war! We'll beleaving for Killian at 7:17 sharp, so if you're running late just join us there!Foo18:17
Applied Knot TheoryAn introduction to the art of tying up pretty people with pretty knots in practical andornamental ways!Black Hole20:47
(Almost) Life Size Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life­sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham­cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!Foo20:47
Rocky Horrible's Sing­a­long BlogCome yell Rocky style callouts at Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Daywhile watching this quirky comedy.AiW21:47
Wednesday, August 30
Comics and PizzaPicture books aren't just for kids! let's talk about our favorite illustrated narrativeforms, featuring western comics, manga, webcomics, and pizzaBMF21:47
Fruit Inc.The most ink­credible fruit you'll see today; come tattoo fruit with the designs youwant to use for shocking your parents later.Black Hole Kitchen22:47
The Inaugural Midnight PSET RaceYou'll be doing PSETs in a few days, so come and experience firsthand how the processworks! Spicy prizes go to the winners of this contest.Destiny Kitchen24:17
Thursday, August 31
Sushi EmojiMake the :sushi: with us :100: :100: :100: :fire: :fire: :fire:BMF Kitchen11:47
3D TwisterWe wanted to do it in 4D, but the Transdimensional Building Committe wouldn't approve. 3boards, 3 Dimensions, 5242880 more ways to get tangled up.Black Hole Lounge12:17
LN2 Ice CreamI scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Served steaming cold.Foo13:17
Bondage JengaJenga, the fun way! Try not to knock over the tower while slowly becoming more and moretied up! Play cooperatively or competitively!Black Hole13:17
Make Your Own HeadlampsCome learn about circuits to solder your own headlamp! Then you can see in the dark whenyou need your hands. No previous electrical engineering experience necessary.Foo13:47
Fiasco?Join us for Fiasco, the short tabletop roleplaying game of powerful ambition and poorimpulse control. Quickly build relationships like "long lost siblings," "crime friends"and "joint owners of a dead seal" with your fellow frosh,and sit back and relax as everything go to hell in a handbasket.Black Hole14:47
Shop Till You Drop!East Campus doesn't have the monopoly on power tools! Come build cool stuff in RandomHall's very own woodshop (Proper shop attire required)Shop15:47
Chemistry and CakeCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn about chemistry and Course V!Pecker Lounge15:47
Crazy Cat Lady Make­a­thonLike crafts? Love cats? Come make toys with the lovely ladies of Loop for our handsomekitties!Loop Lounge16:47
Nekomimi Maid CafeCome to Random to be served delicious food by maids with cat ears! kawaii neko maid cafe(=^­.­^=)/ nyaa~Foo20:17
[Foobar]tendingDo you like alcohol?! Well, this event won't have any... But there will be fancy drinks!Black Hole Kitchen22:47
Friday, September 1
Biology with BrowniesMitochondria, mitosis, cloning, epigenetics, immunology, oncogenes, and all the scienceof life! That or brownies: which is more amazing? YOU DECIDE.Bonfire12:47
Microwaves and thawReady for a life of weird projects and free supplies; come to a practical tutorial incrufting at Random (may field trip to Stata loading dock)Black Hole13:47
Ceiling Tile PaintingDid you know that gullible is written on the ceiling? And that's not the only thing thatcan be if you come decorate one of Random Hall's ceiling tiles!Foo14:47
Hair to Dye ForIs your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors in the rainbow! (Feel free to come in at any time during the event.)Black Hole Kitchen17:17
Architecture and Avocado ToastBe a bougie millenial, enjoy some avocado toast and learn about Course 4 at MITBMF Lounge18:17
VegablesREX has been fun, you've done your job and paid for none of your food. Problem is, allthis free food tends to be of the... less than healthy variety. Come to Random and fightoff scurvy.Bonfire Kitchen19:17
Wisconsin State FairAre you feeling homesick for the midwest? Or do you just want some delicious deep friedfair food? Come sample our array of artery clogging comfort food, including deep friedoreos, deep fried macaroni and cheese on a stick, deep friedcheese curds, and more! We won't forget the cream puffs!Foo19:17
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired!Pecker Lounge22:17

CPW 2017

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Thursday, April 6
CS and JuiceCome hear about our computer science research and projects: Motion planning hardness andprivate simultaneous messages and writing short programs, networks and protocols andalgorithms and more. Drink juice while you learn.Foo16:17 - 18:17
Hair to Dye ForIs your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors in the rainbow! (Feel free to come in at any time during the event.)Black Hole16:17 - 18:17
Random Hall Art Tour + Ceiling Tile PaintingThroughout history, magnificent masterpieces have been painted on ceilings. Unlike theSistine Chapel though, you can just take a ceiling tile down at Random. Bring your ownideas, paint from our photo references, or replicate yourfavorite art piece in ceiling tile form! There will also be a tour of some rooms thathouse cool art and constructions.Foo18:17 - 20:17
Nerdy Sing-alongIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event is fulfilling increative ways. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be thefuture soon, so press up B and be still alive.AiW18:47 - 20:17
Powerpoint KaraokeGive presentations on topics you know nothing about, using powerpoint slides you'venever seen before! Bonus points if you can get through a whole presentation withoutgiggling!AiW22:17 - 23:17
Friday, April 7
Ice cream and Urops Eat delicious LN2 Ice Cream while listening to excited people be excited about theirexciting Undergraduate Research!Foo11:17 - 12:17
Cutting... With LASERS!Like building things? Like lasers? Come experience the cutting power of 75 watts ofstimulated IR radiation! We'll laser-cut parts and assemble something coolShop12:17 - 13:47
Physics & FizzesCome and explore interesting ideas in physics and learn what MIT has to offer. (Onething MIT offers is free soda)Pecker15:47 - 17:47
D&D&D&D (Donuts and Drinks and Dungeons and Dragons)Come drink hot chocolate and eat donuts while playing D&D with us! Black Hole16:17 - 20:17
Clam Olympics & Clam BakeGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We've got the brownies, thehash (browns) and more! (No drugs, just good food and bad puns). Then, be pushed to yourphysical and mental limits by running around while holdingyour breath, challenging Clam legends in Smash, or proving your luck in a high intensitycoin toss competition!Clam16:20 - 18:20
Make Your Own HeadlampLearn how to solder and do some basic electronics by making a light that stays on yourhead, keeping your hands free. Headlamps are perfect for camping. Basement16:47 - 19:47
Wisconsin State FairAre you feeling homesick for the midwest? Or do you just want some delicious deep friedfair food? Come sample our array of artery clogging comfort food, including deep friedoreos, deep fried macaroni and cheese on a stick, deep friedcheese curds, and more! We won't forget the cream puffs!Foo18:17 - 20:17
(Almost) Life Size Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham-cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities! Other (smaller) board gamesare available tooFoo19:17 - 23:17
Queer Ladies (Vegan) Dinner and Movie NightVegans make the best food - we'll teach you how to cook and enjoy a delicious meal!Afterwards, we'll take our goodies to the lounge and watch a movie featuring LGBTQwomen. People of all genders, sexualities, and eating habits welcome!If you're not interested in the meal, the movie will start about 20:17.Loop19:47 - 22:47
Potato ArtsDid you know Random Hall houses 100% of the Irish undergraduate population? Come enjoytraditional Irish arts and crafts!BMF22:47 - 0:17
Spritecome drink sprite™ with usDestiny23:17 - 0:47
Trashy Memes with Luiswe are number one but every one is replaced with MIT CPW 2017 but every time someonesays "culture of innovation" it gets faster and every time someone says "top-tieruniversity" the video quality gets worseDestiny24:17 - 1:00
Saturday, April 8
Saturday Morning Bread & CartoonsWhat could be better than warm, fresh bread after a long night? If you eat your breadand breakfast while watching your favourite old cartoons!Loop8:17 - 11:17
Chemistry and CakeCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn about chemistry and Course V!Pecker9:47 - 11:47
Reverse Strip TeaseRather than the shedding of our underthings, we don MORE! And MORE! Until we CANTANYMORE!!BMF11:17 - 12:17
Math and TeaMath isn't all about holomorphic homomorphisms. Some of it is fun stuff you can learnover tea and cookies. Come on down for refreshments and fun math problems.Pecker11:47 - 13:47
The Great Pieing WarFriends, Romans, war is never pretty. There may be whipped cream. There will certainlybe pie. But remember that your children will tell stories of the day you stood on theroofdeck of Random Hall, you stood and fought for what youbelieved in. Throwing pies at other people.Roof12:17 - 12:47
Dumpling HylomorphismsThe ORIGINAL dumpling event. All other events are FAKE EVENTS. SAD! Anamorphism: thebuilding up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of a structure. Hylomorphism:both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? A hylomorphismon dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolic reduction on food.(Vegan + Carnivorous options available)Black Hole12:17 - 14:47
Spinning on the RoofdeckLearn to spin balls on strings around your head without hitting yourself! Come hang outon our lovely roofdeck and learn the basics of the ancient art of Poi! Roof12:47 - 13:47
Epic Mealtime of DestinyBacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips& bacon strips & bacon stripsDestiny14:17 - 16:17
Bonfire Tea Party+OrigamiYou are cordially invited to the classiest of Tea Parties at Random Hall. Enjoy thefinest of teas, the fanciest of orderves, and the most sophisticated of music as we useorigami to transform ordinary pedestrian paper into much classierforms. No origami or tea party experience required.Bonfire14:47 - 16:47
Crazy Cat Lady Make-a-thonLike crafts? Love cats? Join the lovely ladies of Loop in making toys for our cats!Loop16:17 - 17:47
Nekomimi Maid CafeCome to Random to be served delicious food by maids with cat ears! kawaii neko maid cafe(=^-.-^=)/ nyaa~Foo19:47 - 21:47
Random StargazingLet's go stargazing!Roofdeck(?)21:17 - 23:17
Yelling at Movies + Experimental SmoothiesLet's be real guys. We're creative people. We know how to make things. Not like thesemovie makers, I mean what? That scriptwriter should learn how to write scripts! And youcall that acting? Dumb. Come yell at some bad movies withus. Then show your own creativity by making some experimental smoothies. Fruit andcoconut juice? Sounds good. Ice cream and milk? You're on a roll. Kale, broccoli, andkool-aid? NOW it's art.AiW21:17 - 23:17

REX 2016

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Monday, August 22
Telephone PictionaryIs that a rampaging dinosaur breathing acid on a girl eating a hot dog? Or is it adragon trying to make friends with a guy playing a harmonica?19:17 - 20:17
Tuesday, August 23
Tragedy LooperWhat if you could travel back in time to prevent a tragedy? In Tragedy Looper, atime-loop deduction board game, you do just that. Unfortunately, you don't know who iswho, what is what, or even how to win. Can you escape the cycleof terror?19:17 - 22:17
Wednesday, August 24
Minecraft!Come play on our Minecraft Server! Check out our blocky version of Random Hall and playSurvival, Creative, or UltraHardCore modes! 19:17 - 21:17
Thursday, August 25
Cards Against Humanity PictionaryWhy play regular Pictionary when you could be drawing things like MechaHitler, being onfire, a middle aged man on roller skates, raptor attacks, children on leashes, orchainsaws for hands? A hilarious mix of Cards Against Humanityand Pictionary! Shenanigans will ensue.19:17 - 20:17
Friday, August 26
Monty Python Quote-A-LongSpam spam spam spam cheese shop and spam spam hovercraft full of eels and spam spam spamand the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow. Oh, and spam. 19:17 - 21:17
Saturday, August 27
Pet Food or Baby Food?Is It Pet Food Or Baby Food? Can you tell the difference?14:47 - 15:47
Character BuildingSo what’s your dump stat? Come find out how many natural 20s you rolled at birth in aseries of grueling physical and mental challenges designed to determine your real lifeDnD base skill modifiers!15:47 - 17:47
Random ChessDo you like chess? Do want to learn how to make chess even more awesome? Play randomchess, twin chess, bughouse chess, anti-chess, bidding chess, monster chess, or anychess you can dream of!17:47 - 18:47
LoveCraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you've always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand reform them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.18:47 - 20:47
Classy Jazz LoungeRelax with classy upperclassmen in Bonfire lounge while smooth jazz plays in thebackground and appetizers are served. Black tie not required, but we'll certainly bedressed up.20:47 - 21:47
Werewolf SmoothiesCome drink smoothies as you play One Night Ultimate Werewolf, a game similar to Mafia.21:47 - 22:47
Nerdy Sing-a-longIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event is fulfilling increative ways. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be thefuture soon, so press up B and be still alive.22:47 - 23:47
Sunday, August 28
Dumpling HylomorphismsAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolicreduction on food. (Vegan + Carnivorous options available)12:17 - 14:17
Chemistry and CakeCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn chemistry and about course 5!12:47 - 14:17
Hair to Dye forIs your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors in the rainbow! (Feel free to come in at any time during the event.)14:17 - 17:47
LN2 Ice Cream!I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Served steaming cold.14:17 - 16:17
Math and TeaDo you like Math? Do you like tea and cookies? If you answered yes, you should come toone of Random's most iconic REX events.14:17 - 16:17
Spinning on the RoofdeckLearn to spin balls on strings around your head without hitting yourself! Come hang outon our lovely roofdeck and learn the basics of the ancient art of Poi! 15:17 - 16:17
Competitive Fanfiction!Who makes a better couple, Kylo Ren and Alexander Hamilton, or Luna Lovegood and Xenathe Warrior Princess? Come help us find out by writing flash fiction and voting in ourbracket to determine the ULTIMATE PAIRING OF ALL TIME!!!!16:17 - 17:47
Clam BakeGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We've got the brownies, thehash (browns) and more! (No drugs, just good food and bad puns.)16:20 - 17:47
CS and JuiceListen to Randomites talk excitedly about Computer Science while solving the knapsackproblem of your stomach and several varieties of sugary goodness.19:17 - 22:17
Sushi MakingIs going to pika too far? Let's make & eat sushi in Random instead!19:17 - 21:17
Important Bonfire BallotsOne of the proudest traditions of Random Hall, and Bonfire in particular, is theImportant Bonfire Ballot. When a Bonfaar has a burning question in need of an answer,they turn to the wisdom of their peers by emailing out an ImportantBonfire Ballot. Find out what deep mysteries countless Bonfaari have wondered about, andshare your own answers to the great philosophical dilemmas that have long plagued ourfloor!21:17 - 22:17
Advanced Mario Kart200 cc or bust. You'll be going so fast that you eat your own dust, and learn how todrift perfectly around corners and mess up a certain red-hatted plumber.22:17 - 24:47
Storytime with Cruft"Cruft, n.: (1) An old piece of computer equipment, possibly useless, that keeps hangingaround. (2) An old alum." Come hear stories from back in the day, when things were morehardcore.22:17 - 24:17
Midnight ChefIt's midnight, the supermarket is closed, but you're hungry. Let's go to the gas stationand try making a three course meal.24:17 - 26:17
Monday, August 29
Clam OlympicsThe ancient tradition of the Olympics began with the Greeks. After a long time of peopleforgetting about it, it was first fully re-birthed into its more modern form in 1896.Since then it has been held around the globe. This year,the Olympics are being held in Random Hall. Come compete in the Clam Olympics andattempt to bring home a medal! We're totally licensed by the IOC.16:17 - 17:17
Cookies and SmutListen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and discover Thor's magnificent hammer!18:47 - 19:47
Minion Dominion: Going BANANAAAAS!The world has gone BANANAAAS! Minions are dominating the Earth! Come be despicable;decorate banana flavored goods despicably Minion-like in support of this new ruling.18:47 - 19:47
Battleship TwisterBlue 4! Red 2! You sunk a frosh! Play a game of battleship where you're the ships andthe grid is a twister board.19:47 - 20:47
Epic Mealtime of DestinyBacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips& bacon strips19:47 - 21:47
Queer Ladies Movie NightWatch classic queer movies centered around LGBTQ women and make your own pride flagcookies! People of all genders and sexualities welcome.20:47 - 24:17
Rocky Horrible's Sing-a-long BlogCome yell Rocky style callouts at Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Daywhile watching this quirky comedy.21:47 - 22:47
Tuesday, August 30
Cardboard!You are a frosh. You probably have too many boxes. You should come and learn what to dowith all of them (along with a copious amount of duct tape)! We'll make excellentthings-- from useful things like tissue box dispensers, whichwill periodically dispense empty tissue boxes, to miscellaneous fun things I haven'tthought of!12:47 - 13:47
Nacho OptimizationThe power to make nachos is one of the unsung privileges of adulthood. But which cheese?Which chips? Someone who has spent way too much time experimenting on nachos will guideyou as you design the bowl that is right for you.12:47 - 13:47
Crazy Cat Lady Make-a-thonDo you like cats? Do you need convincing that cats are the best? Come meet the cats ofRandom Hall! Make them toys! Eat yummy treats with them! Become their pets? Enjoy thefurry and purring creatures! 18:47 - 20:17
Physics and Fizzy DrinksDid you know that surface tension effects mean that CO2 dissolved in soda is in ametastable solution state? If you want to know what those words mean, or just want toenjoy soda and chips, come on over to one of Random Hall's traditionalREX activities.18:47 - 20:17
Nekomimi Maid CafeCome to Random to be served delicious food by maids with cat ears! kawaii neko maid cafe(=^-.-^=)/ nyaa~20:17 - 22:17
Bonfire NightCome light up Bonfire and raise the lounge temperature to uncomfortably warm! There willbe bouncy lights and glow-in-the-dark things, and maybe even loud music.22:17 - 25:17
Milk and Cookies Storytime Against HumanityQuick! Tell us a story involving being a motherf*cking sorcerer, racially biased SATquestions, and...bees? 22:17 - 23:47
Wednesday, August 31
DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES WITH FIERCE BLASTS OF DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDECome join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in war-paint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doomand deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker!10:17 - 11:17
DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES 2: AQUATIC BOOGALOOMeet us at Random for some last-minute prep before we head to the water war! We'll beleaving for Killian at 6:15 sharp, so if you're running late just join us there!17:45 - 18:15
Thursday, September 1
LN2 TrufflesGanache - 196 Kelvins = Delicious! Come freeze your own truffles in a bowl of liquidnitrogen.12:17 - 14:17
Smash ShitNeed a way to relieve some stress? Want to unleash your inner destructive spirit? Comeuse sledgehammers and smash your problems into submission.12:17 - 14:17
Random HallsmeadeCome and watch Harry, Ron, and Hermione face werewolves, dementors, and escaped convictSirius Black while enjoying some of the treats you may find in Hogsmeade!14:17 - 16:47
RuPaul's Drag RaceShantay, You Stay! Come let us do your costume and makeup and turn you into a fabulousglamazon covergirl ready for the runway! Compete to become Random Hall's next dragsuperstar! And DON'T f*ck it up!14:17 - 16:17
CHEEEEEEESEHave you ever wanted to attend a fancy cheese tasting event? Now you can! We'll havemany kinds of cheese, bread, fruit, and cider for you to sample. 18:47 - 19:47
Practical AlgorithmsAlgorithms can run on more than just computers - try them out yourself! Learn how tosort lists, multiply integers, find paths through graphs, and match regular expressions,all as fast as possible. You'll get an intuitive understandingof how computers solve different tasks, and some of the pros and cons of each.18:47 - 20:47
Fiddler on the RoofdeckDo you love latkes? Miss matzah ball soup? Come eat home-cooked Jewish food and watchFiddler on the Roof on Random's roofdeck! Being Jewish not required.19:47 - 21:47
Nerf ChessYou know what chess needs more of? NERF GUNS! Shoot your opponent to make it your turn.Guaranteed to be cognitive overload.20:47 - 21:47
(Almost) Life-Size Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham-cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!21:47 - 25:47
Reverse Turing TestCan you be the next Cleverbot? Compete with other humans and robots to see who canimitate a chatbot the best, or help us tell the real computers apart from the impostors!Please bring a laptop if you'd like to compete, preferablywith an IRC client installed (we can help you get set up).21:47 - 23:47
Friday, September 2
Mountain Dew ConnoisseursWe're all civilized people here. Lets act like it. Come down to Random Hall and sample aflight of our distinctive Mountain Dews. While tasting a selection of our temptingMountain Dew varieties, cleanse the palate with our menu ofsmall bites.12:47 - 13:47
Sexy Sexy HASS Discussion CircleHave thoughts about the way video editing in porn influences our perceptions of genderroles? Excited about polyamorous marriage and crossdressing in 1920s Germany? Got atheory as to why webcomics are so conducive to queer erotica?Come chat about all the sexiest bits of the humanities at MIT! 12:47 - 13:47
Random JamHeads of House Laurie and Jared love to play music and will host a REX jam session --unstructured, freeform, any noises count as instruments, just a good ol' wild time. Theyhave a bunch of percussive instruments, and students canalso bring any instruments/objects they want to make noises with as well.13:47 - 16:47
LN2 Ice Cream!I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Served steaming cold.13:47 - 14:47
FRYdayRemember those state fairs? Well it's going to smell just like that (minus the animals)and have all the same delicious fried foods you could ever want.14:47 - 17:47
Ceiling Tile PaintingDid you know that gullible is written on the ceiling? And that's not the only thing thatcan be if you come decorate one of Random Hall's ceiling tiles! 16:47 - 17:47
Applied Knot TheoryAn introduction to the art of tying knots and people in practical and ornamental ways.Our knowledge of knots is not for naught. I can knot understand how anyone could knot beexcited.17:47 - 18:47
How To Not StarveSo mum's left you here with a pineapple, some plastic wrap, and $20 for food. Come learnhow to fend off the hunger once the free food events run out.17:47 - 19:47
Bondage JengaJenga, the fun way! Try not to knock over the tower while slowly becoming more and moretied up! Play cooperatively or competitively!18:47 - 19:47
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired!19:47 - 23:47

CPW 2016

The internet archive fails us at recovering exact descriptions.

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Thursday, April 7
Ice Cream and UROPsEat delicious Toscanini's while listening to excited people be excited about theirexciting Undergraduate Research!Foo14:17
Computer Science and JuiceBobby walks down the aisle at Shaw's, trying to pick the optimal set of juices to buy.He can't buy pomegranate juice without something sweeter to mix it with, like apple ororange, but if he buys orange juice, he won't buy orangemango as well...uh oh. Bobby smells a boolean satisfiability problem to solve. Stop byRandom Hall to learn some cool new things about computer science!Foo16:17
Truffles and Tribbleations??17:17
PowerPoint Karaoke?AiW18:17
Clam OlympicsThe ancient tradition of the Olympics began with the Greeks. After a long time of peopleforgetting about it, it was first fully re-birthed into its more modern form in 1896.Since then it has been held around the globe. Come competein the Clam Olympics and attempt to bring home a medal!Clam19:17
Storytime Against HumanityQuick! Tell us as story involving Racially Biased SAT Questions, Chainsaws For Hands,and Teaching a Robot to Love! Come enjoy milk and cookies and improvise impromptustories based on Cards Against Humanity cards.Black Hole Kitchen19:17
Sufficiently Advanced Technology: The GatheringI challenge you to a children's card game! Learn how to play Magic: The Gathering, thenbuild decks and compete with each other.Clam Kitchen21:47
Storytime with Cruft?AiW22:47
Friday, April 8
Practical AlgorithmsAlgorithms can run on more than just computers - try them out yourself! Learn how tosort lists, multiply integers, find paths through graphs, and match regular expressions,all as fast as possible. You'll get a intuitive understandingof how computers solve different tasks, and some of the pros and cons of each.Foo11:47
Hair to Dye For?Black Hole Kitchen15:47
Character BuildingSo what's your dump stat? Come find out how many natural 20s you rolled at birth in aseries of grueling physical and mental challenges designed to determine your real lifebase skill modifiers!Black Hole Lounge15:47
LN2 Ice Cream and Truffles?Foo16:47
mitBEEFCome eat beef with mitBEEF, MIT's only student organization that promotes the educationand consumption of beef and beef products.Foo17:17
Cooking with Mujeres LatinasCome cook and eat Mexican food with Mujeres Latinas and get to know about ourexperiences on campus! Everyone welcome, food provided as well as piñatas to smash.? Kitchen17:17
Chemistry and CakeCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn chemistry and about course 5!Pecker Lounge17:47
Physics and FizzesLike physics? Like all things carbonated? Come to Pecker Lounge, where we will delve themysteries of freshman physics and quantum field theory!Pecker Lounge19:17
Crazy Cat Lady Make-A-Thon!Make cat toys with yarn and cat supplies! See how long your toy lasts and how much thecats like to play with it!!! Meet the crazy cat ladies of Random.Loop+Black Hole Lounges20:17
(Almost) Life-Size Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham-cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!Foo21:47
Nerdy Singalong!It's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event is fulfilling increative ways. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be thefuture soon, so press up B and be still alive.AiW22:17
Saturday, April 9
Saturday Morning Breakfast CartoonsGet nostalgic and eat yummy cereal while watching kids' cartoons!Loop Lounge9:47
Dumpling HylomorphismsAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. (Vegan + Carnivorous options available)Black Hole Kitchen12:17
Puzzling PuzzlesDid you know Random Hall wrote last year's Mystery Hunt? Come solve logic puzzles, wordpuzzles, and puzzles the likes of which you've never seen before!Clam lounge13:17
Math and TeaIf you like learning and thinking about math, you'll find good company here! Drop by todrink in some math, and some tea as well.Pecker Lounge14:47
Nerf Chess!You know what chess needs more of? NERF GUNS! Shoot your opponent to make it your turn.Guaranteed to be cognitive overload.Foo15:47
Nekomimi Maid Cafe?Foo19:47
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired!Pecker Lounge21:47
1920s Sci-Fi Movie Marathon?AiW22:47

REX 2015

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Tuesday, August 25
Cards Against Humanity PictionaryWhy play regular Pictionary when you could be drawing things like MechaHitler, being onfire, a middle aged man on roller skates, raptor attacks, children on leashes, orchainsaws for hands? A hilarious mix of Cards Against Humanityand Pictionary! Shenanigans will ensue.20:17 - 21:47
Wednesday, August 26
Kindergarten!You left kindergarten, but it will never leave you! Come relive the glory days!20:17 - 22:17
Thursday, August 27
Random HallsmeadeCome and watch Harry, Ron, and Hermione face werewolves, dementors, and escaped convictSirius Black while enjoying some of the treats you may find in Hogsmeade!20:17 - 22:47
Friday, August 28
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes! Is it early, or is it late? All we know is that we havedelicious pancakes to feed you.3:17 - 6:17
Pecker Board Game Night and Teach you TichuBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired!20:17 - ???
Saturday, August 29
Espresso and Latte ArtCome to Random Hall to learn the mysteries of high-pressure coffee.9:47 - 11:47
Nacho Average NachosNachos with meat! Nachos with vegetables! Nachos with nachos! Maybe even a nacho castle!11:47 - 12:47
Liquid Nitrogen TrufflesLet's see just how many uses LN2 has.12:47 - 14:47
PowerPoint KaraokeHELP! The board of directors will be here in a minute, and Arthur has deleted thecompany performance review slideshow by accident! Here, we'll put on some PowerPointslides we randomly found in the company servers - help us convincethe directors that *we know what we're talking about*!! (Come and watch! Or, are youready SAVE THE DAY OR DIE TRYING? I mean, die laughing)14:17 - 15:47
Cookies and SmutListen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and discover Thor's magnificent hammer!15:47 - 16:47
Sledgehammer CroquetPlay croquet with an extremely heavy mallet normally used to demolish things!16:47 - 18:17
How to Not StarveSo your mom left you here with a pineapple, some plastic wrap, and $20 for food. Comelearn how to fend off the hunger once the free food events run out.18:17 - 20:17
Almost Life-Sized Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham-cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!19:17 - 23:17
Spooky Scary VideogamesPossessed animatronics? Spooky scary skeletons? Ghosts!?!?!? Let's discover all theseand more through the power of horror video games!20:47 - 22:17
SLUMBER PARTYYY!!1!cos(0)!Ever wanted to be a teenage girl? Well now's your chance! Come join us for a night ofnail painting, hair braiding, stuffed animals, and watching chick flicks.22:17 - 24:17
Sunday, August 30
Storytime with Cruft"Cruft, n.: (1) An old piece of computer equipment, possibly useless, that keeps hangingaround. (2) An old alum." Come hear stories from back in the day, when things were morehardcore.10:47 - 12:47
Dumpling HylomorphismsAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolicreduction on food. (Vegan + Carnivorous options)12:47 - 15:47
Math and TeaLearn some fun and intriguing math, with snacks to fend off brain death. Some sugar fromcookies, and caffeine from tea, will power the fun we will hath!14:47 - 17:47
Random Swords Adventures!Having trouble making frenemies? We can fix that! Come play Legend of Zelda: Four SwordsAdventures, a "cooperative" game where you have to "work together" to rid Hyrule ofevil.16:47 - 18:17
Build a PizzaBUILD A. PIZZA. Make your own pizza and set. it free. BUILD YOUR. PIZZA. FIND YOUR.PIZZA. { MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM }. YOUR PIZZA.19:17 - 21:17
CHEEEEESESwiss Cheddar Brie Cottage Parmigiano Reggiano Gouda Chevre Camembert Provolone RicottaColby Jack Pepper Jack Monterey Jack Mozzarella Muenster Blue Havarti Limburger Feta...20:17 - 21:17
How to ZephyrChat with friends the MIT way! Zephyr is an internet chat protocol (like AIM orMessenger) developed at MIT, back when things were more hardcore. We'll show you how touse Zephyr to hang out with friends, get help from classmates,and keep your finger on the pulse of life at MIT! You'll need to bring a laptop; any OSis fine.20:47 - 21:47
Nerdy Sing-alongIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event is fulfilling increative way. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be thefuture soon, so apply forgetful functors to the past and be still alive.21:47 - 22:47
Telephone PictionaryIs that a rampaging dinosaur breathing acid on a girl eating a hot dog? Or is it adragon trying to make friends with a guy playing a harmonica?22:47 - 23:47
Spinning on the RoofdeckDid you know spinning socks around your head is actually an ancient art form? Poi comefrom New Zealand, and you, too, can swing them through a variety of geometric andrhythmical patterns.23:47 - 24:47
Monday, August 31
CS and JuiceBobby walks down the isle at Shaw's, trying to pick the optimal set of juices to buy. Hecan't buy pomegranate juice without something sweeter to mix it with, like apple ororange, but if he buys orange juice, he won't buy orange mangoas well...uh oh. Bobby smells a boolean satisfiability problem to solve.13:47 - 16:47
Infinite Loop and Bubble Party!Hula hoops! Fruit loops! So many loops! What's a loop in 3 dimensions? A sphe-BUBBLE!Come hula hoop, meet cool people, play in our gazillion bubbles, and eat loops until youfeel cozy in our version of the MIT bubble!15:47 - 17:47
Clam PreheatGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We've got the brownies, thehash (browns) and more!18:47 - 19:47
Ice Cream and UROPSEat delicious Toscanini's while listening to excited people be excited about theirexciting UROPs!19:17 - 20:17
Fiddler on the RoofdeckDo you love latkes? Miss matzah ball soup? Come eat home-cooked, out-of-season,traditional Jewish food on Random Hall's roofdeck. Being Jewish not required.20:17 - 21:17
Reverse Turing TestCan you be the next Cleverbot? Compete with other humans and robots to see who canimitate a chatbot the best, or help us tell the real computers apart from the impostors!Please bring a laptop if you'd like to compete, preferablywith an IRC client installed (we can help you get set up).21:17 - 22:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamSome like it hot; some like it sub-zero.22:17 - 23:17
Battleship TwisterBlue 4! Red 2! You sunk a frosh! Play a game of battleship where you're the ships andthe grid is a twister board.22:47 - 23:47
Rocky Horrible's Sing-Along BlogHave beloved memories of Dr. Horrible? Not after this event, you won't. Come join us inyelling obscenities at a perfectly nice Sing-Along Blog that has done absolutely nothingto deserve it.23:47 - 24:47
Tuesday, September 1
Random House of Pancakes Random House of Pancakes. Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes of course!Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes. Wow, pancakes is areally weird looking word.3:17 - 6:17
Ceiling Tile PaintingThroughout history, magnificent masterpieces have been painted on ceilings. UnlikeMichaelangelo though, you can just take a ceiling tile down at Random instead of havingto lie on your back in the Sistine Chapel. Bring your own ideas,paint from our photo references, or replicate your favorite art piece in ceiling tileform!9:47 - 11:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamSome like it hot; some like it sub-zero.12:47 - 13:47
Chemistry and CakeCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn chemistry and about course 5!16:17 - 17:17
Random Party Light ConstructionCome construct an LED ornament to add to Random's SUPER COOL PARTY LIGHTS. Learn thewonder that is laser cutting and amateur electronics.16:17 - 18:17
Epic Mealtime of DestinyBacon is a cookin'. Meat is a roastin'. Sauce is a flowin'. The only thing missing isyou. Cuz guess what? You're gonna cook it and devour it. It's mealtime b**ches19:47 - 20:47
Nerf ChessYou know what chess needs more of? NERF GUNS! Shoot your opponent to make it your turn.Guaranteed to be cognitive overload.20:17 - 22:17
Kittens, Tea, Cat Ladies, Oh My!Release your inner cat lady and make experimental toys for the cats of Random! Kittens,tea, and light snacks provided.22:17 - 23:47
Philosophy and PhylloDoes free will exist? Can machines think? These questions and many more will bedefinitively, conclusively answered forever. Come debate with us and eat deliciousbaklava!23:17 - 24:17
Wednesday, September 2
Random House of PancakesRandom House of Pancakes: I'm a delicious warm pancake smothered in maple syrup. Biteme. We have almost as many pancakes as the International House of Pancakes, and youdon't have to drive to get here. See how much maple syrup youcan fit on one plate.3:17 - 6:17
Physics and CoffeeOur theory holds that in a physics lecture, students exists in the lowest energy state.However, if bombarded by a caffeine ray with stimulation from advanced physics topics,it has been shown to raise students to an excited state.Come enjoy caffeine, sweets, and physics with us in our experiment to verify this!9:47 - 10:47
Tessellation Celebration!Make your mark on Random Hall by helping to complete a gecko tessellation mural on oneof Loop's doors! Paint, brushes, and mess galore! No art experience required. :D10:47 - 12:47
Fry Everything!Can you fry cheese? Yes! Can you fry meat? Yes! Can you fry candy bars? Yes! Can you fryicecream? Yes! Can you fry fries?12:47 - 13:47

CPW 2015

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 16
Knitting Circle TaqueriaHello lovelies. You are cordially invited to the knitting circle and tea tasting, as awelcome break from your hectic weekend. The tinkle of needles at work and relaxingpouring of tea shall sooth your soul. 2) Mi casa es su casa.Come to Random for a delicious, full-on taqueria experience.14:17 - 16:17
Computer Science and Juice w/ LN2 ice cream and then Randomized AlgorithmsBobby walks down the aisle at Shaw's, trying to pick the optimal set of juices to buy.He can't buy pomegranate juice without something sweeter to mix it with, like apple ororange, but if he buys orange juice, he won't buy orangemango as well...uh oh. Bobby smells a boolean satisfiability problem to solve. (Liquidnitrogen ice cream will be served, and afterwards pit yourself against your friends tosee who has the fastest clock speed)15:47 - 18:47
Clam OlympicsThe ancient tradition of the Olympics began with the Greeks. After a long time of peopleforgetting about it, it was first fully re-birthed into its more modern form in 1896.Since then it has been held around the globe. This yearthe Olympics are being held in Random Hall. Come compete in the Clam Olympics andattempt to bring home a medal! We're totally licensed by the IOC.18:17 - 19:17
Chemistry and Cake w/ LN2 ice cream continuedCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn chemistry and about course 5!Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream will be served19:17 - 20:17
Welcome Ceremony20:30 - 21:30
BBQ and Spinning on the Roofdeck w/ Giga CurryDiscover the art of making poi swoosh around your body! The hard part is not hittingyourself in the head with a sock full of birdseed. Also, come meet your meat on our roofdeck and take in the fine Cambridge skyline. Giga curry willbe served from Black Hole.21:47 - 24:47
Five SCPs at Freddy'sEver want to see all of the fuss about Five Nights at Freddy's, SCP: Containment Breach,and other horror games is? Play, scream, and experience the spookiness with us!22:47 - 24:47
Crazy Cat Lady Make-A-ThonMake cat toys with yarn and cat supplies! See how long your toy lasts and how much thecats like to play with it!!! Meet the crazy cat ladies of Loop.23:47 - 24:47
Friday, April 17
CPW Welcome10:00 - 11:00
Nerf ChessYou know what Chess needs? THE SHEER ADRENALINE OF DODGING NERF DARTS WHILE PLAYING.11:17 - 12:17
Dumpling HylomorphismsAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolicreduction on food.12:17 - 14:47
Physics and CoffeeWhen a system of prefrosh and advanced physics are exposed to caffeine particles andcookie-ons, a rapid transit of energy levels from ground to excited state can beobserved. Come verify this hypothesis with us!14:17 - 16:17
Rocky Horrible's Nerdy Singalong Blog w/ LN2 ice creamHave beloved memories of Dr. Horrible? Not after this event, you won't. Come join us inyelling obscenities at a perfectly nice Sing-Along Blog that has done absolutely nothingto deserve it. Then, sing along with us! LN2 ice creamwill be served.15:47 - 17:47
mitBEEFRoll your own beef meatballs and eat a hearty dinner! While they're cooking, we'll singbeef carols together and maybe write some new ones. mitBEEF is a club dedicated toeducating the MIT community about all things bovine. Vegetarianoptions will be provided.17:00 - 18:00
Math and TeaMath is Beautiful, Cookies are sweet, Tea is calming Math is Beautiful, Cookies arecalming, Tea is sweet Math is sweet, Cookies are calming, Tea is Beautiful Math issweet, Cookies are Beautiful, Tea is calming Math is calming, Cookiesare Beautiful, Tea is sweet Math is calming, Cookies are sweet, Tea is Beautiful Comeenjoy all S_3!17:47 - 20:47
Star Trek on Infinite LoopTrekkies and new viewers unite! Come watch a few classic episodes, enjoy themed food anddrink, and play with some of Loop's very own tribbles.20:47 - 22:47
Duct Tape Construction w/ Cookies by CommitteeWhat has a light side and a dark side and holds bad nerd jokes together? The force, andalso duct tape! Come make stuff out of it! Also construct cookies in Foo: Everyone willname an ingredient and an amount, and we'll see what cookieswe get!21:47 - 23:47
PowerPoint Karaoke + Latte ArtAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? \Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present! Also, take latte art lessons and get your daily dose of caffeine whileexpressing your inner creativity.22:47 - 24:47
Saturday, April 18
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cartoons w/ Ceiling Tile PaintingGet nostalgic and eat yummy cereal while watching kids cartoons! Also join in ourtradition of painting our ceiling tiles!9:47 - 11:47
Epic Mealtime of DestinyBacon is a cookin'. Meat is a roastin'. Sauce is a flowin'. The only thing missing isyou. Cuz guess what? You're gonna cook it and devour it. It's mealtime b**ches11:47 - 13:17
Carbonated Fruit!Fizzy strawberries? Bubbly blueberries? Come do science and eat it at Random!13:47 - 15:47
Storytime with Cruft w/ Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream and Truffles"Cruft, n.: (1) An old piece of computer equipment, possibly useless, that keeps hangingaround. (2) An old alum." Come hear stories from back in the day, when things were morehardcore. Enjoy Random's special LN2 ice cream and truffles!15:17 - 17:17
Random Plays Randomly + Smash!Up! B! Left! No, your other left! Come play video games, Twitch Plays Pokemon style,with other prefrosh for great glory!16:17 - 17:47
CPW Closing Show18:00 - 19:30
InterDorm Potluck Event"I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere..." and we've got the food to prove it!Come enjoy some cultural cuisine with Randomites from around the globe.19:30 - ??
Chainmail w/ Experimental SmoothiesHaving problems being woken up at night by swordsmen breaking down your door? Well,you'll be able to sleep easy after this event; come learn to make armor worthy of thethirteenth century! Also suitable for badass jewelry. Also, enjoyexperimental smoothies courtesy of Bonfire!20:17 - 21:47
Pecker Board Game Night + Teach You TichuBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired!21:47 - 24:47
(Almost) Life-Sized Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham-cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!21:47 - 24:47
Sunday, April 19
Tea Time with TeddyRemember being little? Neither do we. Come eat sweets and relive the simpler days, whenthe only problem you had was whether or not Misters Cuddlesworth and Snuggles got along.11:47 - 12:47

REX 2014

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Monday, August 18
Cards against Random HallCome play Cards against Humanity with Randomites. Guaranteed to offend yoursensibilities!20:17 - 21:17
Tuesday, August 19
Teach You TichuMy mahjong brings all the aces to the yard, and damn right, it's better than yours. Icould Tichu, but I'd have to charge...20:17 - 22:17
Wednesday, August 20
Rooby-Rooby Roo!Yes, I was going to eat all the Scooby Snacks by myself. And I would have gotten awaywith it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!20:17 - 22:17
Thursday, August 21
3D TwisterWe wanted to do it in 4D, but the Transdimensional Building Committe wouldn't approve. 3boards, 3 Dimensions, 5242880 more ways to get tangled up.20:17 - 21:17
Friday, August 22
Your Wibbly Wobbly Guide to Time TravelWhat happens in your future if you attend this event? Come find out! No time travelexperience necessary.20:17 - 22:17
Saturday, August 23
Dumpling HylomorphismsAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn the basic fold, or just perform ametabolic reduction on food.13:17 - 14:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamSome possibilities (pick 3): I scream, you scream, we all scream for 77 Kelvins. Servedsteaming cold. Some like it hot; some like it sub-zero. Sure you've had ice creambefore. But now you're at MIT. It's time for the real stuff.14:47 - 16:17
The Clam OlympicsThe ancient tradition of the Olympics began with the Greeks. After a long time of peopleforgetting about it, it was first fully re-birthed into its more modern form in 1896.Since then it has been held around the globe. This yearthe Olympics are being held in Random Hall. Come compete in the Clam Olympics andattempt to bring home a medal! We're totally licensed by the IOC.16:17 - 17:17
DDR 20481024, 512, 256, 128... What's better than 2048? 2048 with DDR pads! Race against yourfriends to make the biggest number in your favorite tile-merging puzzle game, now with100% more footwork.16:47 - 18:47
Psi Phi Short StoriesCome enjoy science fiction short stories with awesome people! Have requests in mind, orjust be ready to be introduced to new authors and stories.18:17 - 19:17
Epic Mealtime of DestinySauce Boss? Check. Bacon strips? Check. Epic levels of Epic? Check. Come down to preparethe most gargantuan dessert you've ever feasted upon. Oh yes, there will be bacon.19:17 - 20:47
Chemistry and CakeCake is yummy. Chemistry is fun. Come eat cake and learn chemistry and about course 5!20:17 - 21:17
Storytime with Cruft"Cruft, n.: (1) An old piece of computer equipment, possibly useless, that keeps hangingaround. (2) An old alum." Come hear stories from back in the day, when things were morehardcore.21:17 - 23:17
Harry Potter and the Headless WeasleysNew magic. Headless Ron. Horrified Harry. Rising darkness. You've all finally receivedthose letters from Hogwarts, and it's time to extend the line of its greatest tale inthe darkest way. Join us as we rewrite that happy but overlysentimental epilogue of the super-epic Harry Potter series23:17 - 0:17
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes! Is it early, or is it late? All we know is that we havedelicious pancakes to feed you.3:17 - 5:17
Sunday, August 24
Ceiling Tile PaintingFancy yourself the next Michelangelo? But don't want to lie on your back while paintingthe Sistine Chapel? Come leave your mark on Random's ceiling instead!10:47 - 12:47
How to Not Starve: Pasta-related ThingsRice, pasta, ramen... boring, bland, staple starches. Or are they? Learn how not tostarve by making something in a pot that doesn't taste like cardboard.12:17 - 13:17
Boffing on the RoofdeckArm yourself with a weapon wrought of foam and tape, and strike with the fury of athousand tigers! FOR THE GLORY OF RANDOM HALL!12:47 - 13:47
Karaok-teaCome sing, listen, or just snack and enjoy tea on Loop at our karaoke event!13:17 - 14:47
Liquid Nitrogen TrufflesTired of boring old chocolate? Come to Random Hall and try our truffles with flavorsranging from raspberry to pink lemonade to wasabi. That still too boring for you? Thenfreeze your truffles in liquid nitrogen!13:47 - 15:17
Physics and CoffeeOur theory holds that in a physics lecture, students exist in the lowest energy state.However, if bombarded by a caffeine ray with stimulation from advanced physics topics,it has been shown to raise students to an excited state.Come enjoy caffeine, sweets, and physics with us in our experiment to verify this!14:47 - 16:47
Clam BakeGrab your favorite pot and satisfy your munchies on Clam. We've got the brownies, thehash and more!16:20 - 17:47
The Face-OffThink your face is funnier than the rest? Do you want to prove that you can make thebest faces this side of the Mississippi? You'll face off against other freshmen, and oneof you will be judged the winner.17:17 - 18:17
Applied Knot TheoryAn introduction to the art of tying knots and people in practical and ornamental ways.Our knowledge of knots is not for naught. I can knot understand how anyone could knot beexcited.20:17 - 21:17
Math and TeaMath is beautiful, cookies are sweet, tea is tasty, and S_3 acts on these statements ina non-trivial way: come enjoy math, tea, and cookies with us.20:17 - 23:17
Bonfire Jazz LoungeThere will be jazz. Classy jazz. There will be cheese. Fancy cheese. What more could youwant?20:47 - 21:47
Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham-cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!21:47 - 23:47
Rocky Horrible's Singalong BlogHave beloved memories of Dr. Horrible? Not after this event, you won't. Come join us inyelling obscenities at a perfectly nice Sing-Along Blog that has done absolutely nothingto deserve it.23:17 - 0:47
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes. Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes of course!Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes. Wow, pancakes is areally weird looking word.3:17 - 5:17
Monday, August 25
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamSome possibilities (pick 3): I scream, you scream, we all scream for 77 Kelvins. Servedsteaming cold. Some like it hot; some like it sub-zero. Sure you've had ice creambefore. But now you're at MIT. It's time for the real stuff.14:17 - 15:47
CS and JuiceBobby walks down the aisle at Shaw's, trying to pick the optimal set of juices to buy.He can't buy pomegranate juice without something sweeter to mix it with, like apple ororange, but if he buys orange juice, he won't buy orangemango as well...uh oh. Bobby smells a boolean satisfiability problem to solve.15:17 - 17:17
Duct Tape Construction!What can you use to close an open wound? Duct tape! What's great when your shoe startsfalling apart? Duct tape! What comes in many colors and can be used to create somethingentirely new? Duct tape!16:17 - 17:17
Roofdeck BarbecueMeat! Ribs, sausage, burgers, and more! Come see the awesomeness of having one of theonly roofdecks in Cambridge. Eat our delicious meat products and talk to ourupperclassman about life at MIT. (Non-meat food also available.)18:47 - 20:47
Cookies and SmutListen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and discover Thor's magnificent hammer!20:17 - 21:17
Random ChessDo you like chess? Do want to learn how to make chess even more awesome? Play randomchess, bughouse chess, suicide chess, bidding chess, monster chess, orAnyInterestingIdeaThatYouMayHave chess.20:17 - 22:17
Random Shirt MakingEver wondered how companies printed shirts? Come make your very own Random REX shirt!Shirts, paints and silkscreen provided.21:17 - 22:17
ChainmailHaving problems being woken up at night by swordsmen breaking down your door? Well,you'll be able to sleep easy after this event; come learn to make armor worthy of thethirteenth century! Also suitable for badass jewelry.21:47 - 23:17
Battleship TwisterBlue 4! Red 2! You sunk a frosh! Play a game of battleship where you're the ships andthe grid is a twister board.23:17 - 0:17
Mario KartCome play Mario Kart 8! It's shiny!23:47 - 0:47
Tuesday, August 26
Learn How to ZephyrIn the 80s, the ancient days before TCP, MIT students had an older, more h4rdk0r3 chatclient: Zephyr. Come get set up and talk to each other through Random Hall's chat clientof choice!10:17 - 11:30
Around the World with Random"I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere..." and we've got the food to prove it!Come enjoy some cultural cuisine with Randomites from around the globe.12:47 - 13:47
Bubbles in the Random BubbleThey say you shouldn't stay too long in the MIT bubble, but nobody said anything aboutthe Random bubble. Come blow bubbles in our very own home-constructed inflatable room!There will be bubblegum and bubblegum pop.13:17 - 14:17
Leftover NitrogenEat our ice cream, smash our flowers...help us run through the rest of our liquidnitrogen!13:47 - 15:17
Nerdy Singalong!It's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event fulfilling in creativeway. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be the future soon,so press up B and be still alive.14:47 - 16:17
DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES WITH FIERCE BLASTS OF DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDECome join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in war-paint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doomand deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker!15:17 - 17:15
Nerf ChessYou know what chess needs more of? NERF GUNS! Shoot your opponent to make it your turn.Guaranteed to be cognitive overload.16:17 - 17:15
Random Plays RandomlyUp! B! Left! No, your other left! Come play video games, Twitch Plays Pokemon style,with other frosh for great glory!17:47 - 19:17
Tuesday Night TalksSecretly, this is TNT. But there won't be any explosions. Come listen to upperclassmentalk about how not to explode at MIT and Random. It's going to be great. Seriously.Vegetarian/vegan food will be provided.18:47 - 20:47
Comics!Wondering why the Galaxy needs Guardians? Not sure how the Dark Knight somehow hasanything to do with bats? Want to learn more about comics inside and outside of theWorld Wide Web? Join us at Random for laid-back perusing of ourcomics collection accompanied by hot chocolate.20:17 - 22:17
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico comprised of Seven Wonders, then Race to the Galaxy andhelp the Twilight Imperium crush the Resistance. Through the Ages, board games have beenan Innovation Random Hall has enjoyed. Come and play thevarious board games we've acquired!21:17 - 3:17
Experimental SmoothiesDo you like SCIENCE? What about SMOOTHIES? Come drink our smoothies, and maybe make someof your own. We promise they won't all be poisonous.22:17 - 23:17
Spinning on the RoofdeckDiscover the art of making poi swoosh around your body! The hard part is not hittingyourself in the head with a sock full of birdseed.23:17 - 0:17
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes: I'm a delicious warm pancake smothered in maple syrup. Biteme. We have almost as many pancakes as the International House of Pancakes, and youdon't have to drive to get here. See how much maple syrup youcan fit on one plate.3:17 - 5:17
Wednesday, August 27
C is for Cookie and T is for TeaCome enjoy games like Bananagrams, Boggle, Scrabble, or solve a crossword or two withus. Or just relax and unwind from the whirlwind of REX with tasty cookies and a cuppatea. Oolong, chai, green, earl grey, rooibos...10:47 - 11:47
Fiddler on the RoofdeckDo you love latkes? Miss matzah ball soup? Come eat home-cooked, out-of-season,traditional Jewish food on Random Hall's roofdeck. Being Jewish not required.11:47 - 13:17

CPW 2014

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April10
Dumpling Hylomorphisms12:17 - 14:47
Ceiling Tile Painting14:47 - 16:47
CS and Juice16:17 - 18:17
LN2 Ice Cream + Giga Pudding17:47 - 19:47
Nerdy Singalong!18:47 - 20:47
Roofdeck BBQ + Spinning Arts21:47 - 24:17
Friday, April11
Pancakes!8:17 - 10:00
Boffing on the Roofdeck23:47 - 12:17
MEAT (mitBEEF)13:47 - 14:47
Deep-Fried LN2 Ice Cream14:17 - 15:47
Maid: the Tabletop RPG15:17 - 17:17
Nerf Chess16:47 - 18:17
Math and Tea17:47 - 20:47
Create a Board Game + Cooking Vegetarians20:17 - 22:17
RHOP + Storytime with Cruft27:17 - 29:47
Saturday, April12
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal9:37 - 11:47
Random: the Gathering11:17 - 13:17
Epic Meal Time of Destiny12:47 - 14:17
LN2 Truffles13:47 - 15:47
Random Plays Video Games15:17 - 16:47
(Almost) Life-Sized Settlers of Catan16:17 - 18:17
My Course is Better Than Your Course + Curry Curry19:47 - 21:17
Chainmail + CHEESE20:47 - 22:17
Pecker Board Game Night21:47 - 27:17
Rocky Horrible + ICE PLANETS11:17 - 25:17
Sunday, April13
Wonderland Tea Party11:17 - 12:47

REX 2013

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Tuesday, August 20
Ice Cream MobJoin us to explore the joy and splendour of Toscanini's, an ice-cream establishmentknown to provide such treasured flavours as burnt sugar, earl gray, goat cheese andblueberries, and more! (Flavour options vary week to week). Meetat Random Hall.19:17
Wednesday, August 21
Adventures on the High Seas! Or, you know, the Charles. They're sorta similar if you squint your eyes and tilt yourhead. But come with us if you want to go sailing! No experience necessary! (Must havecompleted Boat Test to go sailing.) Meet up at Random Hall.18:47
Mafia Madness Will the townspeople triumph? Or will the Mafia kill them all? We're making you anoffer you can't refuse.21:17
Thursday, August 22
Leisure Station Bubble TeaLove tea? Love bubbles? Join us on an adventure to procure boba, the best drink tocombine tea and bubbles. Be ready to walk through Cambridge and explore your new home,all in the pursuit of a favorite boba seller.19:17
Friday, August 23
Frozen Yogurt Excursion You need frozen yogurt. You may not know how wonderful it is yet or you may already bea connoisseur. Whatever the case, join us on the treck to and from Berry Line, a localfrozen yogurt place. Our treat!19:17
Saturday, August 24
Deep Fried LN2 What's cold, sweet, and covered in batter? Deep Fried Icecream! Come marvel at how youcan create icecream that doesn't melt when fried.19:17
Sunday, August 25
Letter Writing Come write your first letter to home! There will be stationary and stickers. You canhave all the fun, maybe even try your hand at calligraphy.14:17
Boffing Wars with BC Burton Connor challenged you to a Duel; you must win to save your honor. It'll be fun.16:17
Go Chess! You've likely played chess. You may have played go. But have you ever played chess andgo simultaneously?17:17
Adventures in Neverland Never grow up! Peter Pan fights pirates, chills with mermaids and argues with fairies.We eat all of our favorite childhood snacks!24:47
RHOP Random House of Pancakes. Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes of course!Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes. Wow, pancakes is areally weird looking word.27:17
Monday, August 26
More breakfast than your body has room for! Read the title. You're all bright kids.9:17
Did You Say Disney!? You just can't wait to be King. No one will tell you no, or where to go, or say you'reonly dreaming. Come to Loop to rediscover tales as old as time and songs as old asrhyme. We don't mind if you sing along. We know all of the words,too.11:17
Chess is a Game Best Played with Nerf Guns Tired of the same old, boring game of chess? No more! Now, just shoot your opponent tostop them from making moves. Nerf guns will be provided.12:17
Mexican Roulette One out of six quesadillas has more hot sauce than any reasonable person would put intheir mouth. The question is: are you feeling lucky?12:17
Duct Tape Construction Come make things out of the most awesome material know to peoplekind!12:47
Crochet and Tea Yarn + hook -> clothes! and tea! Learn how to crochet! Drink tea!13:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Served steaming cold.14:17
CHEESE Swiss Cheddar Brie Cottage Parmigiano Reggiano Gouda Chevre Camembert Provolone RicottaColby Jack Pepper Jack Monterey Jack Mozzarella Muenster Blue Havarti Limburger Feta.14:47
MORE COLORS THAN YOUR HAIR HAS ROOM FOR! Need more color in your hair? We can fix that!15:17
Random Jewelry Making Store bought jewelry is so last season. All the cool kids are wearing toothbrushes anddiscarded electrical components.15:47
Rocky Horrible's Singalong Blog Think Dr. Horrible is a beautiful, amazing, inviolable work of perfect art? Please,please, please go somewhere else. Anyone else? Come join us in yelling obscenities at aperfectly nice Sing-Along Blog that has done absolutely nothingto deserve it.16:17
DFTBA Come watch a few vlogbrothers videos and talk about how awesome nerdfighteria neverforgets to be.17:17
Nerf Wars Negotiations have failed. The shooting has begun. Both sides have vowed to fight to thedeath, and now the moment of glory is at hand. Do you have what it takes to be a hero?17:17
Juggling in Enclosed Spaces What's more fun that throwing brightly colored objects at people? Doing it at the sametime as fifteen other people all packed into a small lounge. Come juggle with us! Don'tknow how? We're happy to teach you!17:47
Roofdeck BBQMeat! Ribs, sausage, pulled pork, and more! Come eat, talk, eat, and see the awesomnessof having a roofdeck. And eat! Food of the non-meat variety to be served as well.20:17
Let's build a fort! Build the finest, strongest pillow-based fortification in all the land.20:17
Edible Knot Theory! Knot theory is the branch of mathematics which dealing with the different ways that youcan embed a circle into R^3 it provides an important set of examples for topology and isa popular area of mathematical research. Candy is a delicioussubstance, usually filled with sugar, which you probably are interested in consuming.How could these two, seemingly extraordinarily different subjects, relate. Well... CANDYKNOTS. Make (and eat) Candy Knots.21:17
youtube! From autotuned news to vlogs to Minute Physics to memes to Watsky - come celebrate theyoutubes!21:47
Crazy Chess Variants Test your dexterity, sanity, and possibly even chess skill with some of our favorite,wacky variations on chess.22:17
All the ponies in this town are CRAZY. Do you like ponies? I like ponies. Do you like friendship? I like friendship. Do youlike magic? I like magic. Also, cupcakes.23:17
ALL OF TIME AND SPACE! Come along frosh! There will be foods related to your favorite Doctor. There might befoods that are a little wibbly-wobbly, like time! (..Or jello! Thyme flavored jello?)25:17
RHOP Random House of Pancakes: I'm a delicious warm pancake smothered in maple syrup. Biteme. We have almost as many pancakes as the International House of Pancakes, and youdon't have to drive to get here. See how much maple syrup youcan fit on one plate.27:17
Tuesday, August 27
MeditationCome and relax. Take a break from the crazy to catch your breath.9:17
Waffles and SmoothiesPerhaps one of the greatest food combinations known to mankind, threatening to eclipseeven the illustrious chocolate-and-strawberries combination. But we'll have those heretoo.10:17
Housemaster Welcome Brunch Our housemasters are the BEST! Go meet them and eat yummy food :)12:30
Dominate DominionDominion, the (many) award winning game by Donald X is one of the best modern games evercreated. If you've never played before come learn the rules if you've played a lot...well people here have probably played more. (We have morethan a few 1000+ game alums in the dorm). So join us, and find your newest time-sink.14:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamDon't try this at Harvard.16:17
It's BACON! Bacon.... Bacon! Where's the bacon?! I smell bacon! Bacon. Bacon. Gotta be Bacon. Onlyone one thing smells like bacon and that's BACON!16:17
Tea and MathTea is Warm, cookies are sweat, Math is beautiful. Come enjoy all 3!16:17
Nerdy SingalongIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event is fulfilling increative way. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be thefuture soon, so apply forgetful functors to the past and be still alive.17:17
Random Hallsmeade It's not quite Hogsmeade, but it's close. Come taste a few of the yummy treats you readabout while we join together in our collective quest to destroy the dark lord.Butterbeer will be served.19:17
The Delectable Dessert Pizzaria Tired of regular old boring pizza? Tired of bland, unadventurous desserts? Well it'stime for you to try Dessert Pizza! Come make your very own delectable doughy creation,full of sugar and spice and everything delicious!19:17
(Almost) Life-Sized Settlers of Catan Come play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard sheep, wheat, iron, and brick!Trade them with your neighbors or foil their plans and keep everything for yourself.Build roads, villages, and cities! And come eat marshmallow"sheep", pretzel "wheat", oreo "iron", and graham-cracker "bricks" when it's not yourturn.19:47
Boffing on the Roofdeck Nothing says, "Hey, let's be friends" like a foam sword to the abdomen.20:17
Chain Mail Learn to weave metal into chains and fabrics! Make armor worthy of the thirteenthcentury! Also suitable for badass jewelry.21:17
CS and Juice You walk down the isle at Shaw's, trying to pick the optimal set of juices to buy. Youcan't buy pomegranate juice without buying something sweeter to mix it with, like appleor orange, but if you buy orange juice, you wouldn't buyorange mango as well... uh oh. You smell a boolean satisfiability problem to solve.22:17
Spontaneous Dessert Assemblage Try combining Nutella, peanut butter, and bananas. Create a marshmallow-cementedstructure of graham crackers and Twizzlers as a standing testament to your glory - untildevoured. Or just fry things and see what's delicious. Bringyour creativity - we've got the food.25:17
Pillowfight of DOOM! I regret that I only have one life to give for this pillowfight.27:17
Wednesday, August 28
Pancake PANIC AHHHHHHHH the pancakes are attacking! We didn't know, how could we have known? Thepancakes were ALIVE. You are humanities last hope! You must eat the pancakes and savethe cheerleader (and we all know saving the cheerleader savesthe world). Join the small surviving resistance in celebrating a battle recently wonover our pancake foes. What better way to celebrate victory than eating your enemy?Vegan Friendly.9:47
Random: The Gathering: The Draft Come draft our custom Magic: The Gathering set with our resident Magic players. Ifyou've never cast Global Thermonuclear War, now's a good time.11:47
Wrapping Random Noms Wrap fillings in wrappers. Eat. Possibly nutritionally balanced. Omnivore, vegetarian,and vegan friendly.11:47
Classy Tea Join the lovely folk of Random for a pleasant tea. We'll have tea and all sorts ofsweets, presented in the most adorable manner. Think Working!! with a little bit ofOHSHC. We are not, to our own disappointment, a devil of a butler.We do entertain at your leisure so come by Random Hall.12:17
Make your own Truffles Chocolate with raspberry! Chocolate with vanilla! Chocolate with spices! Chocolate withmushrooms! Wait...13:17
ASSCARS : The Destiny Dune Buggy Challenge Old Toroidal Hallways + Electric Buggy + Freshmen + A few bandaids and maybe a helmet =Safer than most EC events13:47
PREPARE FOR WAR Come join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in war-paint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doomand deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker! Bwuahahahaha.14:47
Python Bee You were probably spelling bee champions in elementary school. We know the type -didn't miss a single letter in ""Czechoslovakia"", never lost your patience when the kidin front of you had to spell ""popcorn"" when you had to spell""paideia"". Are you ready for a challenge of a different sort? Instead of strugglingthrough ""appoggiatura,"" prepare yourselves for questions ranging from ""write afunction that searches through an array for the first elementgreater than both of its neighbors"" to ""write a recursive descent parser for thefollowing DSL..."" That's not hard enough, you say? Fine. Now you have to spell yourprogram out loud. Not enough? Live audience! Fearlessly codein front of your new peers, earning the respect and accolades you surely deserve. Comeone, come all, and prove your programming prowess in the Python Bee.16:47
Byzantine Burritos Have you noticed that burito often have structural failures? Have you come to acceptthat there will always be some probability of failure? If so you should consider how tobest tolerate those faults! If you want to learn about howto tolerate N faults with 3N+1 Byzantine Generals...I mean Burritos...then this is theevent for you! Come eat guacamole, southwest chile sauce, rice, bell peppers all withthe assurance that we will properly handle failures! VeganFriendly.17:17
Tuesday Night Talk Secretly this is TNT. But there won't be any explosions. This is to teach you how notto explode at MIT and Random. It's going to be great. Seriously.18:30
Minihunt Can't wait till January for the MIT Mystery Hunt? Now you don't have to! We've got apuzzle hunt right here at Random Hall, to satisfy your eager brains.20:17
Make Your Own Virus Plushie Come learn how to sew your own hepatitis B virus plushie! All materials needed to makethe plushie will be provided. Curious what exactly a plush hepatitis B virus looks like?20:17
A Primer on Time Travel This is the event where you learned how to time travel. But you probably know thatalready; the version of you reading this description has already attended this event atREX only to travel backwards in time, where you're now experiencingREX a second time. (Or is it a third?)20:17
Smoothies and Boba and Tea! Oh My! Want smoothies? Want tea? Want smoothies made of tea? Want boba in your smoothies? Cometo Random to make your own refreshments!20:17
Spinning on the Roofdeck Learn and practice the creativity of applying centripetal force to poi and staff.21:17
Time Travel: Paradoxes and Models Killing your grandparents isn't so bad in some models of time travel. Come talk aboutsuch paradoxes and how to resolve them. Safety not guaranteed.21:47
Sweet Rave Party Rave-An underground party in which electronic music is played, dancing occurs in a veryfree-form fashion. The dress of the partygoers is quite unrestrained. --Urban Dictionary22:17
S'mores Gooey, crunchy, chocolatey goodness.23:17
Sleeper's Anonymous Sleep is an addiction. The first step towards overcoming your addiction is admittingyou have a problem. Sleepers Anonymous is a support group formed to help people like youovercome this addiction. Come, and we will all fight it together.24:17
Thursday, August 29
Pancakes Sometimes, Random Hall wants to feed you lots and lots of mostly plain pancakes. Thisis not that time. Have you ever had blueberry pancakes? Chocolate chip pancakes? Howabout spicy cinnamon pancakes?9:17
Alice in RandomLand Play cards, drink tea, eat sweets and enjoy yourself.11:17
Dumpling Hylomorphism Anamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolicreduction on food.12:17
Come Paint Things! Leave your own mark in Random Hall by painting murals with us! No artistic skillneeded!13:47
Friday, August 30
Leftover Nitrogen Eat our ice cream, smash our flowers...help us run through the rest of our liquidnitrogen!13:17

CPW 2013

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 11
Dumpling HylomorphismsWhat happens when you subject ice-cream to a 400K temperature gradient? Om Nom Nom!!!Pun not intended.13:17
LN2 Truffles and the Chocolate Nash EquilibriumFirst, make your own truffles using liquid nitrogen. But don't leave, because then we'lluse all that delicious chocolate to learn about game theory14:17
Nerd Trivial PursuitShow off your nerd cred with Nerd Trivial Pursuit. When the categories are Literature,TV & Movies, Science, Anime & Manga, Games, and Comics, will you have what ittakes to win?15:17
mitBEEF and Meatballs Roll your own beef meatballs! While they're cooking, we'll sing beef carols togetherand maybe write some new carols. mitBEEF is a club dedicated to educating the MITcommunity about beef.15:30
Chess is a Game Best Played with Nerf BlastersNone of this tame nonsense! Use nerf darts to skip your opponent's turns and capturetheir king.16:47
Math and TeaMath is beautiful, cookies are sweet, tea is tasty. Come enjoy all three as we discusstopics in math ranging from algebra to topology.17:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream!!I scream, you scream, we all scream for 77 Kelvins.18:17
Roofdeck BBQMeat! Ribs, sausage, burgers, and more! Come eat, talk, eat, and see the awesomeness ofhaving a roofdeck. And eat! Food of the non-meat variety to be served as well.18:47
Dubstep with DestinyCome test how loud our kitchen's sound system can get when we blast all the bass-heavymusic I hear kids these days enjoy!21:47
Friday, April 12
Disney and PancakesRandom Hall, it's a quiet village. Every day like the one before. Random Hall, full oflittle people, waking up to make… PANCAKES?! Dig into blueberry chocolate chip spicycinnamon pancakes while singing along to your favorite Disneysongs!8:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream!!Served steaming cold.11:47
Victoriana TeaGather to bemoan the decline of our Queen Victoria's empire or gossip about the mostrecent painters at the Salon. Tea will be served; enjoyment will be had. There may beDownton or Emma: A Victorian Romance13:17
Cooking VegetariansUhh... I meant vegetarian cooking. Yeah. Come tuck into a meat-free feast prepared foryou by Randomites. If you eat vegans– vegan! I meant vegan! – there will be plenty ofoptions available.14:17
Build a Cardboard Fortress, Then Fight a Nerf Gun WarStep 1: Erect large cardboard structures. Step 2: Kick back and relax? Step 3: DEATH TOTHE INFIDELS WHO CONSTRUCTED THESE INFERIOR CARDBOARD FORTS!15:17
Nerdy Singalong and Kit Kat LasagnaGo ahead and leave me – I think I prefer to stay inside. Sing along to our favoritenerdy songs, and then make lasagna entirely out of candy. Hopefully we'll be stillalive.17:17
Fantasy FeastThe lovely ladies of Fortress Awesome invite you to their castle for a glorious feast.Eat stews, breads, meats, and vegetables that you might find in fantasy movies or shows.18:47
Computer Science and JuiceAlgorithms! Data structures! Computational models! Come and enjoy delicious juice andlearn some fascinating computer science.20:47
Pecker Board Game NightBuild a Dominion in Puerto Rico to prevent your Descent into Revolution. Through theages, board games have been a leading tradition of Random Hall. Come play them with us!22:17
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes. Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakespancakes. Wow, pancakes is a really weird looking word.27:17
Saturday, April 13
Saturday Morning Breakfast CartoonsDo you want to Catch Them All? Have you harnessed the Heart of the Cards? Come watch thecartoons you loved while tucking in to breakfast foods from your childhood.9:47
Deep Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamWhat happens when you subject ice cream to a 400K temperature gradient? Om Nom Nom!!!Pun not intended.10:47
(Almost) Life-sized Settlers of CatanCome play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard (and eat, when it's not yourturn) marshmallow "sheep," pretzel "wheat," oreo "iron," and graham-cracker "bricks"!Trade them with your neighbors, or foil their plans and keepeverything for yourself. Build roads, villages, and cities!11:47
My Course is Better Than Your TacoWe love our majors. We also love our enchiladas! Come munch on authentic home-cookedHispanic food while listening to the upperclassmen talk about why their major is thebest thing ever!15:17
Random: the GatheringHave you ever wanted to cast Global Thermonuclear War? Come play Random: the Gathering.It's Magic: the Gathering with a Random Hall theme!16:17
Cheese and ChainmailEver been woken up by swordsmen breaking down your door? Lost sleep while craving forbrie? Well, you'll rest easy after this event. Make armor worthy of the thirteenthcentury while sampling all the cheese Random has to offer!16:17
Boff for Fried-domStab your friends and enemies alike with foam swords on Random's roofdeck! Champions(and everybody else) will then get to fry all kinds of delicious foods in our two deepfryers.19:47
Sweet Rave PartyRave: An underground party in which electronic music is played, dancing occurs in a veryfree-form fashion. The dress of the partygoers is quite unrestrained. -- UrbanDictionary12:47
Sunday, April 14
Spinning and Leftover BrunchThings which you'll learn to spin in Random Hall: poi and staff. Things that make yourhead spin in Random Hall: the prospect of a delicious Sunday brunch made from leftovers.Awake and hungry? We'll teach you, and we'll feed you.9:47

REX 2012

Tuesday, August 20
Event TitleDescriptionTime
Ice Cream MobJoin us to explore the joy and splendour of Toscanini's, an ice-cream establishmentknown to provide such treasured flavours as burnt sugar, earl gray, goat cheese andblueberries, and more! (Flavour options vary week to week). Meet at Random Hall.19:17
Wednesday, August21
Adventures on the High Seas! Or, you know, the Charles. They're sorta similar if you squint your eyes and tilt yourhead. But come with us if you want to go sailing! No experience necessary! (Must havecompleted Boat Test to go sailing.) Meet up at Random Hall.18:47
Mafia Madness Will the townspeople triumph? Or will the Mafia kill them all? We're making you anoffer you can't refuse.21:17
Thursday, August22
Leisure Station Bubble TeaLove tea? Love bubbles? Join us on an adventure to procure boba, the best drink tocombine tea and bubbles. Be ready to walk through Cambridge and explore your new home,all in the pursuit of a favorite boba seller.19:17
Friday, August23
Frozen Yogurt Excursion You need frozen yogurt. You may not know how wonderful it is yet or you may already bea connoisseur. Whatever the case, join us on the treck to and from Berry Line, a localfrozen yogurt place. Our treat!19:17
Saturday, August24
Deep Fried LN2 What's cold, sweet, and covered in batter? Deep Fried Icecream! Come marvel at how youcan create icecream that doesn't melt when fried.19:17
Sunday, August25
Letter Writing Come write your first letter to home! There will be stationary and stickers. You canhave all the fun, maybe even try your hand at calligraphy.14:17
Boffing Wars with BC Burton Connor challenged you to a Duel; you must win to save your honor. It'll be fun.16:17
Go Chess! You've likely played chess. You may have played go. But have you ever played chess andgo simultaneously?17:17
Adventures in Neverland Never grow up! Peter Pan fights pirates, chills with mermaids and argues with fairies.We eat all of our favorite childhood snacks!24:47
RHOP Random House of Pancakes. Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes of course!Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes. Wow, pancakes is areally weird looking word.27:17
Monday, August26
More breakfast than your body has room for! Read the title. You're all bright kids.9:17
Did You Say Disney!? You just can't wait to be King. No one will tell you no, or where to go, or say you'reonly dreaming. Come to Loop to rediscover tales as old as time and songs as old asrhyme. We don't mind if you sing along. We know all of the words, too.11:17
Chess is a Game Best Played with Nerf Guns Tired of the same old, boring game of chess? No more! Now, just shoot your opponent tostop them from making moves. Nerf guns will be provided.12:17
Mexican Roulette One out of six quesadillas has more hot sauce than any reasonable person would put intheir mouth. The question is: are you feeling lucky?12:17
Duct Tape Construction Come make things out of the most awesome material know to peoplekind!12:47
Crochet and Tea Yarn + hook -> clothes! and tea! Learn how to crochet! Drink tea!13:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Served steaming cold.14:17
CHEESE Swiss Cheddar Brie Cottage Parmigiano Reggiano Gouda Chevre Camembert Provolone RicottaColby Jack Pepper Jack Monterey Jack Mozzarella Muenster Blue Havarti Limburger Feta.14:47
MORE COLORS THAN YOUR HAIR HAS ROOM FOR! Need more color in your hair? We can fix that!15:17
Random Jewelry Making Store bought jewelry is so last season. All the cool kids are wearing toothbrushes anddiscarded electrical components.15:47
Rocky Horrible's Singalong Blog Think Dr. Horrible is a beautiful, amazing, inviolable work of perfect art? Please,please, please go somewhere else. Anyone else? Come join us in yelling obscenities at aperfectly nice Sing-Along Blog that has done absolutely nothing to deserve it.16:17
DFTBA Come watch a few vlogbrothers videos and talk about how awesome nerdfighteria neverforgets to be.17:17
Nerf Wars Negotiations have failed. The shooting has begun. Both sides have vowed to fight to thedeath, and now the moment of glory is at hand. Do you have what it takes to be a hero?17:17
Juggling in Enclosed Spaces What's more fun that throwing brightly colored objects at people? Doing it at the sametime as fifteen other people all packed into a small lounge. Come juggle with us! Don'tknow how? We're happy to teach you!17:47
Roofdeck BBQMeat! Ribs, sausage, pulled pork, and more! Come eat, talk, eat, and see the awesomnessof having a roofdeck. And eat! Food of the non-meat variety to be served as well.20:17
Let's build a fort! Build the finest, strongest pillow-based fortification in all the land.20:17
Edible Knot Theory! Knot theory is the branch of mathematics which dealing with the different ways that youcan embed a circle into R^3 it provides an important set of examples for topology and isa popular area of mathematical research. Candy is a delicious substance, usually filledwith sugar, which you probably are interested in consuming. How could these two,seemingly extraordinarily different subjects, relate. Well... CANDY KNOTS. Make (andeat) Candy Knots.21:17
youtube! From autotuned news to vlogs to Minute Physics to memes to Watsky - come celebrate theyoutubes!21:47
Crazy Chess Variants Test your dexterity, sanity, and possibly even chess skill with some of our favorite,wacky variations on chess.22:17
All the ponies in this town are CRAZY. Do you like ponies? I like ponies. Do you like friendship? I like friendship. Do youlike magic? I like magic. Also, cupcakes.23:17
ALL OF TIME AND SPACE! Come along frosh! There will be foods related to your favorite Doctor. There might befoods that are a little wibbly-wobbly, like time! (..Or jello! Thyme flavored jello?)25:17
RHOP Random House of Pancakes: I'm a delicious warm pancake smothered in maple syrup. Biteme. We have almost as many pancakes as the International House of Pancakes, and youdon't have to drive to get here. See how much maple syrup you can fit on one plate.27:17
Tuesday, August27
MeditationCome and relax. Take a break from the crazy to catch your breath.9:17
Waffles and SmoothiesPerhaps one of the greatest food combinations known to mankind, threatening to eclipseeven the illustrious chocolate-and-strawberries combination. But we'll have those heretoo.10:17
Housemaster Welcome Brunch Our housemasters are the BEST! Go meet them and eat yummy food :)12:30
Dominate DominionDominion, the (many) award winning game by Donald X is one of the best modern games evercreated. If you've never played before come learn the rules if you've played a lot...well people here have probably played more. (We have more than a few 1000+ game alums inthe dorm). So join us, and find your newest time-sink.14:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamDon't try this at Harvard.16:17
It's BACON! Bacon.... Bacon! Where's the bacon?! I smell bacon! Bacon. Bacon. Gotta be Bacon. Onlyone one thing smells like bacon and that's BACON!16:17
Tea and MathTea is Warm, cookies are sweat, Math is beautiful. Come enjoy all 3!16:17
Nerdy SingalongIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event is fulfilling increative way. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be thefuture soon, so apply forgetful functors to the past and be still alive.17:17
Random Hallsmeade It's not quite Hogsmeade, but it's close. Come taste a few of the yummy treats you readabout while we join together in our collective quest to destroy the dark lord.Butterbeer will be served.19:17
The Delectable Dessert Pizzaria Tired of regular old boring pizza? Tired of bland, unadventurous desserts? Well it'stime for you to try Dessert Pizza! Come make your very own delectable doughy creation,full of sugar and spice and everything delicious!19:17
(Almost) Life-Sized Settlers of Catan Come play (almost) life-sized Settlers of Catan! Hoard sheep, wheat, iron, and brick!Trade them with your neighbors or foil their plans and keep everything for yourself.Build roads, villages, and cities! And come eat marshmallow "sheep", pretzel "wheat",oreo "iron", and graham-cracker "bricks" when it's not your turn.19:47
Boffing on the Roofdeck Nothing says, "Hey, let's be friends" like a foam sword to the abdomen.20:17
Chain Mail Learn to weave metal into chains and fabrics! Make armor worthy of the thirteenthcentury! Also suitable for badass jewelry.21:17
CS and Juice You walk down the isle at Shaw's, trying to pick the optimal set of juices to buy. Youcan't buy pomegranate juice without buying something sweeter to mix it with, like appleor orange, but if you buy orange juice, you wouldn't buy orange mango as well... uh oh.You smell a boolean satisfiability problem to solve.22:17
Spontaneous Dessert Assemblage Try combining Nutella, peanut butter, and bananas. Create a marshmallow-cementedstructure of graham crackers and Twizzlers as a standing testament to your glory - untildevoured. Or just fry things and see what's delicious. Bring your creativity - we've gotthe food.25:17
Pillowfight of DOOM! I regret that I only have one life to give for this pillowfight.27:17
Wednesday, August28
Pancake PANIC AHHHHHHHH the pancakes are attacking! We didn't know, how could we have known? Thepancakes were ALIVE. You are humanities last hope! You must eat the pancakes and savethe cheerleader (and we all know saving the cheerleader saves the world). Join the smallsurviving resistance in celebrating a battle recently won over our pancake foes. Whatbetter way to celebrate victory than eating your enemy? Vegan Friendly.9:47
Random: The Gathering: The Draft Come draft our custom Magic: The Gathering set with our resident Magic players. Ifyou've never cast Global Thermonuclear War, now's a good time.11:47
Wrapping Random Noms Wrap fillings in wrappers. Eat. Possibly nutritionally balanced. Omnivore, vegetarian,and vegan friendly.11:47
Classy Tea Join the lovely folk of Random for a pleasant tea. We'll have tea and all sorts ofsweets, presented in the most adorable manner. Think Working!! with a little bit ofOHSHC. We are not, to our own disappointment, a devil of a butler. We do entertain atyour leisure so come by Random Hall.12:17
Make your own Truffles Chocolate with raspberry! Chocolate with vanilla! Chocolate with spices! Chocolate withmushrooms! Wait...13:17
ASSCARS : The Destiny Dune Buggy Challenge Old Toroidal Hallways + Electric Buggy + Freshmen + A few bandaids and maybe a helmet =Safer than most EC events13:47
PREPARE FOR WAR Come join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in war-paint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doomand deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker! Bwuahahahaha.14:47
Python Bee You were probably spelling bee champions in elementary school. We know the type -didn't miss a single letter in ""Czechoslovakia"", never lost your patience when the kidin front of you had to spell ""popcorn"" when you had to spell ""paideia"". Are youready for a challenge of a different sort? Instead of struggling through""appoggiatura,"" prepare yourselves for questions ranging from ""write a function thatsearches through an array for the first element greater than both of its neighbors"" to""write a recursive descent parser for the following DSL..."" That's not hard enough,you say? Fine. Now you have to spell your program out loud. Not enough? Live audience!Fearlessly code in front of your new peers, earning the respect and accolades you surelydeserve. Come one, come all, and prove your programming prowess in the Python Bee.16:47
Byzantine Burritos Have you noticed that burito often have structural failures? Have you come to acceptthat there will always be some probability of failure? If so you should consider how tobest tolerate those faults! If you want to learn about how to tolerate N faults with3N+1 Byzantine Generals...I mean Burritos...then this is the event for you! Come eatguacamole, southwest chile sauce, rice, bell peppers all with the assurance that we willproperly handle failures! Vegan Friendly.17:17
Tuesday Night Talk Secretly this is TNT. But there won't be any explosions. This is to teach you how notto explode at MIT and Random. It's going to be great. Seriously.18:30
Minihunt Can't wait till January for the MIT Mystery Hunt? Now you don't have to! We've got apuzzle hunt right here at Random Hall, to satisfy your eager brains.20:17
Make Your Own Virus Plushie Come learn how to sew your own hepatitis B virus plushie! All materials needed to makethe plushie will be provided. Curious what exactly a plush hepatitis B virus looks like?20:17
A Primer on Time Travel This is the event where you learned how to time travel. But you probably know thatalready; the version of you reading this description has already attended this event atREX only to travel backwards in time, where you're now experiencing REX a second time.(Or is it a third?)20:17
Smoothies and Boba and Tea! Oh My! Want smoothies? Want tea? Want smoothies made of tea? Want boba in your smoothies? Cometo Random to make your own refreshments!20:17
Spinning on the Roofdeck Learn and practice the creativity of applying centripetal force to poi and staff.21:17
Time Travel: Paradoxes and Models Killing your grandparents isn't so bad in some models of time travel. Come talk aboutsuch paradoxes and how to resolve them. Safety not guaranteed.21:47
Sweet Rave Party Rave-An underground party in which electronic music is played, dancing occurs in a veryfree-form fashion. The dress of the partygoers is quite unrestrained. --Urban Dictionary22:17
S'mores Gooey, crunchy, chocolatey goodness.23:17
Sleeper's Anonymous Sleep is an addiction. The first step towards overcoming your addiction is admittingyou have a problem. Sleepers Anonymous is a support group formed to help people like youovercome this addiction. Come, and we will all fight it together.24:17
Thursday, August29
Pancakes Sometimes, Random Hall wants to feed you lots and lots of mostly plain pancakes. Thisis not that time. Have you ever had blueberry pancakes? Chocolate chip pancakes? Howabout spicy cinnamon pancakes?9:17
Alice in RandomLand Play cards, drink tea, eat sweets and enjoy yourself.11:17
Dumpling Hylomorphism Anamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn to make them, or just perform a metabolicreduction on food.12:17
Come Paint Things! Leave your own mark in Random Hall by painting murals with us! No artistic skillneeded!13:47
Friday, August30
Leftover Nitrogen Eat our ice cream, smash our flowers...help us run through the rest of our liquidnitrogen!13:17

CPW 2012

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 19
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamWhat happens when you subject ice-cream to a 400K temperature gradient? Om Nom Nom!!!Pun not intended.12:47
Come for the Cheese, Stay for the MafiaCheese is delicious, and tasty, and you will enjoy trying it. Then, join us for ourfavorite game of psychology, deception, and paranoia. We recently ran a three-week gameof Live Action Mafia. Trust us, we know what we're doing.14:17
Randomized Algorithms, CS and JuiceJoin us for a fierce competition of Random-ized Algorithms (execute your favoritealgorithms with a blackboard and chalk!). After that, we'll drink fascinating juice andtalk about delicious topics in computer science, such as algorithms,data structures, or computational models.16:17
Nerdy SingalongIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event fulfilling in creativeway. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be the future soon,so apply forgetful functors to the past and be still alive.18:17
Food Fight!Just kidding! First we food, then we fight. Red and green chile in delicious food!Pillowfight of DOOM! I only regret that I have but one life to give for thispillowfight.18:47
Potential Energy and Protein ShakesWhen you pick things up, they gain potential energy. When you put them down, they loseit. Come explore this fascinating phenomenon. Refreshing beverages will be served.22:17
Psi Phi Short StoriesCome enjoy science fiction short stories with awesome people! Have requests in mind, orjust be ready to be introduced to new authors and stories.23:17
Friday, April 20
Pancakes!Plain pancakes are pretty boring. Have you ever had blueberry pancakes? Chocolate chippancakes? How about spicy cinnamon pancakes?9:17
Even More LN2 Ice CreamOh, that's right! When you're 77 Kelvin, you redefine cool. Come chill with us as wemake even more ice cream with liquid nitrogen. It'll be frosty, dude.11:47
Boff for WafflesBoff: to fight with foam swords. Come boff on the Random Hall roofdeck! For honor! Forglory! For Random Hall! Winners are rewarded with waffles (Note: waffles are availablefor non-winners as well. Also people who don't boff).13:17
An Elegant Afternoon Tea Come enjoy an afternoon tea! Partake in small delights and refresh your palate with somedelicious tea! There will be sugar and not-sugar.15:17
Techo de QuesoGet a taste of autonomy at MIT dorms by painting ceiling tiles! Discover how thosewithout dining plans make cooking fun with Quesadilla Roulette. Casualties range from0.25 to 1.5 quesadillas per person and may also include the occasionalgallon of water.16:17
Creating Chain MailLearn to weave metal into chains and fabrics! Make armor worthy of the 13th century!Also suitable for awesome jewelry.18:47
Deep Fried LN2 Ice CreamSome like it hot, some like it sub-zero. Why not have both at once?18:47
Edible Worlds and Katamari Damacy Come help us build a giant world of candy and sugar! Then, stick around to destroy andeat it.19:17
Power Point KaraokeAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present!19:47
Nerf WarNegotiations have failed. The shooting has begun. Both sides have vowed to fight to thedeath. Join us for a nerf battle of EPIC PROPORTIONS!20:47
Board Games!!Build a Dominion in Puerto Rico to prevent your Descent into Revolution. Through theages, board games have been a leading tradition of Random Hall. Come play them with us!22:17
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes! Is it early, or is it late? All we know is that we havedelicious pancakes to feed you.27:17
Saturday, April 21
Saturday Morning Cartoons and MOAR BREAKFASTDo you want to Catch Them All? Have you harnessed the Heart of the Cards? Come watch thecartoons you loved, or the one's that we loved at least. What's better than cartoons?Cartoons with breakfast. What's better than breakfast? MOARbreakfast!9:17
Random: the GatheringMagic. You like to play Magic? Well come play Random: the Gathering, Random Hall'scustom magic set. Have fun with fellow magic players, especially if you've ever wantedto cast Global Thermonuclear War!12:17
TrufflesDo you want delectable chocolate with raspberry? Boring ol' chocolate with vanilla? Willyou show your chutzpah by trying chocolate with chipotle? How about chocolate with deathwasabi - only for the brave of heart and palate...13:17
Storytime with Cruft and JugglingHear about how cruft juggled their academic and personal lives. Lots of stories fromback in the day, when things were more hardcore. While you're at it, learn how to juggleactual objects in enclosed spaces! Trust us it'll prepareyou for the mental exertion of college.14:17
Kit-tea PartyKitties and tea. Top hats and fans encouraged. There will be cake.16:17
Roofdeck BBQMeat! Ribs, sausage, pulled pork, and more! Come eat, talk, eat, and see the awesomnessof having a roofdeck. And eat! Food of the non-meat variety to be served as well.16:47
Easy Games? Not Anymore!ntris: a game for those who think tetris is too easy. pants pants revolution: makestepmania harder by wearing MORE pants!19:47
Random Hallsmeade It's not quite Hogsmeade, but it's close. Come taste a few of the yummy treats you readabout while we join together in our collective quest to destroy the dark lord.Butterbeer will be served.19:47
Sweet Rave PartyIt's the end of the world as we know it, but you can dance if you want to. So walk thisway-just don't get lost in the sandstorm.21:47
Continuous Games Forevvvverrrrrrr!!!!!!Games. Games. Games. Games. Gamesgamesgamesgames. GAMESGAMESGAMESGAMES.GAMESGAMESGAMESGAMES!!!!!27:17

REX 2011

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Friday, August 26
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamSome like it hot; some like it sub-zero.17:47
Gluck!Gluck is a game of quick wits and lightning reflexes. Are you DOWN for 4-deckmultiplayer speed solitaire? GLUCK!18:47
Dumpling HylomorphismAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn the basic fold, or just perform ametabolic reduction on food.19:47
Dance Frosh DanceDo it now. Because you want to. And because it will be awesome. There's a simple recipe:glowsticks, music that goes "untz, untz, untz," blacklights. Done.20:47
Spontaneous Dessert AssemblageTry combining Nutella, peanut butter, and bananas. Create a marshmallow-cementedstructure of graham crackers and Twizzlers as a standing testament to your glory - untildevoured. Or just fry things and see what's delicious. Bringyour creativity - we've got the food.21:17
ntris friendsFrom isawyoumitcom, M spotting F, fourth in the queue at ntris.mit.edu:

I saw you... in hot pink. You never give me any choices, never let me turn thissituation around. Why won't you be mine?

Maybe it's that four-fold rotational symmetry.

Board GamesThere is an adventure to be had! Unlock the Riddles of the Revolution. Or build up theRiches of your Dominion. Through the Ages, board games have been a Random Halltradition. Come play them with us!23:47
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes. Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes of course!27:17
Saturday, August 27
The Full EnglishHave you ever wanted to go to England but couldn't afford it? Well never fear! In RandomHall this morning, come experience a little bit of English life, the full Englishbreakfast. Complete with sausage, bacon, baked beans, and muchmuch more.

P.S. We will have vegetarian alternatives.

Not made in England or by anyone who is English.

Bacon Bacon BaconAre you tired of your REX food not being bacon? We can fix that.11:17
Hair DyeingThere is never enough color in your life. That's why you need it on your head!12:17
Gladiatorial Pillow CombatWar is hell. Fluffy, fluffy hell.12:47
Pita Falafel ProjectCome prepared to get your hands doughy. And then greasy. And then just straight updripping with tehina.13:17
CS and JuicePaul walks down the aisle at Shaw's, trying to pick the optimal set of juices to buy. Hecan't buy pomegranate juice without something sweeter to mix it with, like apple ororange, but if he buys orange juice, he won't buy orange mangoas well... uh-oh. Paul smells a boolean satisfiability problem to solve.14:47
Cardboard WarsUnleash your inner evil genius! Come make cardboard forts, cardboard doomsday devices,or whatever else your maniacal little heart desires! And then use them to make youropponents cower in fear in a nerf-gun fight of epic proportions.15:47
Nerdy Singalong It's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event fulfillings in creativeway. If hopes and dreams are shattering apart, remember it's gonna be the future soon,so apply forgetful functors to the past and be still alive.16:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamSure you've had ice cream before. But now you're at MIT. It's time for the real stuff.17:17
Econ and TonicAre you deeply concerned about the marginal disutility of your next mosquito bite? Wouldyou like to propose a voting system to banish all mosquitoes? If so, come talk with usabout econ. We've got quinine!17:47
Random: the GatheringEver wanted to cast Global Thermonuclear Warfare? The Wizards of the Dorm have conjureda special edition cardset of Magic: The Gathering - so now you can.18:47
BEEF ON THE ROOFDECKWe cook, you eat; that's how we roll.19:17
Random Jewelry MakingStore bought jewelry is so last season. All the cool kids are wearing toothbrushes anddiscarded electrical components.19:47
Rocky Horrible's Sing-Along BlogThink Dr. Horrible is a beautiful, amazing, inviolable work of perfect art? Pleaseleave.21:17
Randomized AlgorithmsIf you've ever wished randomized incremental constructions weren't just for computers,join us in Pecker lounge and learn precisely how much slower a chalkboard is than amodern CPU.22:17
Random Hallsmeade It's not quite Hogsmeade, but it's close. Come taste a few of the yummu treats you readabout while we listen to Wizard Rock and talk about the series everyone loves.Butterbeer will be served.23:17
R. Hallivander's Wand ShopIt's just like Ollivander's... Only without the magic. Come make and decorate your wand.24:17
RHOPWe have almost as many pancakes as the International House of Pancakes, and you don'thave to drive to get here. See how much maple syrup you can fit on one plate.27:17
Sunday, August 28
Morning TeaCome join the Mad Hatter and the March Hare for a scrumptious morning tea! There will bescones and jam and other delights. And, of course, tea.9:47
Physics 'n' CoffeeIf mathematicians turn tea into theorems... do physicists turn coffee into awesomeness?Caffeine, physics, and cookies all in one place.15:47
TrufflesTired of boring old chocolate? Come to Random Hall and try our truffles with flavorsranging from raspberry to pink lemonade to wasabi. That still too boring for you? Thenfreeze your truffles in liquid nitrogen!16:17
Juggling in Enclosed SpacesWhat's more fun that throwing brightly colored objects at people? Doing it at the sametime as fifteen other people all packed into a small lounge. Come juggle with us! Don'tknow how? We're happy to teach you!17:17
Oh Sweet LN2Getting tired of ice cream? Never fear! There are plenty of other things we can do withLN2. Making candy, for example. And smashing things.17:47
25.01Have a favorite record you know no one else has heard of? Or a favoriate plaid shirt?Then come and talk about hipster things, because "interdisciplinary science" totallycovers "hipster things," right? Right?18:17
the WOK CombinatorThe combinator is familiar to computer scientists, but less well known to foodscientists. A closely guarded secret among the Chinese is the WOK combinator, guaranteedto combine vegetable and meat in record runtime. (Vegan-friendlytoo.)20:47
S'moresGooey, crunchy, chocolatey goodness.24:17
Monday, August 29
Pancakes!Plain pancakes are pretty boring. Have you ever had blueberry pancakes? Chocolate chippancakes? How about spicy cinnamon pancakes?9:47
Lunch Pies at WinterfellCome join us in Bonfire Lounge while we cook and eat savory pies prepared specially forlittle Lord Bran of Winterfell and maybe watch an episode or two of Game of Thrones.Afterwards, learn how to be a Knight, use a longsword, andduel your fellow freshmen on the Roofdeck.14:17
DIY Theremin Pencil1. Solder Together Electronic Components.
2. Draw, Play Picture Like MusicalInstrument

3. ????

4. PROFIT!!!
Squick Squick Squicksquick squick squick... "HOOOOOM!" Want to hear some slash that will screw with yourbrain? You'll never look at Legolas the same way again...15:47
Water War: ARM YOURSELFThe East campus dorms (including Random) will square off against the West campus dormsin an epic battle. Come arm yourself with equipment you built yourself, and joinRandom's FUNNELATOR LEGION!16:47
Tea and MathTea is warm; cookies are sweet; math is beautiful. Come enjoy all three.17:17
Deep-Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamIt's hot and it's cold and it's freaking delicious and totally not going to give youheart disease and diabetes. No really. Deep fried ice cream FTW.18:47
BBQ on the Roofdeck Meat! Ribs, sausage, pulled pork, and more! Come eat, talk, eat, and see the awesomnessof having a roofdeck. And eat! Food of the non-meat variety to be served as well.19:47
Minihunt Can't wait till January for the MIT Mystery Hunt? Now you don't have to! We've got yourpuzzle-solving, brain-food-eating fix up in Pecker kitchen.21:17
Mafia Madness During IAP we ran a game of live action mafia. This won't be quite as spectacular... butwe plan to make it pretty close.22:17
Board GamesThere is adventure to be had! Unlock the Riddles of the Revolution. Or build up theRiches of your Dominion. Through the Ages, board games have been a Random Halltradition. Come play them with us!23:47
Did You Say Disney Movies?We don't mind if you sing along. We know all of the words, too.24:17
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes: I'm a delicious warm pancake smothered in maple syrup. Biteme.27:17
Tuesday, August 30
Kinda Friendly ToastThere is a restaurant not too far from MIT where they serve toast and are friendly. Iflike me you are unnerved by nice people staring at you whilst you eat, come to Randomand eat French toast with us. 100% no staring guaranteed.10:47
PolyroastismRoast(X) where X = {Broccoli, Garlic, Pork, Bell Peppers, Chorizo, Carrots, Onions,Asparagus, Sweet Potatoes}.13:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamOh, that's right! When you're 77 Kelvin, you redefine cool. Come chill with us as wemake even more ice cream with liquid nitrogen. It'll be frosty, dude.14:47

CPW 2011

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 7
Truffles!Do you want delectable chocolate with raspberry? Boring ol' chocolate with vanilla? Willyou show your chutzpah by trying chocolate with chipotle? How about chocolate with deathwasabi- only for the brave of heart and palate...15:17
Powerpoint KaraokeAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present?16:17
(Almost) Life-Sized Settler's of CatanCome and play a Random Hall favorite board game, now in epic proportions.17:17
Wok CombinatorThe combinator is well appreciated in computer science. A lesser known role of thecombinator in food science, and a closely guarded secret among Chinese is the WOKcombinator, guaranteed to combine vegetable and meat in record runtime.18:47
Card GamesKick down the door wearing a *Spiked Codpiece* in Munchkin, or use your creativity tocontribute to our growing 1000 Blank White Cards deck.18:47
Storytime With Cruftcruft, n.- code, data, or software of poor quality. Also: fluff, detritus, and MITalumni. Come learn of ye oldenn tymes from the ancient ones. 19:17
Deep-Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamWhat happens when you subject ice-cream to a 400K temperature gradient? Om Nom Nom!!!Pun not intended.21:17
Movies on the RoofdeckA literal moonlight showing of "Inception", "The Waterboy" and a surprise finalefeature. Ridiculous amounts of popcorn included. In case of inclement weather the eventwill be moved indoors.22:17
Friday, April 8
MORE BREAKFAST THAN YOUR BODY HAS ROOM FOR!!!The OM NOM NOMELETTE strikes back! And this time, it has an army of OVER 9000 PANCAKES!9:17
MIT: the LARPCome make-believe that you are an adventuring party of MIT students! It's not all aboutdoing battle against psets... you'd better make sure you properly ground your circuit,or it might become a summoning circle. And that computerprogram? It gets hungry sometimes.11:17
(Pre)Frosh Feeding FrenzyCome start the Freshman 15 early! ALL THE FOOD. You can eat it here. Be refreshed! AtRandom!13:47
Tea 'n' MathTea is warm; cookies are sweet; math is beautiful. Come enjoy all three.14:17
Random PaulCome get all of your questions about MIT answered. All answers guaranteed to be providedby 100% MIT students 100% named Paul.15:17
CS & JuiceJuice tastes better than tea. Computer science is more fun than math.16:17
LN2 Ice CreamLiquid Nitrogen is really cold. So is ice cream. Coincidence? (This event hasone-in-three chance of being Deep Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream in disguise!)16:47
D&D One-ShotsEnjoy a fantastic adventure of swords and sorcery as you delve into the depths of adungeon filled with monsters, to face off against the evil Baron von Ternus.17:47
Roofdeck BBQMeat! Ribs, sausage, pulled pork, and more! Come eat, talk, eat, and see the awesomenessof having a roofdeck. And eat! Food of the non-meat variety to be served as well. 18:17
ntris friendsThink you're good at Tetris? Take your skills to the limit with ntris! Check outntris.mit.edu for a preview.20:17
Cocoa 'n' BiologySip cocoa, munch cookies and discuss the future of biology with Random residents -including systems biology, biophysics and synthetic biology as well as more traditionalapproaches. Warning: features computer scientists, physicistsand mathematicians as well as biology majors!20:47
Board GamesCome embrace your Descent into the Dominion of Rallying Robots. Then incite a Revolutionamong the Settlers by telling them of the Betrayal of their Cities and Knights by theevil overlords. 22:17
PrimerWatch the all time time traveling engineers movie: PRIMER! Have your mind twisted andturned until you barely remember which door you entered through. Eat popcorn, watch acool movie (about engineers!) and discuss the many twistedtime lines.24:17
RHOPEverything is more interesting in the early hours of the morn! Even pancakes.26:47
Saturday, April 9
Breakfast at J Arthur'sLet set S={pancakes, bread, nutella, peanut butter, jam, tea, banana, apple, pear,pancakes}. You will get to choose an element of the power set of set S to eat forbreakfast (i.e. you will get to eat any or all of the foods listed).9:47
Lemonade and LinguisticsDid you know that some languages have no nouns while others have no verbs? Come siplemonade and talk about this and other questions in current linguistics research.Examples will range from English to Zulu to Mayan. No backgroundrequired.12:17
Electronics Art and JewelryIf you come to MIT, you'll probably get a chance to wire up an electric circuit whileyou're here. That's not this event, though - instead, we'll be focusing on the prettyside of electronics instead of the practical. 12:17
Ominous NominousThe harbinger of food.13:17
Life According to Courage WolfYou've got questions. The Internet's got answers. (Note: answers may not be topical.Answers should not be taken with other medications. Answers are known to cause cancer inCalifornia. If answers last more than four hours, seek immediatemedical treatment.)14:17
Boffing on the Roof DeckAre you a master of the blade? How about a foam one? Practice disemboweling enemies andfriends alike on our roof deck.15:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamI scream, you scream, we all scream for 77 Kelvins. This event has one-in-three chanceof being Deep Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream in disguise.16:17
Gladiatorial Pillow CombatOnly the quickest and the strongest survive. We who are about to tool salute you! 16:47
Random: The GatheringEver wanted to cast Global Thermonuclear Warfare? The Wizards of the Dorm have conjureda special edition cardset of Magic: The Gathering - so now you can.17:17
mitBEEF OFFIt's the annual prestigious mitBEEF competition, and you are the judget. Many willenter, but only one will take home the prize. Which one will it be? You decide. Come eatour tasty meat.19:47
Spontaneous Dessert AssemblageTry combining Nutella, peanut-butter and bananas. Create a marshmallow-cementedstructure of graham-crackers and Twizzlers standing testament to your glory - untildevoured. Or just fry things and see what's delicious. Bring your creativity- we've got the food.20:17
Coffee 'n' PhysicsEver wanted to know about the secrets of quantum mechanics? Ever wanted coffee? Comesatisfy both of these long-held, latent desires (and I KNOW you've latently desired bothcoffee and physics knowledge) on Random's very own Peckerfloor!20:47
Rocky Horrible's Sing-Back BlogThink Dr. Horrible is a beautiful, amazing, inviolable work of perfect art? Please,please, please go somewhere else. Anyone else? Come join us in yelling at a perfectlynice movie that has done absolutely nothing to deserve it.21:17
Nerdy Sing-AlongIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with how much this event fulfilling in creativeway. If hopes and dreams and shattering apart, remember it's gonna be the future soon,so apply forgetful functors to the past and be still alive.22:17
Juggling in Enclosed SpacesWhat's more fun than throwing brightly colored objects at people? Doing it at the sametime as fifteen other people all packed into a small lounge. Come juggle with us! Don'tknow how? We're happy to teach you!22:47
Pants Pants RevolutionJust like Dance Dance Revolution, except that every time you win, you put on anotherpair of pants.23:17
Sweet Rave PartyRave-An underground party in which electronic music is played, dancing occurs in a veryfree-form fashion. The dress of the partygoers is quite unrestrained. --Urban Dictionary24:17
Sleepers AnonymousSleep is an addiction. There is no 'try', only 'do', when is comes to kicking anaddiction. Come talk about it and kick it with us.27:17
Sunday, April 10
Line by Line Write haiku with us / I am the saddest haboo / Purple is a shape10:17
Leftover BrunchYou're going to college. You will eat leftovers. Try before you buy!10:47

REX 2010

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Friday, August 27
Truffles!Do you want the delectable chocolate with raspberry? The boring ol' chocolate withvanilla? Will you show your chutzpah by trying the chocolate with chipotle? How aboutthe chocolate with death wasabi- only for the brave of heart andpalate...15:17
MunchkinDoes D&D have too much plot for you? Come play some Munchkin. All the killing andlooting, none of the story or rules.16:17
Nerdy Sing Along It's hard to overstate my satisfaction with the songs we've got lined up here. Truly,this event fulfilling in creative way. If you want to be first in your class here atMIT, just remember that it's gonna be the future soon and ifwe just keep singing we'll be still alive when it comes.16:17
Juggling in Enclosed SpacesWhat's more fun than throwing brightly colored objects at people? Doing it at the sametime as fifteen other people all packed into a small lounge. Come juggle with us! Don'tknow how? We're happy to teach you!17:17
Live Action Quest Come quest about the Duchy of Black Hole, a mysterious land populated by somestrangely-dressed folks. Scavenge and hunt, talk to odd townspeople, solve the sphinx'sriddle, slay the dragon, rescue the princess, and find the tastytreasure. Roleplay accordingly!17:47
ClamathonAre you rad enough to complete the Shuanak challenge? How about a game of Clamball inthe Clam-hall? Come prove yourself to be the best at inane games.18:17
Roofdeck BBQMeat! Ribs, sausage, pulled pork and more! Come eat, talk, eat, and see the awesomenessof having a roofdeck. And eat!20:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamWhat does one do with twenty liters of the embodiment of REALLY BLOODY COLD? Make icecream, of course!20:47
Build-A-Bagofholding You may not have enough time to do everything you want, but you can get enough space tohold whatever you want. Breaking the laws of physics, just for you.21:17
CS 'n' JuiceJuice tastes better than tea. Theoretical computer science is more fun than math.21:47
Board GamesRisk? Not exactly! Come play in our Dominion of Munchkins and Betrayal, get a Ticket toRide to your Descent, and Race for the Galaxy's Twilight Imperium! You might even settlein Catan along the way.22:47
Duct Tape ConstructionCome make things out of the most awesome material know to peoplekind!23:47
RHOPWhy would anyone be up so late? To serve you pancakes, of course!27:17
Saturday, August 28
Crepes!Sweet! Crepes! Make! Eat!9:17
B-7sIt's our weekly math party: snacks and hard problems included.11:47
Learn to Cook in 3 Short StepsHow to cook X: Step 1: Come to Random Hall at 12:17. Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit! (Eat X)12:17
Silly Putty Ice CreamWhat? Ice cream isn't supposed to do that! (Warning: May contain potato.)12:47
Cookies and Smut Listen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and discover Thor's magnificent hammer!13:47
PillowdomeTwo men with pillows enter! One man with a pillow leaves! Two men with pillows enter!One man with a pillow leaves!14:17
CHEESE Swiss Cheddar Brie Cottage Parmigiano Reggiano Gouda Chevre Camembert Provolone RicottaColby Jack Pepper Jack Monterey Jack Mozzarella Muenster Blue Havarti Limburger Feta.14:47
Storytime with Cruft Cruft: (n) junk, detritus, old computers, and MIT alumni. Bask in the glory of ourvenerable old fogies and learn about the good old days. (Warning: "stay off my lawn")15:17
Bubble Wrap RoomSpend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap. Pop, pop - hope no one sees me gettin'freaky.16:17
MafiaWill the townspeople triumph? Or will the Mafia kill them all?16:47
Wigging OutCome see what colors look good on your head! Guaranteed to be less permanent than dye!17:17
Boffing on the RoofdeckNothing says, "Hey, let's be friends" like a foam sword to the abdomen.18:17
Pixelate By Numbers MuralLike color by numbers? LIke old video games? Like art? Like anything at all? Come helpus paint a mural of pixels, color by number style!18:47
nth annual BEEFoff Many will enter, but just one will have the glory of victory. Eat BEEF and decide whichdish will take home the prize.19:17
ChainmailLearn to weave metal into chains and fabrics! Make armor worthy of the thirteenthcentury! Also suitable for badass jewelry.20:17
Pass the Chicken OVER HERE! PASS THE CHICKEN! (Warning: No chickens were harmed in making of this event)21:17
Tea 'n' Math Featuring all that is good in life: tea, cookies, and awesome math.21:47
Revenge of the Board Games!Didn't get enough the first time? Come for a second round of our favorite boardgames...or come join us for the first time!22:47
RHOPEverything is more interesting in the early hours of the morn. Even pancakes.27:17
Sunday, August 29
Breakfast at Tiffany'sTiffany&Co like making food. You like eating food. What could be better? (Classylittle black dresses and pearls not required.)9:17
Chess is a fun game when played with shotgunsNow with 30% more queens!16:17
Afternoon TeaCome have a lovely afternoon tea with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare! Enjoy somelight hor d'oeuvres and tea, and don't forget to bring a hat. If you do, newspaper willhave to suffice. As always, stuffed animals are welcome.16:17
ntris FriendsTetris is trivial. Come play ntris and hit your opponent in the face with a giantnonomino.17:17
Rocky Horrible's Sing-Back BlogHave beloved memories of Dr. Horrible? Not after this event, you won't. Come as we findthe worst things possible to yell at poor NPH.18:17
Randomized AlgorithmsIf you've ever wished randomized incremental constructions weren't just for computers,join us in Pecker lounge and learn precisely how much slower a chalkboard is than amodern CPU.19:17
Pants Pants RevolutionLike Dance Dance Revolution, but every time you win, you put on another pair of pants.20:17
Physics 'n' CoffeeLike tea 'n' math, but with more caffeine and slightly more basis in reality (but onlyslightly).21:17
Sleepers Anonymous Sleep is an addiction. The first step towards overcoming your addiction is admitting youhave a problem. Sleepers Anonymous is a support group formed to help people like youovercome this addiction. Come, and we will all fight it together.25:17
Monday, August 30
More Breakfast Than YOUR BODY HAS ROOM FOR!!!Oh no! The Giant Egg Monster is attacking the city! What will we do?8:17
Wait, what's that?8:18
Settlers of Catan (Almost) Life-sizedCome play a Random Hall favorite board game, now in epic proportions.11:17
Dumpling HylomorphismAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn the basic fold, or just perform ametabolic reduction on food.12:17
Deep Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Some like it hot, some like it sub-zero. Why not have both at once?12:47
Dungeons and Dragons A whimsical journey full of fun, magic and adventure awaits! Also, killing things andlooting their stuff.13:47
Electronics DissectionCome join us at Random Hall for an electrifying experience! Take apart a blender, makeyourself some capacitor earrings, play a little game of electronics jenga, and plot howto take over the world with electronics!14:17
Mexican RouletteTons of quesadillas. Some of them are obscenely spicy. Feeling lucky? Mexican rouletteis not the same without a gun.15:47
Minihunt Can't wait for Mystery Hunt? Come solve some puzzles and eat some healthy brain food!15:47
Awesome AMVs Like anything else, 90% of all AMVs are crap. Come see the best of the best.16:47
Gluck Are you DOWN for 4-deck speed solitaire? GLUCK!19:17
The Bacon ConjectureThm: Everything is better with bacon. Proof: Come to this event. QED.19:17
Sweet Rave PartyRejoice in the Revelry of the Random Rush Rave! Rock out Really Radically!20:17
Not the Start of Our PartyThe Hitchhiker's Guide says our party is just starting now? But we've been rocking outfor hours!22:00
Even More Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream If you think that other stuff was cold...22:17
Caffeine Refueling StationSleep? What's sleep? You've got four years at MIT to sleep. Come get something to keepthe magic going. Random Hall is not responsible for high blood pressure, elevated heartrate, or sense of caffeine-induced omnipotence resultingfrom this event.23:17
Movies on the RoofdeckJoin us the for a skyline view of Cambridge and some movies! Now showing "The DarkKnight," "Grandma's Boy," and a mystery third feature!23:47
RHOPBreakfast at 4 AM. Question is, is it really early or really late?27:17
Tuesday, August 31
LegosCome relive your childhood as you build legos together...oh wait did i say relive yourchildhood cuz i actually meant BE AWESOME11:17
Paint the CeilingCome leave a mark on Random's ceiling, or go nuts and cover it all. Lay down some paintthat will still be here for the class of 2040 to see.12:17
Squick Squick Squicksquick, squick squick..."HOOOOOM!" Want to hear some slash that will screw with yourbrain? You'll never look at Legolas the same way again...12:17
Last Meal Buffet The Texas department of Corrections lists the last meals of the inmates it executed from2003 back. Come find out what you would eat if you were about to die (and then eat it!).13:17
3D TwisterWe wanted to do it in 4D, but the Transdimensional Building Committe wouldn't approve. 3boards, 3 Dimensions, 5242880 more ways to get tangled up.14:17
Random: The Gathering Ever wanted to cast Global Thermonuclear Warfare? The Wizards of the Dorm have conjureda special edition cardset of Magic: The Gathering - so now you can.15:15

CPW 2010

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 8
Truffles!Come to Random Hall and make your own delicious truffles! Dark chocolate with raspberry,milk chocolate with lemon and ginger, white chocolate with wasabi (for the brave ofheart). Are your taste buds up to the challenge?15:17
Bubble Wrap RoomSpend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap Pop, pop - hope no one sees me gettin'freaky.16:17
Dumpling HylomorphismAnamorphism: the building up of a structure. Catamorphism: the consumption of astructure. Hylomorphism: both an anamorphism and a catamorphism. This event? Ahylomorphism on dumplings. Come learn the basic fold, or just perform ametabolic reduction on food.17:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamColder than the heart of a freshman physics professor. This event has one-in-threechance of being Deep Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream in disguise!18:17
Tea and MathDrink tea, eat biscuits, and learn math! No purchase necessary.19:17
Juggling in Closed SpacesClam lounge What's more fun than throwing brightly colored objects at people? Doing itat the same time as fifteen other people all packed into a small lounge. Come jugglewith us! Don't know how? We're happy to teach you! 19:17
Pillow warsCome get out some extra energy and test your skills in our pillow fight tournament.20:17
Two-by-four Jenga"One jenga, please." "And would you like to super-size that, sir?"
Find us at the CPW Festival
Sweet Rave PartyRAVE!!! RAVE RAVE RAVE (glow sticks!) RAVE RAVE RAVE. (Dance the night away.)24:17
Sleepers AnonymousSleep is an addiction. The first step towards overcoming your addiction is admitting youhave a problem. Sleepers Anonymous is a support group formed to help people like youovercome this addiction. Come, and we will all fight it together.27:17
Friday, April 9
More Breakfast than YOUR BODY HAS ROOM FOR!!!It's the return of the OM NOM NOMELETTE! And this time, it has an army of OVER 9000PANCAKES!8:17
Toilet Paper DodgeballCome to CPW! Meet new and exciting people! Hit them with rolls of toilet paper!11:17
The Adventures of Baron von TernusCome eat Austrian food and listen to stories told by one of Random's world-travelingresidents.12:17
D&D One-ShotShock! An outcry! Lord Branstein murdered! By who, or what? Only our brave yet unlikelyteam of ragtag adventurers can get to the bottom of this! If you can't make it for thebeginning feel free to join at anytime.13:17
Afternoon TeaThe Mad Hatter and the March Hare invite you to tea; come for light food and insanity aswell. Stuffed animals are always welcome, and don't forget a hat!14:17
Pants Pants RevolutionJust like Dance Dance Revolution, except that every time you win, you put on anotherpair of pants.15:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamI scream, you scream, we all scream for 77 Kelvins. This event has one-in-three chanceof being Deep Fried Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream in disguise!16:17
Cardboard Fort ErectionStep 1: Erect large cardboard structures Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit!17:17
MinihuntCan't wait for the MIT Mystery Hunt? You don't have to! Join us to work on some awesomepuzzles and brainteasers. We'll even try some meta-puzzles and go on a puzzlingrunaround! Healthy brain food provided.18:47
Storytime with Cruftcruft, n.- code, data, or software of poor quality. Also: fluff, detritus and MITalumni. Come learn of ye oldenn tymes from the ancient ones. 19:47
ntris FriendsLarger and larger blocks fall down the screen, and it's your job to clear lines fasterthan your opponent. Test your skill and speed against other prefrosh and against ourreigning champion. Can you get a BACK-TO-BACK PENTRIS?20:47
Board GamesRisk? Not exactly! Come play in our Dominion of Munchkins and Betrayal, get a Ticket toRide to your Descent, and Race for the Galaxy's Twilight Imperium! You might even settlein Catan along the way. 21:17
RHOPIs it early, or is it late? All we know is that we have delicious pancakes to feed you.26:17
Saturday, April 10
Saturday Morning CartoonsA couch, a TV, and an infinite supply of Lucky Charms. Featuring the likes of InvaderZim, Batman the Animated Series, and Bambi vs. Godzilla. 8:17
Random: The GatheringEver wanted to cast Global Thermonuclear Warfare? The Wizards of the Dorm have conjureda special edition cardset of Magic: The Gathering- so now you can. 10:17
Boffing on the RoofdeckYou have enemies? Smite them! You have friends? Smite them! You have neither? Well, youcan still whack people! Come to Random Hall and fight with big foam swords. For greatjustice! 12:17
The WOK CombinatorThe combinator is well appreciated in computer science. A lesser known role of thecombinator in food science, and a closely guarded secret among Chinese is the WOKcombinator, guaranteed to combine vegetable and meat in record runtime.(Vegan-friendly) 13:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamNot quite absolute. This event has one-in-three chance of being Deep Fried LiquidNitrogen Ice Cream in disguise! 14:17
Make ChainmailAre you ever woken up at night by swordsmen breaking down your door? Well, you'll beable to sleep easy after this event; come learn to make armor worthy of the thirteenthcentury! Also suitable for badass jewelry.15:17
Randomized AlgorithmsIf you've ever wished randomized incremental constructions weren't just for computers,join us in Pecker lounge and learn precisely how much slower a chalkboard is than amodern CPU.16:17
Random PaulCome to Random to get answers to any questions you have about MIT, Random Hall, life,love, or the whole crazy thing. Answers are guaranteed to be 100% provided by peoplenamed Paul. 17:17
Nerdy SingalongThe path of love is never smooth / But mine's continuous for you / You're the upperbound in the chains of my heart / You're my Axiom of Choice, you know it's true... 18:17
Roofdeck BBQ: Episode IA kilt-clad chef grills the flesh of lower orders. On the menu: steak tips, kebabs,italian sausage and vegetarians. 19:47
Roofdeck BBQ: Episode II: Revenge of the Plants What is this? I don't eveALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOVEGAN.19:52
Awesome AMVs90% of anime music videos are crap. We take the remaining 10% and distill the best AMVsout of it for your viewing pleasure.21:17
Physics 'n' CoffeeEver wanted to know about the secrets of quantum mechanics? Ever wanted coffee? Comesatisfy both of these long-held, latent desires (and I KNOW you've latently desired bothcoffee and physics knowledge) on Random's very own Peckerfloor! 22:17
Movies on the RoofdeckA moonlight showing of The Hangover, Sweeney Todd, and a surprise finale feature.Ridiculous amounts of popcorn included. In case of inclement weather the movies will bemoved indoors. 22:17
Midnight Nerf AssaultIt's too early to sleep! Come shoot other prefrosh with foam darts instead! 24:17
Duct Tape ConstructionCome make things out of one of the most awesome materials known to man! (and save theworld) 26:17
Sunday, April 11
Zoom Schwartz Profigliano The name of the game is Zoom Schwartz Profigliano Boink Belvidere Meep-meep QuaffleHedge Wembley Xavier Flesh Volvo Adolph Counter Chan. Would you like to play?9:17
3D TwisterWe wanted to do it in 4-D, but the Transdimensional Building Committee wouldn't approve.3 Boards, 3 Dimensions, 5242880 more ways to get tangled up.10:17
Almost LunchThree days is plenty of time to pick up some good leftovers. Come and help us get rid ofsome.11:17

REX 2009

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Friday, August 28
TrufflesCome to Random Hall and make your own delicious chocolates! White chocolate with wasabi,dark chocolate with raspberry, milk chocolate with lemon and ginger... the possibilitiesare (nearly) endless!15:17
D&D One-Shots: Edition 3.5Wanted: Bold adventurers to help rid a town of a marauding dragon. Not to defeat thedragon in combat, but to retrieve a long-lost artifact to banish it. Goblins. Ancientruins. Rival factions. Magic items. Many-sided dice. Adventureawaits!16:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamThe best tasting ice cream we've ever made... in 30 seconds.17:17
MemesIn memoriam: Rickrolling, R.I.P. November 2008.18:17
Haymarket FeverFRUIT: NOT BEEF: EAT ANYWAY19:17
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Back BlogWith my freeze ray, I will stop- singing please? "the pain." I'm covered inBEEEEEEEEEEES!20:17
3-D TwisterWe wanted to do it in 4-D, but the Transdimensional Building Committee wouldn't approve.3 Boards, 3 Dimensions, 5242880 more ways to get tangled up.21:17
Roofdeck MoviesBeautiful view, horrible films.21:47
Board GamesMonopoly? Not a chance. Come and play our smorgasbord of Betrayal at the TwilightImperium Robo Rally Escaping from Zyzzlvaria with Munchkins and Ricochet RobotsScrabbling for Tickets to Ride the Zombie Fluxx.22:47
Saturday, August 29
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes: Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes, of course.3:17
Saturday Morning CartoonsTerrible sugary cereal and terrible Saturday morning cartoons: two things that are asawesome today as they were twelve years ago.9:17
Ceilings: Too plain?Have you ever longed to go back to the days of elementary school? Return to the dayswhen finger-painting was more than acceptable and help us paint our ceiling tiles whileyou're at it.10:17
Mobilize for the water war!Arm, paint, and funnelate yourselves for the upcoming water war. Crush (or at leastmildly soak) your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations oftheir (hot engineering) women.11:17
Bacon, bacon, baconBacon bacon bacon? Bacon. BaconbaconbaconbaconBACON. Bacon bacon! (Bacon:baconbaconbacon) Bacon- bacon, bacon bacon bacon. BAAAACCOOOONNN!!!!12:17
Nerf WarsShoot your friends! And your enemies! And the people you just met! Join us for a nerfbattle of EPIC PROPORTIONS!13:17
MinihuntCan't wait for the MIT Mystery Hunt? You don't have to! Join us to work on some awesomepuzzles and brainteasers. We'll even try some meta-puzzles and go on a puzzlingrunaround! Healthy brain food provided.14:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamServed steaming cold.14:47
Adventures of Baron von TernusHow to make a Baron von Ternus: one part seltzer for a bit of bounce, one part tonic forclass, ten parts bitters for attitude. Serve with wienerschnitzel. Note: alcohol willnot be served. Wienerschnitzel will. Ternuses are permanentlysober but love them some fine Austrian breaded pork.15:47
Settlers of PangaeaCatan has suffered a massive collision with the mainland! Settlements and cities galore!You may have brick for grain, but I've got wood for sheep!17:17
Random: The GatheringEver wanted to cast Global Thermonuclear Warfare? The Wizards of the Dorm have conjureda special edition cardset of Magic: The Gathering- so now you can.18:17
Wok of DoomIf a wok could signal the Armageddon, this would be it. Come feast on tasty stir fry andrice.18:47
Nerdy Sing-AlongIt's hard to overstate my satisfaction with the songs we've got lined up here. Truly,this event fulfilling in creative way. If you want to be first in your class here atMIT, just remember that it's gonna be the future soon and ifwe just keep singing we'll be still alive when it comes.19:47
Tea and MathThe Pathological Monsters of functions: Fractal Recursion and the Busy Beaver Functionserved alongside tea that is equally exciting: Aztec Chocolate Tea, African RedbushPeach Tea, and biscotti!20:47
Revenge of the Board Games!Didn't get enough the first time? Come for a second round of our favorite boardgames...or come join us for the first time!21:47
Sunday, August 30
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes: Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes, of course.3:17
Hair dyeingYour hair is not blue/pink/green enough! Come fix it!13:47
Making an Edible WorldIn preparation for the Edible Katamari Damacy event later today (at 19:17) come help usbuild a giant world of candy and sugar! Then, stick around to destroy and eat it later.14:17
Liquid Nitrogen IcecreamEven at 77 Kelvins, it's the hottest thing around.15:17
Tie-dyeingThat shirt of yours? It's so last week. Why are you wearing something that lacks color?Come rainbow up your wardrobe with a bit of tie-dye. Peace.16:17
Storytime with Cruftcruft, n.- code, data, or software of poor quality. Also: fluff, detritus and MITalumni. Come learn of ye oldenn tymes from the ancient ones.17:17
Roofdeck BBQSteak tips, Kabobs, Sausage, and Vegetarians.18:47
Roofdeck BBQ Part II: Vegetarian InvasionPORTOBELLO POWER!!!!1!!1118:49
Edible Katamari DamacyBent on world domination? Like chocolate? Come use chocolate to roll up, destroy, andthen DEVOUR THE WORLD!19:17
Pants pants revolutionIt's like DDR, but with more pants. Every time you win a game, you put on another pairof pants. How many pants can a human being possibly wear? Only science will tell.19:47
Tea and Math ReduxCome enjoy an evening of abstractions and hot tea and chocolate!20:47
Monday, August 31
Juggling in closed spacesRandom Hall has thin, topologically convoluted, claustrophobia- and vertigo-inducinghallways. Come juggle things through the air in them! We know ball juggling, clubpassing, diabolo spinning, contact rolling, and devil sticking.Come juggle (we're happy to teach people!) and we'll see if we can involve stairs inthis bad idea somehow.00:17
Sleepers AnonymousSleep is an addiction. The first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem.Sleepers Anonymous is a support group formed to help people like you overcome thisaddiction. Come, and we will fight this affliction together.2:17
Crepes!Flatter than a pancake, it goes well with whipped cream, nutella, fruit, chocolatesauce, and more. There's nothing savory about these crepes.9:17
Boffer ConstructionForge something eternal. Forge something undying. Forge something legendary. Forgesomething that will be spoken of in years to come as the blade of a true warrior. Forgea weapon...out of foam.10:17
The Improvised Furniture ExperienceExperience and develop the latest in 2x4 technology in a challenge to construct acouchlike lounge device from a bizarre assortment of road and automobile components, atest of creativity and engineering skill alike. Behold, the powerof Furniture made from Stuff We Found On the Street.11:17
CHEESESwiss Cheddar Brie Cottage Parmigiano Reggiano Gouda Chevre Camembert Provolone RicottaColby Jack Pepper Jack Monterey Jack Mozzarella Muenster Blue Havarti Limburger Feta.12:17
Toilet Paper DodgeballDon't forget to dodge, duck, dive, dip, and dodge the toilet paper!13:17
D&D One-Shots: Edition 4Lord Milne's favorite vase has been stolen - come help reclaim it from a dungeon filledwith monsters, puzzles and traps!14:17
Bubblewrap RoomIt's your childhood dream come true: we've covered an entire room with bubblewrap. Comebounce off the walls!15:17
Liquid Nitrogen IcecreamColder and more uncaring than the spirit of the Chem ASE.15:47
Roofdeck BoffingUrban Dictionary has two definitions of 'boffing'. Guess which one we'll be doing.16:17
Make Chainmail!Are you ever woken up at night by swordsmen breaking down your door? Well, you'll beable to sleep easy after this event; come learn to make armor worthy of the thirteenthcentury!17:17
Philosophical WankfestWhere does the world come from? What is consciousness? Is there such thing as free will?Do you think these questions sound unanswerable? Better still, do you think that makesthem all the more fun to argue about? Come celebrate thetime-honored MIT tradition of "wanking" - pointlessly debating a subject simply for thesake of it - this time, with a humanities twist!18:17
Heart Attack FoodLeave your guilt and nutrition guides at home, and come commit a slow delicious suicideon the fourth floor of Random Hall as we home-fry everything from chicken to onions toOreos!18:47
Duct Tape ConstructionWhat can you use to close an open wound? Duct tape! What's great when your shoe startsfalling apart? Duct tape! What comes in many colors and can be used to create somethingentirely new? Duct tape!19:17
LN2 IcecreamMmmmmmmmm....19:47
Hair DyeingBlonde? Brunette? Why not try purple or lime green?20:17
Cake or DeathOne of the great questions of the modern age.20:17
The Thinking with Portals Party at Random HallRandom Hall, the World's Smallest Nuclear Power, promises to always provide an awesomeparty environment. In party environments, the World's Smallest Nuclear Power promises toalways provide useful advice. For instance, the floor herehas cake. Try to eat it. (the cake is not a lie the cake is not aliethecakeisNOTALIE)20:30
Pillow FightWe have pillows. You have violent urges. Use the former to satisfy the latter.20:47
Guilty PleasuresCome indulge in furious mastication.21:17
Gluck(Speed + Solitaire) x 4 = Gluck! Come learn this fast-paced, four-deck card game andthen use it against Random Hall's Gluck masters.21:47
Sweet Rave partyStrobes Real Popular. Super Rad Powwow. Shake Rattle Pop.... Sweet Rave Party.22:17
Bad Science Movie MarathonThere will be screaming. But not because the movies are scary.22:47
Tuesday, September 1
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes: I'm a delicious warm pancake smothered in maple syrup. Biteme.3:17
Make your own donutsWho needs Dunkin' Donuts anyway? Come to Random Hall and make your own custom friedmodels of our dorm! (No plastic spatulas allowed.)10:17
Sock-Puppet Literary ClassicsWhat happens when you take sock puppets, literary classics, and a fifteen minute timecap? Hilarity. Come witness your (least?) favorite characters from high school Englishsubjected to our whims.11:17
On the construction of dumplingsSince the days of yore, engineers have puzzled over the construction of dumplings. Whatis the optimal ratio of filling to skin? What is the proper catamorphism that willresult in maximum structural integrity? Come make dumplingsand then eat them.12:17
Scavenger HuntBring a camera, team up, explore MIT, and embark on a journey to discover your True Selfwhile collecting random junk along the way. Prizes for the winning team included!13:17
Awesome Anime Music VideosAMVs, much like the internet, are 95% dross and 5% awesome. We've got that 5% tripledistilled into its purest form. Come enjoy.13:47
Cookies and SmutListen to the finest Viking romance novels and eat delicious warm chocolate chipcookies. Feel the horriblehorriblehorrible sensation of rivulets of chocolate drippingdown your throat and learn about Odin's magnificent sword!14:17
How to Conquer the World and Rule it ThereafterQ.E.D.14:47
WikiracesQuick! How many moves does it take to get from Vampire Watermelons to Godwin's Law?15:17
Pretentious Music WankingSide effects may include life-changing spiritual experiences. Bach action figureincluded.15:47
Liquid Nitrogen IcecreamDon't try this at Harvard.16:17

CPW 2009

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 16
Make your own trufflesDo you want the delectable chocolate with raspberry? The boring ol' chocolate withvanilla? Will you show your chutzpah by trying the chocolate with chipotle? How aboutthe chocolate with death wasabi- only for the brave of heart andpalate…15:17
Meme free pathDon't bash this event-if you come I'm sure you'll digg it. For rent, for sale, or 4chan.17:17
Attack of the stir fry!Stirred Food. Fried Food. But none as tasty as Stir Fried Food. With copious amounts ofsoy sauce (or not).17:47
Liquid Nitrogen IcecreamColder than the heart of a freshman physics professor.18:17
Random-ized AlgorithmsHave you ever felt bitter that computers get to have all the fun sorting large volumesof data? Come try your hand at sorting, median finding, and other (equally exciting)applications of sophisticated algorithmic design.19:17
MuffinocalypseI control the system. I control the muffins. BANG! Muffins... of the Patriots! 20:17
Bad scifi movie marathon The annual Random Hall Bad Sci-Fi movie marathon: where Sci-Fi Channel original moviesare the best-case scenario.20:47
Board gamesMonopoly? Not a chance. Come and play our smorgasbord of Betrayal at the TwilightImperium Robo Rally Escaping from Zyzzlvaria with Munchkins and Ricochet RobotsScrabbling for Tickets to Ride the Zombie Fluxx.21:47
GluckYou've played solitaire, but have you played 4-person competitive solitaire? Come try itout at Random Hall!22:47
Sleepers AnonymousSleep is an addiction. The first step towards overcoming your addiction is admitting youhave a problem. Sleepers Anonymous is a support group formed to help people like youovercome this addiction. Come, and we will all fight it together.26:17
Friday, April 17
Giant Breakfast Gratuitous amounts of breakfast food! You like omelettes? Well, come devour theOMNOMNOMlette. Like pancakes? Well, we have OVER 9000!!!!!8:17
D&D One-ShotsLord Milne has lost his favorite vase - come help reclaim it from a dungeon filled withmonsters and traps!9:47
MinihuntThe MIT Mystery Hunt is an annual tradition involving puzzles and too little sleep. Comeexperience a bite-sized version.12:17
Random: The GatheringEver wanted to cast Global Thermonuclear Warfare? The Wizards of the Dorm have conjureda special edition cardset of Magic: The Gathering- so now you can.14:17
3D-twisterWe wanted to do it in 4-D, but the Transdimensional Building Committee wouldn't approve.3 Boards, 3 Dimensions, 5242880 more ways to get tangled up.15:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamThink ice cream, dippin' dots, and 77 Kelvins. 16:17
Nerdy sing-alongThe path of love is never smooth / But mine's continuous for you / You're the upperbound in the chains of my heart / You're my Axiom of Choice, you know it's true...16:47
Celebrate the number 17!17 is the official number of Random Hall. Come celebrate it! 17:17
Nerf showdownShoot your friends! And your enemies! And the people you just met! Join us for a nerfbattle of EPIC PROPORTIONS! 17:47
Juggling in closed spacesThings that are more challenging in narrow hallways, partial list: juggling, poi,diablo. Random Hall: still attempting to keep things airborne, despite gravity's bestefforts otherwise. 19:17
Revenge of the board gamesDidn't get enough the first time? Come for a second round of our favorite boardgames...or come join us for the first time! 20:47
RHOPRandom House of Pancakes: Why are we up so late? To feed you pancakes. 26:17
Saturday, April 18
Saturday morning cartoonsRemember those grand old days, when you hastened downstairs on Saturday mornings towatch the zany adventures of Ash Ketchum and his band of friends, accompanied by cerealso sugary it was promised "One Cavity per Box"? Come relivethose days with us. 8:17
Finger painting ceiling tilesEver wanted to make a permanent difference to a bunch of Random kids? Well, now you canpaint your very own ceiling tile at Random Hall! Get your hands dirty and dig into thatpaint. 10:17
Knights of CydoniaIt's 11:17- the time has come to make things right! Join us in Pecker to rock out whileimproving your abs. 11:17
Dumplings en masseCome and find out that you don't actually have to traipse to Mary Chung's or Royal Eastto make and eat these tasty food items, affectionately called ravs by Bostoners. 12:17
Pillow FightYou keep what you kill. 13:17
Integration BeeLike a spelling bee, but with more integrals... 13:47
Boffing on the roofdeckCome beat your friends over the head with foam swords. Maybe even gain enough xp tolevel up.14:47
D&D One-Shots You're sitting in a lounge with a bunch of other prefrosh you barely know. In your handsare a character sheet and some pretty multicolored dice. Roleplay accordingly. 15:17
Liquid Nitrogen IcecreamI am invincible! 16:17
Duct tape constructionWhat CAN'T you make out of duct tape? We challenge you to find something- and we'll helpmake it happen. 17:17:17
Roofdeck BBQBurgers are overdone. We're gonna grill us some steak tips and kabobs. The vegetarianoption is to starve. 18:17
Vegetarian Coup D'EtatWe now eat plants. Short plants, tall plants, even plants with chubby feet. 18:22
Chainmail Chainmail has been around since BEFORE YOU WERE BORN! And, well, a long time beforethat. Come and learn how to make awesome armor (or pretty cool jewelry, if that's whatyou're into.)19:17
Storytime with cruftcruft, n.- code, data, or software of poor quality. Also: fluff, detritus and MITalumni. Come learn of ye oldenn tymes from the ancient ones.19:47
Tea and mathOh, the exquisite aroma of quadratic reciprocity! 20:47
Pants pants revolutionIt's like DDR, but with more pants. Every time you win a game, you put on another pairof pants. How many pants can a human being possibly wear? Only science will tell. 21:17
Movies on the RoofdeckDemolition Man, Crank, and a surprise third feature. Popcorn will be provided. 21:47
Bubble wrap roomBubble wrap: it goes pop. We have an entire room of it. Come bounce off the walls! 22:47
Sweet rave partyIt's the end of the world as we know it, but you can dance if you want to. So walk thisway-just don't get lost in the sandstorm. 23:47
Sunday, April 19
The Muffillennial ReignYea, the System shall fall, the Patriots shall fall, JD itself shall fall from the sky;the war economy shall crumble, the PMCs shall become as dust. And from the ashes ofOcelot's War, of the Tribulation, shall emerge that deliciousrealm - that thousand-year kingdom - THE MUFFILLENNIAL REIGN.8:17
Almost LunchThree days is plenty of time to pick up some good leftovers. Come and help us get rid ofsome.10:47

REX 2008

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Friday, August 22
LN2 Ice CreamSome like it hot, some like it sub-zero.17:17
The Adventures of Baron von TernusCome eat wienerschnitzel and hear tales of misadventures near and far.18:17
Pretentious Music WankingWhat sound does the Random Hall Duck make?19:17
Bubble Wrap RoomSpend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap. POP POP! Hope no one sees me gettin' freaky!19:47
A Serious Talking ToThe first of a series of serious lectures in serial. This event's a killer.20:47
Bowl JengaA room full of Smart Start bowls mysteriously appeared. What better use for them thanstacking them up and knocking them down?21:17
Sweet Rave PartyAn impromptu dance party! ...minus the impromptu. No glowing sweat required.22:17
Roofdeck MoviesJoin us for an evening of mocking the sidekicks, hissing at the bad guys, and throwingpopcorn at the screen as we watch a pair of our favorite movies. If you can hear thedialog over the shouting you aren't having enough fun.23:17
Sleepers AnonymousSleep is an addiction. The first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem.Sleepers Anonymous is a support group formed to help people like you overcome thisaddiction. Come, and we will fight this affliction together.26:17
Saturday, August 23
Make Your Own DoughnutsMake your own custom fried models of our dorm08:17
Saturday Morning CartoonsFriday night was great, but now you're awake, dehydrated, your eyes hurt, and you stillhaven't gone to sleep. Let's watch some cartoons.08:17
Roofdeck BoffingPut down that video game controller and come to Random Hall to duke it out with foamswords on our roof deck arena. A hallowed Random Hall tradition.11:17
15 Minute Sock Puppet Literary ClassicsAnd you thought Wishbone was good...This'll knock your socks off.12:17
Cookie CuttersC is for Cookie, B is for Brickstrap, and P is for Pliers.14:17
Random Hall:The GatheringAn epic card game, Random style.15:00
Tea and MathWarm bellies and the poetry of science.17:17
TP DodgeballLike Dodge Phonebook, but better.18:17
Don't Forget the Fine Print party at Random HallRandom Hall: 98% less corrupt. (Also smaller.) Would you do us a TINY favor and drop infor a LITTLE while? You can't say that you're not at least a TAD excited. We're only aSHORT walk away, and that's a SMALL price for a BIT of fun.20:00-24:00
D&D One-ShotsYou are sitting in a room with a bunch of strange prefrosh and two GMs grinning at you.There are two exits. You choose a character from a pile of sheets. Your character issitting in a rough-hewn stone room with a bunch of strangersdressed in medieval garb. You succeed at a listen check. You hear an ominous voice tellyou to pick up a character sheet and roll an icosahedron. There are two exits.22:47
Sci Fi MarathonTime travel can be complicated. Very complicated.23:17
RHOPWhy would anyone be up so late? To serve you pancakes, of course!27:17
Talk to MegaHALAndrea wants to forsake all nonessential property and live for math and her friends,supported by her friends. In short, MegaHAL wants to talk to you.28:47
Sunday, August 24
College Student FoodWe hope you're enjoying all the free food, but the hectic MIT lifestyle doesn't alwaysallow for fine cuisine. Let us take things a little more down to Earth for a bit. Ramen,grilled cheese, and hot pockets oh my!14:17
Paiting Ceiling TilesLeave your stamp on the Institvte, perhaps a bit more literally than usual.15:17
Tutu MakingThe things you come up with in the woods with friends. Come to Random Hall, unleash yourinner kindergartener, feel like a pretty, pretty princess, or prove your masculinity.16:17
Third Floor BanquetOur third floor has been turned into a paradise of tasty food, cooked by the residents.We like to show off.17:17
Fiesta LimonVenga! Coma nuestras delicias arrugas. Muchos alimentos de lemony. (Come! Eat ourdelights wrinkles. Many food of lemony.)17:17
Go AwayGo away. You have better thngs to do. 20:17
Pants Pants RevolutionIt's like DDR, but with more pants. Every time you win a game you put on another pair ofpants. How many pants can one person possibly handle? 22:17
Poker TournamentA Smith & Wesson beats four aces.23:17
RHOPEverything is more interesting in the early hours of the morn. Even pancakes.27:17
Monday, August 25
Picture Scavenger HuntBoring campus tour or interactive puzzle challenge extravaganza? Difficult decision, weknow. *Meet in Lobby 7 any time during this block.*11:17, Lobby 7
MinihuntHave you ever looked Death square in the eye and shouted, "Lo, Evil One! I fear theenot!"? Well, the MIT Mystery Hunt is nothing like that. Come take a bite-sized taste ofwhat it's actually like.12:17
Bacon,Onion,GarlicYou know what goes really well with bacon? Onion and garlic. You know what goes reallywell with onion? Bacon and garlic. You know what goes really well with garlic? Your mom.Join us for a delicious and healthy feast of four of nature'sfinest ingredients.14:17
Speed DiplomacyA two week long tabletop strategy game compressed into two hours. Stab all your newfriends in the back every 5 minutes.15:17
Tie-DyingTurn that boring white shirt into a psychadelic extraveganza. Look at all the prettycolors.15:17
Duct Tape ConstructionDuct tape is like the force; it has a light side and a dark side and it binds theUniverse together.16:17
Juggling in Closed SpacesThings that are more challening in narrow hallways, partial list: juggling, poi, diablo.Random Hall: attempting to keep things airborne since January 7, 1717.17:17
Truffle MakingCome to Random Hall and make your own delicious chocolates! Our trained chocolatierswill be on hand to help you create some tasty treats.18:17
Anti-RPGBonfire floor's fierce reaction to the way you played D&D in your basement. Join usfor a game of cthuloid horror without the complicated rules, improbable heroics, andchainmail bustiers typical of tabletop role playing. Munchkinswill be extradited.19:17
Chain MailCome meet some of Random Hall's amateur maillesmiths. See some impressive works andlearn a few basic weaves yourself.20:17
Heart Attack FoodI didn't ask if you were a vegetarian, I asked if you wanted some f*%@#$! bacon.21:17
Origami ArchitectureFolding of paper... establishment of structure... they go together21:47
Nerf Shotgun ShowdownOur main lounge is a war zone, and your weapon is a nerf shotgun. Boom! Headshot!22:17
Culinary ConstructionEver made famous landmarks out of food? Neither have we. There's a first time foreverything.23:17
RHOPBreakfast at 4 AM. Question is, is it really early or really late?27:17
Tuesday, August 26
DanceYou are invited to a social gathering on the roofdeck of Random Hall. Learn how torumba, salsa, waltz, foxtrot, and who knows what else.11:17
Have you found what we're looking for?Look around you. Just, look around you. Have you found what we're looking for? That'sright, "Random Hall."12:17
Carrie's BirthdayMay the candles on your cake Burn like cities in your wake On your birthday... Happybirthday13:17
Cookies and SmutOh... My... God! Be a good wench and help us play our new and improved Viking Bingo withour resident collection of cheap and horriblehorriblehorrible romance novels. Come, eatcookies, and explore the depths of Thor's toenails!14:17
Cruft BuildingOne person's junk computer is another person's tools for artistic expression.15:17
Even More LN2 Ice CreamLiquid nitrogen is cold. So is ice cream. Coincidence?16:17

CPW 2008

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 10
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamLiquid Nitrogen is really cold. So is ice cream. Coincidence?16:17
The Adventures of Baron von TernusCome eat wienerschnitzel and hear stories about Germany from one of our world travelingresidents.17:17
Bubble Wrap HallwayWe covered a hallway in bubble wrap. Come literally bounce off the walls.18:17
mitBEEF Beef-OffCome eat delicious beef dishes prepared by our dear residents and appraised by a panelof celebrity judges.19:17
Bad Roofdeck MoviesOnly the finest in bad cinema projected on our beloved roofdeck.23:17
Juggling in Closed SpacesThings that are more challenging in narrow hallways, partial list: juggling, poi,diablo. Random Hall: attempting to keep things airborne since January 7, 1717.24:17
Sleepers AnonymousWe admitted we were powerless over sleep - that our lives had become unmanageable. Thefirst step is admitting you have a problem. Come meet with others who are addicted tosleep, learn to control your addiction, and consume deliciouscaffeine and cookies.26:17
Friday, April 11
How to take over the world and rule it thereafterQ.E.D.10:47
15 Minute Sock Puppet Literary ClassicsAnd the gathering together of fibers called he socks: and he saw that it was good.11:47
MinihuntThe MIT Mystery Hunt is a momentous weekend-long cavalcade of puzzles. Now in bite-sizedform!12:17
Origami ArchitectureFolding of paper establishment of structure they go together Thousands of business cardswill be transformed into an unholy structure.16:17
Finger Painting Ceiling TilesThe ceilings have tiles. Paint sticks to these tiles. This can only end in awesome.17:17
Heart Attack FoodGrease, with more delicious and less Travolta.18:17
More Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamSome like it hot, some like it subzero.19:17
Nerdy Music Sing AlongThe path of love is never smooth / But mine's continuous for you / You're the upperbound in the chains of my heart / You're my Axiom of Choice, you know it's true...20:17
KnotsAn introduction to the art of tying knots and people. Our knowledge of knots is not fornaught. I can knot understand how anyone could knot be excited.21:17
RHOPCome to the late-night Random House of Pancakes. There will be pancakes! ...and otherfoods.26:17
Talk to MegaHAL>> MegaHAL, what should the event description for talk to MegaHAL be? Andrea wantsto forsake all nonessential property and live for math and her friends, supported by herfriends. In short, MegaHAL wants to talk to you.27:17
Saturday, April 12
Saturday Morning CartoonsAre you just waking up? Still awake, perhaps? Sit down and take a relaxing break infront of the television. Cartoons make any morning better. Also, cereal.8:17
Make Your Own DoughnutsOur building is a giant stack of doughnuts. Come make more!10:47
Even More Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamMore LN2 than your body has room for! 11:47
Bet You Can't Eat More Dumplings than Michael AnayaThe title says it all, really. Fabulous cash prizes to the victors. Be warned, the manhas a bag of holding for a stomach, but you came to MIT for the challenge, right?12:47
Picture Scavanger HuntA picture is worth a thousand points. Explore campus for a thousand words! *Meet inLobby 7*13:47
Make Your Own TrufflesChocolate with raspberry! Chocolate with vanilla! Chocolate with spices! Chocolate withmushrooms! Wait...14:47
Random, the GatheringAn epic card game, Random style.15:47
Roof Deck Barbeque Food! on a roof!17:17
Boffing on the RoofdeckPut down that video game controller and come to Random to duke it out with foam swordson our roof deck arena! A hallowed Random Hall tradition.18:17
Storytime with Cruftcruft, n.- code, data, or software of poor quality. Also: fluff, detritus and MITalumni. Come learn of ye oldenn tymes from the ancient ones.19:17
Duct Tape ConstuctionDuct tape is like the force: it has light side and a dark side and it holds the worldtogether.19:47
Non-Newtonian FluidThe faster you go, the harder it gets.20:47
Tea and MathTea and math; physics and crumpets. They were just meant to be together.21:47
Nerf Dart ShowdownWhat is the difference between a nerf gun and a tomato?21:47
3D twisterOne corner. Three flat surfaces. Three twister boards. The game that ties you up in evenmore knots...and possibly gives you some cramped muscles.22:17
Bad Science Movie MarathonDisaster movies: the only thing more disastrous than the plot is the science.23:17-31:17
Pants, Pants, RevolutionIt's like DDR, but with more pants. Every time you win a game, you put on another pairof pants. How many pants can a human being possibly wear? Only science will tell.14:00
D&D One ShotsYou are sitting in a room with a bunch of strange prefrosh and two GMs grinning at you.There are two exits. You choose a character from a pile of sheets. Your character issitting in a rough-hewn stone room with a bunch of strangersdressed in medieval garb. You succeed at a listen check. You hear an ominous voice tellyou to pick up a character sheet and roll an icosahedron. There are two exits.25:17-28:17
Sunday, April 13
Almost LunchThree days is bound to have some leftovers. Stop in on your way out to grab some grubfor the road.11:17

REX 2007

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Friday, August 24th
BoffingA Random Hall tradition since the first cave man hit another upside the head.10:17-12:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamDon't try this at Harvard.20:17-21:17
Roof Deck MoviesDemolition Man, Hotshots Part Deux, and Freeway. Nigh bottomless font of popcorn will beprovided.24:17-28:17
Saturday, August 25th
Saturday Morning CartoonsFor those of you who are morning people or too dayshifted to care, a pastime from thedays when we didn't have to worry about homework.9:17-12:17
Loop FoodFood! Breakfast food for brunch, what a novel idea! Come join us for some breakfastfood-type stuffs like waffles/pancakes and eggs and homemade syrup and whipped creamand... BACON and... FRUIT!11:17-12:17
Duct Tape ConstructionDuct tape is like the Force - it has a light side and a dark side and it holds theuniverse together. Come be a Jedi.12:17-13:17
MinihuntEvery year, Random Hall mobilizes for the greatest quest in its history: The MIT MysteryHunt! Come get a taste of what it's like to puzzle for the best.12:17-17:17
BoffingArm yourself with a weapon wrought of foam and tape, and strike with the fury of athousand tigers!16:17-18:17
Roofdeck BBQHow many barbeques have you already gone to this week? We think burgers suck, becauseeveryone knows you'd rather have steak tips, sausage, chicken, and bacon.18:17-19:17
Science "Education": "Look Around You"Look around you. Just look around you. Have you figured out what we're looking for?Correct - it's the entire first season of this little-known but hilarious BBCpseudo-educational show in Random's AIW theather.19:17-21:47
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamDewar in the Shaft? But I...19:17-20:17
Pants Pants RevolutionThe concept is simple: every time you win, you put on another pair of pants.20:17-23:17
HMMTeaHmm... tea. And math!22:17-24:17
Scifi SaturdayBecause good scifi is worth any Saturday night.23:17-28:17
Random House of PancakesWhy are we up this late? To feed you pancakes!26:17
Sunday, August 26th
Ceiling Tile PaintingImmortalize yourself in Random history, and come paint something you'll want to seeeveryday for four years. 10:17
Make Your Own Donuts!Come make your own toroidal confections.9:47-11:17
Cold StuffSome like it hot. Some like it below 200 Kelvin.14:17-15:17
Random: The GatheringThe Wizards of the Dorm have conjured a special edition cardset of Magic: The Gathering.Join us for two hours of sealed tournament play. We have a limited number of seatsavailable, so come early, draw upon your mana and ready thecreatures for battle, because we're in for a wild day.15:17-17:17
Carrie's BirthdayMay the candles on your cake burn like cities in your wake, on your birthday, happybirthday...19:17-20:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamColder than the heart of an 8.01 professor.19:17-20:17
Random House of PancakesIt's 2 am? Lies, lies I tell you!26:17
Monday, August 27th
BreakfastNo day should ever begin without a breakfast, especially not a Random one.8:17-9:17
Chain MailOnce upon a time there was a silly Randomite who decided to make a chain mail dress.Learn some of the basic weave's from Random's resident amateur maillesmiths.11:17-14:17
Heart AttackFatty and/or cheesy and/or sugary goodness. We guarantee it won't kill you until you areat least 24. If you go for your Ph. D you'll still be in school, and then you'll neverhave to grow up!12:17-13:17
Tie DyeingPlain white is boring, come randomize your shirt's color variable.14:17-15:17
Tabletop RoleplayingYou and your comrades are sitting on a couch in Random Hall's Black Hole lounge, holdingstrange polyhedral dice. Before you sits a crufy upperclassman. What do you do?14:17-19:17
Silent Speed DiplomacyDiplomacy is the rabid grandmother of strategy war-games. We will be playing throughonline chat, and we will speed up turns so that games only take around 45 minutes. Bringyour laptop if you have one.16:17-17:17
Truffle MakingCome to Random Hall and make your own delicious chocolates! Our trained chocolatierswill be on hand to help you create some tasty treats.17:17-18:17
Random House of PancakesEat VERY early and often.26:17
Tuesday, August 28th
BreakfastIf there is one thing in this world worse than morning exams, it's morning exams and acold breakfast. Come on over for a quick meal.8:17-9:17
Cookies and SmutEat cookies and listen to cheap romance stories as told by our resident experts. Youwill learn the true banality of the travels of the Sword of Odin. Now with Viking bingo!13:17-14:17
Moar Liquid NitrogenThink ice cream, dippin dots, and 77 Kelvins.15:17-16:17
Random: The GatheringIf you missed out before, or just wanted another chance to cast Global ThermonuclearWar, come back for a SECOND Random: The Gathering sealed tournament. Rejoice in victoryor weep in defeat: in the end, there can be only one.16:17-18:17

CPW 2007

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Thursday, April 12
Make Your Own TrufflesCome to Random Hall and make your own delicious chocolates! Our trained chocolatierswill be on hand to help you create some tasty treats.15:17-17:17
3D TwisterIt's Twister, prefrosh, but not as you know it.17:17
Random PuzzlesComeB stretche yourw braina byr solvinge deatht-defyingh puzzlese! Thesem ain'ti yourgeverydayh crosswordst-usuallyy youw reciever aa buncht ofh harmlesso-lookingf dataOthatz youo mustk somehowt wrestleh intoe submissionD ine orderstot findr theo graily-likee answerr!17:17-20:17
LN2 ice creamWhat's cooler than ice cream? Ice cream made with liquid nitrogen!19:47
Bad Science Movie NightEver watch a movie where the science is so bad you just want to shout mocking commentsat the screen? Now you can - in Random Hall's Alice In Wonderland Theater.23:17
Paranoia XP RPG runA tabletop roleplaying game where you're trying to outwit an insane computer AND yourfellow players? That doesn't sound like something you should be asking about,Troubleshooter. The Computer is your friend. Trust the Computer.25:17
Friday, April 13
Make Your Own DoughnutsCreate and consume your own toroidal confections at Random Hall.11:17
Duct Tape ConstructionDuct tape is like the Force - it has a light side and a dark side and it holds theuniverse together. Come be a Jedi.12:17-14:17
Board Games16:17-18:17
Fort Awesome Robotics Expo16:30
Third Floor BanquetCome join the residents of Random Hall for a delicious cross-floor feast!18:47-20:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamColder than the heart of an 8.01 professor.20:17
Cheesy Sci-Fi NightOne of Bonfire Floor's favorite pastimes - sci fi that's so bad, it's good.22:17
RHOP (Random House Of Pancakes)Random House of Pancakes. Why are we up this late? To feed you pancakes.~28:17
Talk To MegaHALMegaHAL is Random's resident AI. The inhabitants of Pecker floor have turned this onceinnocent program into a repository for the crufty lore of years past. Clearly, he'sproof of intelligent life on Earth.28:17
Saturday, April 14
Saturday Morning CartoonsFor those of you who are morning people or too dayshifted to care, a pastime from thedays when we didn't have to worry about homework.8:17-11:17
Roofdeck Barbeque (Parts 0-1)Skewer? But I just met her!12:47
Board Games14:17-17:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamDon't try this at Harvard15:17
Boffer FightingYou know you always wanted to beat the crap out of your friend with a giant foam sword(or Q-tip, or morningstar, or...).16:17
for parents:Housemasters' Open HouseRandom Hall's housemasters will be available to answer your questions about life atRandom and the residence hall system in general.16:17
Aqua Teen Hunger Force LED Construction 16:30-17:30
mitBEEF Beef-Off19:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamThink ice cream, dippin dots, and 77 Kelvins.20:17
Story Time with CruftBack in the day when we were freshmen, and everything was so much more hardcore...(Cruft, n.: (1) An old piece of computer equipment, possibly useless, that keeps hangingaround. (2) An old alum...)20:17
Pants Pants Revolution/DDR TetrisThe concept is simple: every time you win, you put on another pair of pants. If you'renot too into the whole dancing thing, what could be better than playing tetris...without your hands?22:17-26:17
Math and Tea22:17
Movies on the RoofdeckCome watch nerdy movies on our awesome roofdeck! Warm blankets and a nigh-bottomlessfont of popcorn will be provided.24:17

REX 2006

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Friday, August 25
Donuts at RandomThere will be many donuts! You will make them!22:17
Saturday, August 26
Saturday Morning Cartoons There will be a multitude of cartoon shows! You will watch them! 8:17
Sock Puppet Dress Rehearsal Many meats and cheeses have been tamed and forced to do our bidding. You will consumethem! 12:17
Ceiling Tile Painting Make the ceiling tiles of your room look like crap using the power of paint! 13:17
Minihunt You will hunt small things! 14:17
Tetherbal Strike a ball attached to a pole with string! Destroy your friends and enemies! 16:17
LOOP EVENT HERE Oatmeal Cookies, Many Cats and Alternative Recycling Methods 18:17
N2(l)Event Liquid nitrogen is cold! Ice cream is as well! One can make the other! 20:17
BONFIRE EVENT HERE Large fires will exist! 13:17
Sunday, August 27
Tungsten Chef Dave There will be many cooking of transition metals! 13:17
Boffing Club your newfound friends into submission! 14:17
Duct Tape Construction Build some shit with duct tape! 15:17
Movies on the Roofdeck Our projector will be moved to the roof so that films may be enjoyed under the opensky. There will be many enjoyment! 24:17
N2(l)Intermission Food which will be served will be both cold and tasty! 25:17
RHOP Random House of Panckakes! Many pancakes will be consumed, by you! 27:17
MegaHAL Some crazy computer will say all kinds of crazy things! 28:17
Monday, August 28
Things that shouldn't be eaten for breakfast We will feed you things which are crazy and not breakfast foods! 10:17
Cookies and Smut Eat cookies and listen to cheap romance stories spoken by our resident experts. Therewill be sensual term bingo! 12:17
MORE Cookies and Smut Eat MORE cookies and listen to MORE cheap romance stories spoken by our residentexperts. There will be MORE sensual term bingo! 13:17
Tie Dying (with Bubbles and Doom) Many colors will be applied to shirts! You will wear them! 14:17
Games in the Main LoungeMany games will be played on boards! You will play them! 15:17
Random Lasagna Eat some crazy lasagna! It will be tasty! 17:17
Chinese Roulette Many Chinese dishes will be served, only one will be murderously spicy! You will eatall of them and you will like all of them! Or else involuntary Russian Roulette willfollow! 18:17
Global Thermonulear War The red button has been pushed and the party is on! 23:17
RHOP There will be many pancakes, all shall be devoured! 27:17
Tuesdat, August 29
Roofdeck Barbeque Many animals will be torched and then eaten! You will eat them or join them! 14:17
N2(l)Again Freeze some tasty then eat it! You will be pleased! 15:17

CPW 2006

Go look at https://web.archive.org/web/20060426103810/http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/admissions/cpw/thursday.html

REX 2005

Event TitleDescriptionTime
Monday, August 29
RHOPWe have almost as many pancakes as the International House of Pancakes, and you don'thave to drive to get here. Come hear stories of past adventures and see how much maplesyrup you can fit on one plate.3:17
Duct Tape ConstructionEveryone loves Duct Tape! It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universetogether. It also comes in a variety of colors and makes a great sculpture medium. Comesee marvelous constructions, and build your own!11:17
Picnic in the Main LoungeBring a blanket, bring a friend, (sorry, no frisbees)--it's a picnic in Random's MainLounge. We'll be frying up burgers and hot dogs (veggie option provided).12:17
Boffing on the RoofdeckFoam weapons are fun. You can score a critical hit, and your friend will still be therefor you to fight again! Come to Random, young grasshopper, and you shall learn thesecrets behind this ancient art.13:17
Help Build Random Nucleic AcidCome play with soldering irons and swaging tools (a way to connect steel cable toitself)!14:17
Tie-dyeing on the RoofdeckYou've received your blindingly white Class of 2009 T-shirts. Come make them even moreblinding by dyeing them in rainbow colors with cool swirly patterns! We also have RandomHall T-shirts for your hippie decorating pleasure.15:17
GamesApples to Apples. Settlers of Cataan. Bridge. Magic The Gathering. Stratego. Diplomacy.Munchkin. Mao. Go Goddess. Set. Risk. Mafia. Illuminati. Pass the Chicken. TelephonePictionary. Puerto Rice. Go. Scrabble. Ninja Burger. GotherThan Though. Monopoly...17:17
Hot and Cold Dinner"So cold...and yet IT BURNS!" (Well, yes; it ishaberno ice cream). Enjoy theextremes of life with the residents of Random Hall! Eat everything from General Gao'schicken to our specialty chili. Vegetarian and vegan optionsavailable.18:17
Tuesday, August 30
RHOPMore pancakes...OF DOOM! (We don't know why they're doomful pancakes. We just know thatthey are. They told us to tell you that.)3:17
Cookies and SmutCome ravish some chocolate chip cookies while enjoying dramatic readings of the finestromantic literature (ah, purple prose) presented by Ranodms's vixens. "It feels sowrong...and yet, so right!"10:17
Leftovers in the Main LoungeWe've fed you a lot of food this weekend. Come eat it again!12:17
Ceiling Tile Art, Games in the Main LoungeYou could even paint a game on a ceiling tile. Heh heh...13:17
Liquid Nitrogen Ice CreamHere's your last chance to sample new and exciting flavors of ice cream. We hope toserve chai and marshmallow flavors! Take a last-minute tour before the housing lotterycloses while you're savoring your final few bites.14:17

REX 2004

Event TitleDescriptionLocationTime
Saturday, August 28
Experimental Build Your Own Crepeoh no we have all of these flavors and need to try EVERY COMBINATION. Experiment withboth sweet and savory crepes, but with toppings and syrups mixed in! Will you go forberries, chocolate, and honey, or something more hearty withpumpkin-puree, caaramelized onions, and chia? It's all up to you!Pecker14:17
Tetris but IndoorsWhy play Tetris on the Green Building when you can do it within the comfort of Random?Challenge your friends in a test of block stacking prowess.Clam15:17
Determine Your Real Life DND Ability ScoreEver wonder what your character sheet would look like if you were a dnd character? Wecan help you get started with the ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution,Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) through a series of fun challenges!Bonfire Lounge16:47
Bagels and LocksYou know what's even better than free food? Picking locks. Fortunately, we won't makeyou choose between them. Come pick your way through locks and eat through bagels, orvice versa depending on the quality of your dentist.Foo18:47
LovecraftingMake that cuddly Eldritch Horror friend you've always wanted! Rend some plushies asunderand reform them in your own image! A dog head here, some bat wings there, a lizard tailto pull the whole thing together and ta da! Perfection.Black Hole Kitchen19:47
Sunday, August 29
Spinning on the RoofdeckLearn to spin balls on strings and staffs around your head without hitting yourself!Come hang out on our lovely roofdeck and learn the basics of fire spinning, just withoutthe fire.Roofdeck12:17
Hardk0re Tea Connoisseur TrainingA fast-paced crash course in the theory of creating tea blends and an opportunity forexperimentation and galaxy-brain tea-time flavor discoveries.Pecker13:17
Anime Music QuizHow well do YOU know your anime openings? Pit your knowledge against Clam in a battle ofmemory.Clam14:17
Fish or NipsIn the new hit gameshow, given just someone's tinder bio, can you guess if the tindererhas a fish in their photo, or no shirt?Black Hole Lounge16:17
Ceiling Tile PaintingDid you know that gullible is written on the ceiling? And that's not the only thing thatcan be if you come decorate one of Random Hall's ceiling tiles!Black Hole Kitchen20:17
Overcooked and PanicDevelop your culinary abilities and panic in the four-player cooperative video gameOvercooked.AiW21:17
Bonfire Pillow FortWe have pillows. We also have snacks! Come to build with the superior materials fordefensive structures!Bonfire22:47
Monday, August 30
Smash ShitNeed a way to relieve some stress? Want to unleash your inner destructive spirit? Comeuse sledgehammers and smash your problems into submission.Foo and then the Random shaft16:17
Harry Potter TriviaThink you know the Harry Potter Series inside out and backwards? Test your knowledgeagainst other Harry Potter nerds while enjoying some chocolate to fend of the dementors.Bonfire Lounge16:17
¸.•☆•.°★ tea time ★°.•☆•.¸It might be intimidating coming to MIT after a year of pandemic. Chat with a fewfriendly upperclassmen about your questions, worries, and hopes for this semester whileexploring our collection of 70+ different types of tea!Black Hole19:47
Tuesday, August 31
Water Wars PrepCome join the Random faction as we prepare to march to victory at the water wars! Coveryourself in war­paint! Prepare flying aqueous projectiles! Create funnelators of doomand deathiness! Unleash your inner berserker!Black Hole Kitchen18:17
Takoyaki?? What Chu Tako 'Bout?Come eat some good food and learn about the noble and refined art of making takoyaki (orjust come to watch people furiously roll balls of octopus-filled, doughy goodness).BMF Kitchen19:17
Geoguessr? I Hardly Know 'er!Come join us as we Guess Geos by any means possible! Learn the try hard strats such as:staring at signs, staring at cars, staring at the sky, staring at the sun, and staringin general! We'll make our lives more miserable (in a goodway!) for no apparent reason by adding arbitrary restrictions! It'll be a good time (aslong as we don't get stranded in The Middle Of Nowhere)!AiW20:17
Wednesday, September 1
(R)ice Cream ConesI am convinced that this will be the next aestheic street food phenomenon. Rice, withspices, furikake, fillings, all mixed together and piled high in a savory cone, toppedwith chili-oil and your sauces and broths of choice. Whata magnificent snack!Pecker Kitchen11:47
Make your maker, bake your maker, meet your maker, eat your makerI've heard that religion's pretty *sweet*, but what does god look like? Come make andbake your maker by shaping a sweet, pliable dough to re-create god's likeness in themost delicious and holy form---the sugar cookie. Pecker Kitchen16:47
Milk BarWelcome to my start-up, disrupting the stock market and throwing boba in the dust.Innovative, synergy, block chain - that's us, the milk bar. To generate our new milkflavors, we use the most efficient machine learning strategy -prefrosh! Join our MLM (machine learning milk). No coding allowed.Black Hole Kitchen17:47
Thursday, September 2
Philosophy and FrostiesCome and learn about philosophy at the 'tute! We've prepared a number of funphilosophical problems and puzzles for your brain to chew on and a wide assortment offrozen desserts to then freeze it! There will also be a Q&A sessionwhere you can ask us about philosophy at MIT!Foo11:17
Kwazy CupcakesWatch Brookline 99, make cupcakes, decorate cupcakes, have the craziest cupcake, eatcupcakesPecker Kitchen11:17
LOTR But Ever Time Sam Takes a Step…...he says it'll be the farthest he's ever been.Bonfire Lounge13:17
Too Tool for SchoolDreading the oncoming hours of tooling? Come tool with us the fun way - with drills!First we will learn to use the tools in Random shop, and then we build a porch swing onthe roofdeck!Random Shop, then the Roofdeck13:17
Lindt™ Elite Butlering AcademyWe are a highly sophisticated service Management education corporation teaching the artform of Lindt LINDOR truffle Chocolate Service. In our 1 hour speed butlering academy,you will understand chocolate pairing and service, interactingwith your Random clientele, and earn a butlering certificate of butlerology.Black Hole kitchen13:17
Baking Pre-historyYou've probably made history, but what about making and baking pre-history?! Contrary topopular belief, dinosaurs actually tasted like sugar, so come satisfy your sweet toothby baking a sugar-cookie stegosaurus, tasty triceratops,or beautifully-decorated brontosaurus in Random Hall!Pecker Kitchen16:17
Nekomimi Maid CaféCome to Random to be served delicious food by maids with cat ears! kawaii neko maid cafe(=^-.-^=)/ nyaa~Foo17:47
Queer Ladies' Movie NightWe're all queer here! Come join the ladies of Loop to watch cheesy queer movies (happyending guaranteed) and decorate pride flag cookies. People of all genders andsexualities welcome.Loop Lounge20:17
Hair to Dye ForIs your current hair color too boring and natural? Then come and dye it any or all ofthe colors in the rainbow! (Feel free to come in at any time during the event.)Black Hole Kitchen20:47
Midnight ChefIt's midnight, and you haven't eaten yet; your refrigerator and pantry are both empty.However, you have a refined palate and need a three course meal of the highest caliber.Come, cook a full meal using only the food we can scroungeup at the gas station convenience store right next to Random!Foo24:17
Friday, September 3
Multitools and MultivitaminsLearn all the different uses of a multivitamin, and why you should eat two multitoolsper day!Pecker Lounge11:47
Bonfire HyperdashExplore Random Hall's Bonfire at high speeds and also learn to count to 5.Bonfire12:47
Friday Fry DayCome make some unhealthy decisions with us! We have a deep fryer and we're not afraid touse it. We have all of the essentials (chicken, oreos, mozzarella sticks), but feel freeto bring any food that you'd be interested in tryingto fry.AiW16:47
DND Chocolate DiceCome make some tasty candy dice with us! If they give you a bad roll, you get thebenefit of eating them 😊Bonfire17:47
Feline Summoning RitualBlack Hole's cats are Elsewhere, the rumors say. When the border between worlds weakens,you will know that the time for action has arrived. We shall snatch at hints of thefuture until we have transcended truth altogether. Cloaksand pentagrams will be provided. As for cats, it's up to us.Black Hole Lounge17:47
Saturday, September 4
Random Hall Truffle BarAre you a fan of Lindt truffles? Didn't know that they have an array of excitingflavors? Save yourself a trip to the Lindt Chocolate Shop and come try the mostinteresting flavors in Random Hall!Black Hole kitchen11:47
Math and TeaMath you won't understand and tea you won't drink! Come be bedazzled by all of the mathyou could learn while a pot of tea sits neglected in the corner.Pecker Lounge12:47
Roof Deck Balloon Pool PartyBring your swim test swimsuit and your Academic Expo sunglasses because it's time for aroof deck pool party! Due to new regulations, no water will be present, but it will bereplaced with balloons!Random roof deck13:47
Fish Waffle EverythingDo you like waffles? Do you like fish shaped items? Do you like waffles made out ofnon-waffle foods? Then this is the event for you! Come to Random and make fish shapedfoods in taiyaki pans!Bonfire Kitchen13:47
Powerpoint KaraokeAre you ready for your presentation? What do you mean "what presentation"? Yes, rightnow! What, you've never seen these slides before? No problem! Powerpoint Karaoke: we'vegot random slides you've never seen before, and it's yourturn to present!AiW15:47
Tea and DumplingsCome to sip on some tea, chat about anything and everything, and make dumplings!(Vegetarian option available)BMF Kitchen17:47
Hypnosis!Close you eyes. Press on my hands. Sleep! Come learn "science" MIT won't teach you, withpractical demonstrationsBlack Hole Lounge20:17
Pecker Board Game NightBoardgames and not-so-boardgames. Come terraform mars, steal resources from “friends” inCatan, accidentally provide people with misleading visuals in Mysterium and more!Pecker Lounge21:17
Roofdeck MoviesBiotech company steal your view of the skyline? That's just an opportunity for a giantprojector. We're watching movies until the sun rises on the best roofdeck in Cambridge.May take late night/early morning vine break.Roofdeck22:17
Sunday, September 5

REX 2003

Wednesday, September 1
Blink! Blink! It's a blinky light party in Random's fabled Alice in Wonderland Lounge.Join us as we get this strange and wondrous thing that is Rush (or REX, if you will)started with a giant BLINK. Don't forget your epilepsy medication!21:17
What do you do with 20 liters of the embodiment of REALLY BLOODY COLD? Well, clearly,you make ice cream. We do, anyway. It's liquid nitrogen ice cream at Random Hall. Morethan just your average breakfast cereal.21:17
Liquid nitrogen: it seethes, it boils, it removes warts! And it makes truly excellentice cream. Come sample some!21:47
The blinky light party is still on at Random. Come and bear witness to things that goBLINK in the night!22:17
Thursday, September 2
RHOP;the Random House of Pancakes, now open for all your breakfast needs.3:47
Late night, or early morning? Does it even matter? Probably not. What you really need isgood dose of pancakes! Eat at RHOP for some quality breakfast, smothered with qualitychocolate syrup. And regular syrup. And powdered sugar.And maybe even a cherry on top...4:17
What's your favorite cereal? We like Chocolate Doom Crunch, now with 20% moredestructive potential! Stop by Random Hall for cartoons, (more!) breakfast, and allmanner of amusingly sleep-depped people.8:47
Did you ever feel sorry for Wile E. Coyote, stuck on the wall of building 9 foreternity? But wait, he's in our lounge! Wow, that's odd.9:17
Institvte-furnished rooms getting to you? Take control of your ceiling! Ceiling tilepainting for great justice, only at Random.10:17
Be the envy of your floor with a painted ceiling tile or three. We'll provide thepaint...there's even shiny purple! Just what your boring old ceiling needs.10:47
Giate bubbles! Of doom! On the roofdeck! If you're lucky, you might even get to beinside one! Childlike sense of wonder not provided.11:17
Blow a ceiling tile and paint a bubble! Wait a minute11:47
Kids these days...sitting at their little tables with their puny little Jenga set. Backin our day, we played Jenga with 2x4s! Oh, hey, we still do. Wow. Come check it out butdon't you dare sneeze.12:17
2x4 JENGA! A Bad Ideas production, brought to you by Random Hall. Better hope it doesn'tfall.12:47
It's a gala celebration of cows, carrots, and piracy, also known as a barbecue on ourmost excellent roofdeck! Bring your own sacrificial goat (we'll provide the burgers).13:17
BBQ! Come eat, drink, and sing cow songs on our roofdeck! Vegetarian foodstuffs andsongstuffs provided.13:47
Come marvel at fresh-painted ceiling tiles and residents in all their paint-splatteredglory! And make your own housemaster, it followed me home. Can I keep it?14:17
There comes a time during every orientation when you just want to beat your fellows-andsome luckless upperlassmen-with foam swords. Follow Alex for some high-quality boffing!14:17
It's the finest selection of romance novels around carefully selected, annotated, anddeclaimed aloud for your amusement by our very own vixen. Oh, my virtue! Oh, myinnocence! Oh, what wickedly tight breeches!15:17
Hungry? Make your own pizza at Random Hall if you dare.16:17
You've neer seen pizzas like these! And maybe there's a reason...customize yours withchocolate chips, grasshoppers, or eye of newt.16:47
Listening to speeches always whets the appetite. How about some pizza? Choose your owntoppings from our strange and awesome variety.21:17
Hey, its Rush! And suddenly the dorm's enormous collection of games has burst screamingfrom the closets to conquer any unwary lounges! Save the dorm: play games with us.Please?21:17
How about some mango on your pizza? Perhaps a dash of applesauce, or a few cheetos? Comemake your own pizza, play a game, watch a movie with our awesome projector set up,conquer Belgium, or just hang out.21:47
We're gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom, doom doom doom doooooooooom, doomdoom doom doomThis cryptic message brought to you by Random Hall. Come find out what itreally means!21:47
At 77 Kelvin, we're way cool. So is our freshly made ice cream! Come hang out with us.21:47
Do you like penicillin on your pizza? We prefer pickles.22:17
Games games games! Games! Games are the lifeblood of Random Hall...well, one of them.Come play!22:47
Random Hall; more fun than a frog in a blender.23:17
Friday, September 3
ARRRRRRRRRRRHOP is back with a vengeance. Pancakes, hash browns, bacon, eggs, and more.And, as always, there's plenty of chocolate syrup. Eat up!3:47
It's time to play the ever-popular game of "are you just up, or still up?" Come see ifthere's anyone around to play, and watch the sunrise from Random's roofdeck.6:12
It's Saturday morning again! Just like it was yesterda! With more great cartoons andsugar-filled cereal bowls! You didn't come all the way to college for nutritients, didyou? (Don't worry, parents. Fruit and sane cereal is also available.)8:17
How many cups of sugar does it take to reach the moon?10:47
More math. You WANT to come here.11:47
Ever play DDR? Ever play tetris? Ever play DDF tetris? Come challenge our defendingchampion!14:17
DDR tetris. Because we can. Come try it out.14:47
It's time for a deeply philosophical conversation with MegaHAL! Follow Spann as heexplains and demonstrates the wonders of our very own interactive Markov chain engine(otherwise known as a cool computer that talks to you).15:47
The Milk:were you this beautiful when you were almost ten?16:17
Time to make a sacrifice to the housing lottery! May Ozok smile upon you!16:47
Rock and roll will never die.17:47
What an excellent time of day! Don't forget to appease Ozok the Destroyer. You WANT toenter the housing lottery...17:17

CPW 2003

This is the first time Dormcon funds an centralized event called REX.

Saturday, August 23
Family Guy, Scrubs, and Square One:Remember when you were a kid and used to get up earlyjust to watch cartoons? Neither do we. We'll be watching these, uh, "classics" with usanyhow.9:17
What's the fun in being the world's smallest nuclear power without a littleproliferation? We'll be here all day adding to our arsenal.10:47
Your parents need to refill the car anyways...Random Hall is next door to the gasstation...11:17
Join the club. The nuclear club. Maybe we'll share our secrets on how to build anIntercontinental Ballistic Missile.12:47
Is the museum too drab and ugly for you? "What's that shiny building across the street??I wonder if they have any food or interesting people to talk to me! Hmmm..."13:17
Hmmmm...Looks like we were just added to the Axis of Evil.13:47
Had your fill of the Institute already? Did you know that Cream + Milk + Sugar + Fixin's+ N_2 = mmm...ice creeeam....18:17
Some black holes are primordial. Some black holes are supermassive. But in our BlackHole they like to play D&D...18:42
Cream + Milk + Sugar + Fixin's + N_2 = mmm...ice creeeam....18:47
Dungeons & Dragons and dice, oh my! Carpe DM.19:17
On the other hand, the museum doesn't make a bad backdrop for a movie screen.Introducing...the Random Hall Roofdeck Movie Series! It's the Ian Holm movie marathon!20:47
In our first featured movie, The Fellowship of the RingIan plays an eleventy-oneyear old hobbit who likes to have really big birthday parties. Oh, yeah, and there'ssomething about some kinda evil evil tall people and thefate of the world.20:47
Random Hall--Hmmm, the D&D run is still probably going on over in Black Hole...22:17
Sunday, August 24
The donkey floats at midnight. We don't have a donkey, and we don't have a body of waterbig enought to float it in, but we do have an ICBM, and if you come over, we'll do thebest we can.00:00
The Random Hall Roofdeck Ian Holm Movie Marathon continues...00:17
...with the time-dishonoring classic Time Bandits. Our hero is now Napoleon,Emporor of the French and Theater Enthusiast. AND it's got time travelling midgets,Satan in a toaster, and Sean Connery. What more could you want?00:17
Tonight's Random Hall Roofdeck Movie Marathon Featuring Ian Holm Will Conclude With Lotsof Capitalization And...ALIEN! The Esteemed Mr. Holm Is Now Ash, The Ship's Doctor AndGung-Ho Scientist, Until...2:17
< jedi mind trick> You want to come to Random Hall. < / jedi mind trick>3:17
I believe in a rando-centric universe--do you?4:27
We're closer to main campus than half of the dorms, and we're also the closest toCambridge. We'll be watching the Cambridge Festival Parade today!12:47
Giate bubbles! Of doom! On the roofdeck! If you're lucky, you might even get to beinside one! Childlike sense of wonder not provided.11:17
Blow a ceiling tile and paint a bubble! Wait a minute11:47
Kids these days...sitting at their little tables with their puny little Jenga set. Backin our day, we played Jenga with 2x4s! Oh, hey, we still do. Wow. Come check it out butdon't you dare sneeze.12:17
Circles are your friends--that's why our dorm is made up entirely of them! At Random, werevel in our circleness (circlosity? cicularity? circulescence?)13:17
Closest dorm to Burger King. Come visit us during REX anyhow.13:31
The Safety Offie thought it'd be safer for us to have an entire dewar of liquid nitrogento ourselves...heheheheheheee...14:17
... so we're going to be making more liquid nitrogen ice cream than even we can imagineright now.14:17
There are lots of people crammed into a gym, and we're near the stairs with comfycouches, 2X4 Jenga, juggling, shiny moving lights...we could stay here all day! If onlywe had some nice freshmen to talk to...15:17
Meet at Random's booth on the second floor near the stairs and we'll take you to thiswonderful place we've been telling you about. We call it home. In a few days, maybe youwill too.16:47
Did you ever try to eat sand at the beach when you were a kid? Well, we have somethingeven better:Rice Krispie Treats! Come help us play with our buckets of krispie gooeygoodness and cheap plastic sand toys!17:17
Did we mention that our Rice Krispie Treats come in multiple colors and with candies tohelp you decorate your own castle and that you can help us mix together copious amountsof melted butter and melted marshmellows and generic riceflavored cereal???17:34
We don't have to pay by the letter, see, so we can fill this up with delicious gibberishQwank blorghity svorky meow.18:59
Why are you reading this? You should be enjoying yourself at the Island in the Sunparty. Come find the people in the Random Hall Rush T-shirts if you want someoneinteresting to talk to.19:03
Blorghity svokry mmreep!20:37
So e to the x and a constant were walking down the street...21:44
Minrest scaxod prefibuwar. Ushrip guacamole zift!22:17
Did you decode our last message yet? Keep working...22:47
We have five hundred and sixty-eight movies and we can't pick which ones to watchtonight! So come to desk and help us pick something to watch. Princess Bride? RealGenius? Top Gun? The Smurfs Crack the RSA Cryptosystem? Indiana Jones?23:17
Back to the Future? The Empire Strikes Back? Spaceballs? The Dorm That Dripped Blood?Casablanca? All twenty-four hours of Monty Python episodes? Office Space? BlazingSaddles? Apollo 13? Bam of the Blood Llama? (oh, God, nooooo!!!!!!)23:17
Liquid nitrogen is cold. No, colder. Even colder. No, no, you have it all wrong. It'sCOLD! And we have 240 liters...23:47
Monday, August 25
Hey, has Oliver brought The Lion in Winteryet?00:17
How many licks does it take to get to the liquid nitrogen center of the dewer? Leththind audth...oowwheee...ithe cweme ennee-one?1:17
Reminisce about your first grade days by playing some old-school kickball...at two inthe morning. You're going to have to get used to staying up this late anyways, so whynot spend it having fun with some awesome people from Random?Mmmm, kickball...2:17
Random House...of Pancakes! Jack may have told you he's taking you to Baker House, buthe's actually coming to Random to enjoy the finery of the Random House of Pancakes.(We're like the publishing company, only tastier...mmm..tastier...)3:47
Bacon? Liquid nitrogen ice cream? Mrrr?4:17
It was Josh's room, once...4:44
O unelightened one, thou must maketh a pilgrimage to Randomme Halle and seeketh ofYounder Friendly Deskworker (TFD). Only then mayest thou discover the true meaning ofthe integer betwixt sixteen and eighteen.6:17
Apocalypse now. Apocalypse how? Apocalypse wow!8:17
First you see it in the distance. Then you see it up close. THEN IT SEES YOU10:47
Nerd Charades! "Second-order ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients."Good thing we work in teams!13:47
WATER FIGHT!!! The world's smallest nuclear power prepares to go to war.14:47
Ozok want all see Random Hall! Ozok go boom-boom-batty if no come!15:17
Give me an L! Give me an I! Give me a Q! Give me a U! Give me an I! (uh, what are wespelling. I... iiii... ice cream! hey, pass the liquid nitrogen, it's hot outside andI'm hungry...)15:22
Random Hall: where rubber acts like glass, air acts like water, and plastic actslike...plastic.16:17
Join the Boffer Knights on the Random Hall Roofdeck as they practice their art withdeadly foam weapons. Really, now, if you're going to help defend the world's smallestnuclear power and you're soaking wet after, uh, visiting ESG,uh, what was I saying?17:47
Red Sector A Party. "We are what we pretend to be so we must be careful about what wepretend to be."-K. Vonnegut. Come see what this quote means as EC, Senior Haus, andRandom all show you what the East Side of Campus pretends tobe.19:00
Ooooooooooblekkk...with a name that fun to say, it's gotta be cool. And we've got awhole kiddie pool full of it over by Walker Memorial.19:17
Ooblek! *bounce*!19:47
30 gallons of cream, 67 pounds of sugar, 15 gallongs of milk. One gallon of pure vanillaextract. Tw dewars of liquid nitrogen. Lots of toppings and flavorings. Oh yeah. We'llbe in Talbot Lounge.20:47
Lots and lots and lots of ice cream. Come for the delicious novelty, stay for the icecream.21:17
Tuesday, August 26
BEHOLD the awesome destructive power of CHEESE (whiz..)00:00
Tonight is the Nuclear Holocaust night in our Roofdeck Movie Series. We'll have abefore, during, and after.00:17
For before, think of giving away your location by singing the Soviet National Anthem,drinking vodka on a submarine, flying the Alps in a plane with no windows: it could beonly one movie. Feel your Russian blood come alive with TheHunt for Red October00:17
Do whatever it takes to avoid a nuclear holocaust;just don't slip on your tea.00:17
Welcome to Random Hall, where there's no fighting in the war-room, no lighting in thedarkroom, and no biting in the mushroom.2:17
Random's late night sports series continues with a classic game of football, RandomHall-style. yeah, we're really not sure what that means either. But it'll be fun. Meetin the main lounge before heading out.2:17
Even the world's smallest nuclear power could build one;it requires only the will to doso. But before we do that...2:47
...come see Dr. Strangeloveon our roofdeck, this one taking place "during" thenuclear holocaust. Never before have you had such confidence in the millitary, nor suchfear of the Coca-Cola Company. Behold the power of the cowboy.2:47
I hop, you hop, we all hop to RHOP!3:42
Enjoy our RCBP's...Random Continental Ballistic Pancakes. Mmmm...ballistic pancakes..3:47
Come visit Random Hall at 77 Kelvin Stre-- -er, 290 Massachusetts Avenue4:17
Oh, that's right! When you're 77 Kelvin you redefine cool. Come chill with us as we makeeven more ice cream wit liquid nitrogen. It'll be frosty, dude.4:44
Have you ever considered expounding upon the end of the era of classic rock, settingyour story in the post-apocalyptic American Southwest through the structure of theWizard of Oz-saga? Well, we hadn't either...4:47
...untill we saw Six String Samurai. If the possibilities intrigue you,join us onthe roofdeck for the "after" segment of our nuclear holocaust journey...4:47
...and meet the only man who could defeat the Russian army singlehandedly and challengedeath with his mean six string.4:47
Ozok the Destroyer?? But I ...5:17
If only we could put a monkey in front of a typewriter and have him write our entries.Oh, wait, we CAN...a a foiewrew iewjrewdslkfdsfTO BE OR NOT to beds;o6:17
oieafd oiaert ef87435 &^%$$%&) iodf It was tHe bESt oF tiMEs it Was the blursTof Times EWR93&%o 936:17
incd woienc oienc osietrhefds a meow oieorjf;o ieur wa17 oip;awfkds figrere 42 oiwenc6:17
f Ikes*burb*afj 1%#^% (*&DKFDVFkfdosfvccppekc oier; edkjfivgousfg re eoire eep!6:17
Every time you miss a Random Hall rush event, God kills a kitten. Luckily, we're justhanging out in the main lounge right now. Or asleep. Or both.9:17
Hey, look everyone, we've still got liquid nitrogen! ...ice cream!10:47
Peanut butter, jelly, and... bologna??? Well, it's your sandwich.12:17
Bread + (Meat||Cheese||Peanut Butter||Jelly) -> SANDWICHES!12:42
Random random, bo bandom, banana fanna fo fandom. Mmm...bananas...liquidnitrogen..Fruit! ... interesting fruit? Heh-heh. Let's find out.12:47
Sandwiches and fruit and it must be time to finish off our dewar of liquid nitrogen andmake even more ice cream.13:17
What's DDR? More to the point, what's a SPUI?!13:47
Huh. I forgot what I was going to say.16:01
Oh, right, that. Initiating countdown sequence...16:02
Hmm, I can't count.16:16
Still haven't submitted your choices to the Correction Lottery? Athena Clusterscompletely packed? Head north to Random. Our computer-to-person ratio ensures thatyou'll be able to get your choices in on time.16:17
If you live at Random Hall, a descendent of Nikola Tesla gets to decide where you live.Muahahahahahaa16:42
Tick-tock, tick-tock. Race against the clock. Lotto choices due soon. Captain Kirk andSpock.16:47
Better get over here to see our ICBM before it launches!!16:48
Zeno once disproved motion. You see, in order to get from here to there, you first haveto cover half the distance, then have the remaining distance, and so on. Allow me todemonstrate...16:50
5 minutes untill 17:00...16:55
2.5 minutes until 17:00...16:57:30
1.25 minutes until 17:00...16:58:45
Oops, looks like Zeno was wrong. Oh well. Life goes on.17:00
I wonder if The Techchecks the time on our entries...17:01
By the way, the lottery's over now.17:00
Yeah, we're still chillin' in the main lounge, eating our liquid nitrogen ice cream.17:17
Beam me up, sayonara, adios, au revoir, toodleloo, svorky meow! Take care kids, andy'all come back, now y'hear!17:30
Time to slink away, boys, slink away...17:42
Wednesday, August 27
I don't think I've complained about the character limit in a few days. Anyhow, it sucks.Greatly. 275 is a small number. I mean, 17 is so much cooler. It's round and fuzzy andtangy and shiny and I think the rush chairs are nearingthe end of their proverbial ropes, but5:22
luckily it's a nice stretchy bungee cord *bounce*bounce*bounce* hmm let's count inbinary! 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 *bounce*bounce*bounce* mmmmm...purple ketchup and liquidnitrogen...1000 1010...how come they let us have entries todaybut not last Friday?10:17
If you made it into Random Hall, show up in our Main Lounge for the in-house roominglottery. You'll get your permanent room, meet your new dormmates, and see the man who*really* runs things in this dorm.21:00

Rush 2002

Go look at The Tech - you can't always have nice tables.


CPW 2002

Saturday, April 6
The Complete Works of Shakespeare, AbridgedRandom Hall Sports, fencing, true love, betrayal, kings and queens, ghosts, murders,incest, and a little good old fashioned shagging in the closet. Absl hlrs!16:17

Rush 2001


Rush 2000


Rush 1999


Rush 1998


Rush 1997


Rush 1996


Rush 1995

Saturday, August 26
Dorm rush has just begun, so what better way to celebrate than to consume largequantities of Random Hall's famous Lasagna-in two flavors-meat and vegetarian!18:17
Our dorm President, Seinfield, has been working hard on a Scavenger Hung.. Comemeet him and the rest of Random Hall while learning about our cool dorm.19:17
The inaugural show on our BRAND NEW 10' movie screen: Princess Bride. Featuringtreacherous villians, exciting duels, true love, and Andre the Giant.20:17
Come make Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream-with Liquid Nitrogen! I bet you've never seenice cream bubble and froth like this before!21:17
6 hours of Star Trekmovies, non stop! Help us kick off ourStar WarsMarathonwith, of course,Star Wars, on the roof deck!22:17
What better way is there to end the day than with our relaxing Midnight (AST)Milkshakes? And then it's just a short flight of stairs up to our roofdeck, ordown to our basement, where a great movie can always be found at thistime of year!23:17
The marathon continues with...The Empire Strikes Back!!! Still on the roof deck,on our amazing 10 foot screen! With some pretty big speakers too...24:17
Come One Come All to our One AM Gamesyou'll laugh, you'll cry, you won'tcare...it's late.25:17
Last but not least...our Star Wars Marathonends withReturn of the Jedi!Still on our really big movie screen!26:47
Has the Orange Tour left you cold and dirty? Come revitilize yourself with ourdelicious warm breakfast.27:17
Come and meet shabby, who hasn't figured out he doesn't live here anymore. He'ssure to be able to find you some good food and interesting people to talk to!28:17
Sunday, August 27
Pool and Air Hockey Tournamentsstudents of all abilities test yourself againstRandoms!5:17
So you're night-shifted ALREADY?! Well, so is a large percentage of Random. Stop by forsome of our Neverending Breakfastand of course, some company to talk to!6:17
Early Morning Tours!Visit the cleanest room on Campus and explore the hiddentreasures of Marsha's room!7:17
For those that missed the Orange Tour Breakfast come and enjoy a home-cooked Breakfastwith Homemade Deep-fried Doughnuts!8:17
Relax and start the morning off right by putting together a puzzle as you eat Home-madeDoughnuts or get to know fellow freshmen with our challenging Human Puzzle!9:17
Ever had the urge to play miniature golf with the only obstacles being furniture in adorm? Come get to know the halls of Random by playing Miniature Golf!10:17
Take the T or go by foot, whichever way you go you will end up at the HistoricalBoston Gardens, take a moment to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery!11:17
Enjoy a great view of Cambridge as we BBQ on our roof! Whether you're a herbivore or acarnivore, you'll find something you like on our grill!.12:17
Take a trip to the Science Museumor stay and make cookies!13:17
Has the Goddess of Knowledge been alluding you? Get all of your Athenaquestionsanswered byshabby(who hasn't figured out that he doesn't live here any more),our (former) resident SIPB Athena expert.14:17
Take a trip with Jacob and Dave to tour the local music stores! Or enjoy a New Englandafternoon the way they were meant to be spent, flying kitesandthrowingfrisbees!15:17
For some reason Martha and Nicole think it's Christmas! So they made a gingerbreadhouse, or should I say gingerbread Random Hall. But it still needs to bedecorated, so come help them!16:17
Learn some new and interesting dance moves with Christina, or come and play on our roofdeck and start a water fight. Fun and enjoyment guaranteed for all.17:17
If you ever thought that pizza couldn't get any better, try our original recipe as youwatch Star Trek TNGin our air-conditioned lounge!18:17
Become creative and make candles, as our Star Trek Movie Marathonbegins withStar Trek-The Motion Picture19:17
Stupid Oven Trickswith Brian (one of our many cool Tutors!)20:17
Make your very own official Random Hall Death by Tooling t-shirt! We're ready withplenty of t-shirts and paint! And don't forget about our continuous Star TrekMarathon!21:17
Worried that you won't be able to find caffeine when you need it to pull an all-nighter?Well, don't be! Captain Joltis waiting to take you on hisCaffeine Tour ofMIT. He'll show you where the soda machines are located,including such hard to find ones as the OK machine. And of course, the location ofcoffee shops, including where one can buy Black Death.22:17
Sit back and watch Slick and Slicker's favorite movie: The Blues Brotherson ournewly assembled 10' movie screen on the roof!23:17
Watch Kevin break wooden spoons as we once again make Ben & Jerry's ice creamwith liquid nitrogen. Then you can take your cold treat to the roof and continuewatchingThe Blues Brothers!24:17
Test your wits at this early hour with a Spy Game, or ve while you watch moreStar Trekmovies!25:17
Try a new dessert, Funnel Cakes, it's the perfect mixture of sugar and chocolate,and sugar...trust me!26:17
Feeling tired and hungry after your vigorous campus tour? Come to our Orange TourBreakfast.27:17
Believe it or not, some Randoms are still awake and watching Star Trek movies.Feel free to come join them!28:17
Monday, August 28
What better way to start the day than with some of Nicole's home made coffee cake (andno, it doesn't have any real coffee in it). Its smell is sweet enough to awaken most ofRandom, although no guarantee about keeping them awake.5:17
So you're wondering who (besides you) would be awake at this disgustingly early hour?Come meet some Randomites that accomplish more before 10a am than most people accomplishall day.6:17
Challenge someone to a game of pool or air hockey! If that's not appealing enough thenjust eat some of our Neverending Breakfast.7:17
Tired of searching for the perfect dorm? Come and relax during dorm rush by playingboard games or putting together a puzzle.8:17
Hungry? Stop by Random and try some of our home made breakfast!9:17
Artistic? Like to paint? Come work on the Random Hall Mural! Or discuss the wordKrunkwith dan!10:17
Take a long trip across the street to the MIT Museum, where you can see suchexciting things as the Campus Police car that was put on the Great Dome!11:17
After a truly busy morning, come and enjoy our Tacos for Lunch!12:17
Help Janis get over jet lag as she instructs you on the how to's of bead making withfernot!13:17
Help Kevin and Christina take a hammer to our beautifully decorated Gingerbread housemodel of Random and then eat it.14:17
Rush is almost over and you still haven't found the perfect place to live? Well perhapsit's because you haven't tried us. So come for a last minute tour, or cool off with someLiquid Nitrogen Ice Cream.15:17
Our puzzle still needs to be finished so rush (pun intended) on over and help us,because we certainly won't get it done once term starts. Or instead, we could tie you upin one of Nicole's People Puzzles and see if you can get out.16:17
We still have food left! So come help us eat it all. Remember this is your last chancefor FREE FOOD.17:17

Rush 1994

Saturday, August 27
Kick off dorm rush by indulging yourself with our divine lasagna! Made using a closelyguarded family recipe, this dinner is open to meat-eaters and vegetarians alike19:17
Come to Randomand find out whyThe Princess Brideis one of the MITcommunity's best loved movies. Featuring treacherous villains, exciting duels, truelove, and Andre the Giant20:17
LIQUID NITROGEN+ Ben & Jerry's secret recipe ingredients = ICE CREAM in amatter of minutes. Join Sameer and Dave in taking the technically superior route togallons of dessert!21:17
Journey to the fabulous Random Hall Roofdeck, where the movie experience of a lifetimeawaits you. Gape with wonder at the dazzling 10 foot image, be rendered speechless bythe awe-inspiring sound effects of {\bf Star Wars}, do animpression of Robin Leech22:17
Our Sci-Fi Marathoncontinues. Enjoy ice cream, movies, board games, a chat withShabby, or anything else your heart might desire. (Oh yeah, you're welcome to a housetour too!23:17
Luscious milkshakes, butterypopcorn, another quintessential MIT flick :join Randomites forSpaceballs, the hilarious Mel Brooks spoof of Star Wars.24:17
Spaceballs continues, while Pramod shoots pool in the basement. Come by and play him fora milkshake : you'll get one even if you lose!25:17
Tape your eyelids open and sit back to watch The Empire Strikes Back, the finalmovie of the night (unless you can sit through another one)!26:17
Did the Orange Tourleave you with nothing but dirty clothes and an appetite?Come on over for pancakes, eggs, sizzling bacon, or anything else you care to gorge on!27:17
All you INSOMNIACS and Creatures of the Night are welcome to join Dan, who will lead ahighly philosophical discussion of the word KRUNK. (Also, find out why everythingcosmically significant happens at17past the hour).28:17
Sunday, August 28
Have an insatiable appetite? Come to Random, where the flapjacks are stackedhigh, and the maple syrup flows freely. Also featuring scrumptiousFrench Toastall night long!!5:17
BREAKFAST! French Toast, bacon, eggs, the works. Start your day off by touringthe cosiest dorm at MIT, and grab some food while you're at it!7:17
Stillgoing! Nothing outlasts the energizer breakfast : can you??!9:17
Have the Swim Test Blues?? Take a High and Dry tour of Random!10:17
Pizzajust doesn't get any better than when you make it yourself! Choose from aludicrous number of toppings (chocolate chips optional).11:17
Not hungry yet? Work up an appetite by playing Volleyball with the more (or less)athletic Randomites. The pizza of your dreams is still waiting to be made!12:17
Has it always been your dream to witness lightning indoors? Join Kevin on an excursionto the Boston Museum of Science, home of the world's largest Van Der Graffgenerators. You may want to bolt down some pizza before you go.13:17
Unleash your creative impulses, and make jewelry out of Femo Clay, with Erika. Ormake genuinecandleswith Sharon. Note : Attempting to make candles using FemoClay is strongly recommended.14:17
Shabby is currently sending his 5000th zephyr of the month, while running a program on acomputer halfway around the world. Come by and let him open your eyes to theInternet, and the amazing power you now have at your fingertips!(Just don't spill your ICE CREAM on his PC).15:17
BBQ TIME!!!The charcoal is lit, the sauce is ready, and you're famished!!Right?? Well, if your aren't already, you will be when you catch a whiff of our juicyhamburgers and sizzling hot dogs.16:17
The Rush BBQ goes on, and on, and on, and on, and...well, you get the idea. Movies onthe Roofdeckcoming up!!17:17
The annual Random Hall Star Trek Marathoncommences withStar TrekIV : The Voyage Home. Grab a burger, plop yourself down on our fabulous Roofdeckin front the gigantic 10-foot screen, and watch Spock swearing in San Fransisco!18:17
We have a bare wall. We have lots of paints and brushes. Come make the utterly random1994 Rush Wall Murala reality! Also, help Aaron in his quest for a good time inHarvard Square. With the abundance of stores, thedozens of restaraunts, and all those street musicians, it shouldn't be too hard!19:17
The Star Trek Marathon continues with Star Trek VI : The UndiscoveredCountry. Also, our annual Mushy Movies Series begins withWhen Harry metSally.20:17
Movie Marathons continue on the Roofdeck and in the basement, while Melissa turns thelounge into a Sandwich Lovers Delight. Construct the sandwich of your dreams, wemay even pause the movie for you!21:17
Popular demand dictates what Trek movie comes next : we have them all! We also havelandmark TNG and classic Star Trek episodes. In the basement, TheBlues Brothersis the next installment in our Mushy Movie Series!! Hmmm...perhaps we should've called it a Random Series instead.22:17
Time for more of our unbeatable milkshakes! Down a milkshake and munch on butterypopcorn as you experience the ultimate in home theater viewing, or as you play a randomgame of cards with Melissa.23:17
The By Request Trek Marathon continues, while milkshakes and popcorn are to be found inall sorts of random locations. The final installment of the Mushy Wannabe Series isDisney's Aladdin!!24:17
Relive last night's gluttonous revelry! That's right, it's Orange TourBreakfast 2!27:17
Monday, August 29
This is the last day to get a TOUR!!All Day
French toast, eggs, bacon, pancakes etc. etc. ALL NIGHT LONG!5:17
Do you want the realMIT experience? Didn't think so. Come watch Bugs Bunny andDaffy Duck cartoons, and get some breakfast too!10:17
Feast on the spicy (and not so spicy) items in our Tex-Mex Taco Bar! Vegetariansare very welcome, and Bugs Bunny cartoons may still be showing!11:17
Have a delicious lunch (or breakfast, depending on what your sleep schedule is likenow), and journey across the street to the MIT Museum, where you will see the coolHolography Exhibit13:17
The sun is scorching the earth, and all that salsa is torching your mouth. Thesolution?? ICE CREAM!! Come on down!14:17
Last call for four years of fun at Random. Try us, you'll like us!16:17

Rush 1993

Saturday, August 28
Come over and join us for delicious lasagne! Get a tour, eat some food, and meet some ofthe more interesting personalities on campus.19:17
We're showing the world Rush premier at MIT of the Princess Bride. 20:17
Embark on a journey to Harvard Square! Get ice cream, see the street performers, andmeet interesting people. 21:17
Join us for our first science fiction movie of the evening- 2001: A Space Odyssey. Seeit on the big screen-on our roofdeck. If we can figure out how to set up that damprojection TV... 22:17
Quench your thrist on our rich milkshakes, while you watch the last half of 2001 on ourroofdeck. 23:17
Our science fiction movie series continues with 2010. And we've probably still got somemilkshakes, too. Get it on our roofdeck...24:17
Want some excitement in your evening? Come watch as good MIT students recreate the GreatStrawberry Pop Tarts Fire. On our roofdeck, of course.25:17
Are you still awake? Will you be awake for awhile? So will Dan...come on over and meethim.26:17
Hungry after the Orange Tour? Come over to Random Hall for pancakes, eggs, bacon, andwhatever pop tarts we haven't burned up yet. 27:17
We're still serving breakfast for you Orange Tour survivors. Come over and get some.28:17
Sunday, August 29
We still have breakfast if you still have room...7:17
Tours,tours,tours,tours. Tours,tours,tours,tours. Come and meet us.10:17
Engineer and build your favorite kind of sandwhich. Spam optional. (Really, we won'tmake you eat it). 11:17
Did you know that there are beaches in Boston? Come over to Random, and we'll take youon an expedition to Singing Beach. And if you're still hungry, we still have sandwhichmaterials.12:17
Tired of reality of Rush? We're going on a trip to the Virtual Reality festival at theWorld Trade Center in Boston. Try out all of the virtual reality rides. 13:17
Join Erika making jewelry with femo clay. Let your creative impulses loose here atRandom Hall. 14:17
If you want some excercise, come and play volleyball in University Park with some ofRandom Hall's finest atheletes.15:17
Our first Rush barbecue is now beginning on our roofdeck. Eat some good food and talk tosome of our dorm members.16:17
Well, since we're having more movies on our roofdeck tonight, we're beginning the taskof setting up the projection TV. If we're lucky, we'll have it up in time for our firstmovie. In the mean time, our barbecue is still going on,so you can get more free food. 17:17
Our annual Rush Star Trek marathon is beginning in the basement with a showing of StarTrek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Our marathon will continue all evening. And if youaren't a Star Trek fan, we still are having our barbecue onthe roofdeck with lots of food.18:17
Still feeling creative? Come and paint our wall. We're starting a wall mural dedicatedto this year's Rush. Leave your mark at Random Hall.19:17
Fried Green Tomatoes, the first of our mushy movies is now starting on our roofdeck,shown on our wonderful projection TV, if we ever get it set up. And you can still paintour wall mural.20:17
Our Star Trek marathon is still going on in our basement. Come over and help us decidewhat to watch next.21:17
Our second mushy movie, When Harry Met Sally..., is now starting on the roofdeck.Remember, it's being shown on a projection TV. 22:17
And there is yet more Star Trek going on in our basement. It keeps going, andgoing...Or you could paint some more of our wall. 23:17
Our final mushy movie of the evening is Beauty and the Beast. See it on the big screen!24:17
We're having another O-T breakfast. Have a big meal after your midnight excursion.27:17
Our O-T breakfast is still going on...Tell the Campus Policemen you're on your way toBaker House, but stop by Random Hall on the way. 28:17
Monday, August 30
Help us make pizza for lunch. You can have your choice of toppings.11:17
The accidentally on purpose water balloon fight begins in University Park, rain orshine!12:17
Have you ever seen Boston from the top of the Hancock Building? Aaron is going to, andhe needs company. 13:17
Cool off with some delicious ice cream in the Random Hall house lounge.15:17
This is your last chance for a tour of Random Hall. Try us, you'll like us!16:17

Rush 1992

Friday, August 28
Dine with women faculty at MIT-serving soup, salad, entree (choice of quiche, beanenchiladas, spaghetti carbonara, and chicken with peaches), and dessert. Vegetariansvery welcome.19:30
Saturday, August 29
Robert's famous spaghetti sauce. Come for a great SPAGHETTI DINNER. Vegetarians verywelcome.19:17
The SPACE MOVIE SERIES begins-under the stars! Come watch Star Wars ON OUR ROOFDECK.Complete with popcorn and milkshakes.20:17
A SHORT ROLE-PLAYING GAME begins-not more than three hours. Come and play!21:17
The Space Movie Series continues with Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-ON THE ROOFDECK!Don't miss it! Complete with milkshakes and popcorn.22:17
MIDNIGHT SPORTS EVENTS - it's always an added challenge to not be able to see whateverit is you're tackling or catching.23:17
2010:Odyssey II ends our space series. It'll be neat to watch up on the roof, under thestars. Complete with popcorn and milkshakes.24:17
Check out the Random Hall Raffle-you may already be a winner. Great prizes! GiftCertificates at local stores.25:17
Come and paint a mural-or maybe you're a winner of th Random Hall Raffle! Why are youup, anyway?26:47
The third annual ORANGE TOUR BREAKFAST.27:17
The Orange Tour Breakfast continues, and you can still paint our wall mural. It sure istough RUSHING INSOMNIACS.28:17
Sunday, August 30
Why are you up? Well we probably are too. Come on over. Maybe you've won our raffle.5:17
PANCAKES & FRENCH TOAST all morning long6:17
We'll feed you, entertain you, and show you around. Come on over.7:17
Did you win our raffle? Check us out and find out. Serving pancakes and French toast allmorning long.8:17
Want to paint a mural? Come over and give it a try. Have some breakfast while you're atit.9:17
We've had breakfast going all morning long. Come and wake up to our smiling faces. Youmight have won our raffle!10:17
The great breakfast-to-lunch blur. Have some pancakes or French toast or BAU and PEKINGRAVIOLI.11:17
Eat some BAU and PEKING RAVIOL. And we'd probably give you some breakfast, too, if youask nicely.12:17
GO TO FRESH POND! We'll play volleyball, soccer, and have a picnic lunch. Have a greattime with great people and great food.13:17
Where is the Department of Alchemy? Participate in our SCAVENGER HUNT or MAKE JEWELRYwith Femo clay.14:17
Come over and CREATE YOUR OWN T-SHIRT! Free plain white t-shirts for all participants.Or, make some jewelry.15:17
Paint a T-shirt, make jewelry, paint a mural, or MAKE A PIZZA!16:17
(17:01) The third annual STAR TREK MARATHON begins.17:01
Make your own SICILIAN PIZZA with a homemade crust!17:17
There's too much to do here. Feed yourself with your own Sicilian Pizz; make your ownjewelry paint your own T-shirt (we'll provide it); paint a wall mural; go on a tour;watch the Star Trek marathon; play Pictionary; just hang out.Come on over!18:17
Yes, you can still make your own pizza. And lots, lots, more. Don't forget to check usout before you decide on a dorm!19:17
The MUSHY MOVIE SERIES begins with When Harry Met Sally. Watch on a six-foot-screen ONOUR ROOFDECK. Complete with popcorn and milkshakes. If you still need dinner, you canstill make your own pizza.20:17
Play cards, or Pictionary, or paint a wall mural-no doubt we'll have plenty to do andeat in our lounge! Did you win our raffle?21:17
The Mushy Movie Series continues with Casablanca, shown on a six-foot-screen on theroofdeck. Complete with popcorn and milkshakes.22:17
Play some games, paint a mural, make some beads, or watch a movie. Star Trek fans willlove the Star Trek Marathon!23:17
The Mushy Movie Series concludes with A Room With A View. Watch it on a big screen onour roof deck, with popcorn and milkshakes.24:17
Plenty of Activity-Come and see! (Why do we have such an affection for the number 17?)25:17
The Star Trek Marathon Continues...26:17
You know, our wall mural still isn't done. Come and paint. Do you know if you won ourraffle? Tosci's, Newbury Comics gift certificates and more!27:17
Why are you up? We might be too. We might even be having our ORANGE TOUR BREAKFAST!28:17
Monday, August 31
Only 10 hours and 43 minutes of dorm rush-have you checked us out yet?5:17
We'll be serving PANCAKES AND FRENCH TOAST all morning long-don't forget to check usout!6:17
Pancakes and French toast, tours, stuff to do... Did you win our raffle?7:17
Dorm choices today-have you checked Random? Have some breakfast while you're at it.8:17
Pancakes and French toast, all morning long. Cereal, too!9:17
Did you forget us? Come check us out before you make a decision. 290 MassachusettsAvenue.10:17
GO ROCK CLIMBING in a local area with some of our very experienced climbers. Beginnerswelcome-it won't be too hard.11:17
Come make DELI SANDWHICHES from a wide variety of meats and cheeses.12:17
ULTIMATE FRISBEE at University Park.13:17
The AMAZING 3-D MAZE race. Even the old-timers get lost! Come try this phenomenal ractto our front door!14:17
Only 43 minutes left, and you may have forgotten the greatest, most Random people atMIT.15:17

Rush 1991

Saturday, August 31
Paint a Random MuralCome help us paint a picture on our wall!16:17
T-Shirt DesigningSilk-screen, spray-paint a t-shirt of your own design, or useone of ours.16:47
Hot Hot HotChili Dinner at Random. Vegetarian and Mild versions available forthe gastrointestinally weak.20:47
Kids in the Hall Marathon!Come and watch episodes of our favorite CanadianComedy Troupe.22:17
Rocky Horror Break!Come with us to Harvard Square andparticipatein theclassic cult film.23:17
Sunday, September 1
Quiche BrunchWe'll have several kinds of quiche and fresh fruit.10:17
Join Bisi on her weekly area shopping excursion (should last until 3).11:17
Roofdeck Water GamesJoin us for a sunny day on our deck with a wading pool,water balloons and Twister.12:17
Barbeque hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch14:17
Ice Cream MakingHelp us make lots of tasty ice cream using Toscanini's tradesecrets.15:47
Dinner.Shrimp and Scallop Scampi with rice and breaded and fried Zucchini andMushrooms.19:17
Star Trek: the Next Generation. Several great episodes shown all evening.20:17
Dance Partywith great music, oru resident go-go dancers, and sensually shapedsnacks.21:47
Monday, September 2
Breakfast: Sausage, Biscuits, and Gravy.9:17
Video Arcade: We have Sega, Turbo-Grafx,andNintendoready for you to getglassy-eyed in front of, in the House lounge.10:17
Lunch: Make your own fresh pizza for a delicious meal.12:17
Create cool electronic music with Evan and his computer, drum machine, guitar andsynthesizers.13:17
Eat the Institute Before it Eats You!Yes, we have an edible model of the beloved'tute. Come earlier to help build it.15:17
Dinner: Spaghetti and homemade Gnocchi (potato dumplings) with a spicy, veggie-fullsauce.18:17
Enjoy your evening! Part 2 of the Kids in the Hallmarathon. Laugh until yourface hurts!20:17

Rush 1990

Friday, August 31
Craving chocolate? Come to Random and satisfy that sweet tooth! We will offer youchocolate in many different forms.21:17
Saturday, September 1
Eat the Institute before it eats you! Come over to Random Hall and help build an ediblereplica of MIT. Then help us eat it for desert tonight!16:17
Our fine Georgian chef, Robert, will exhibit the finest spaghetti sauce known tohumanity... Come taste it.18:17
Star Trek--The New Generation...Should Wesley Crusher be pushed out an airlock withoutbenefit of a space suit? Help us decide. The marathon will continue until everyone fallsasleep...19:17
The Random Hall Insomniacs Guild comes to life once again. Meet the insomniacs andchallenge them to amuse themselves and you.23:17
Sunday, September 2
Allow Glenn to dazzle you with his pancake-flipping ability. We'll serve a nice relaxingbreakfast until 11:00.8:17
Mutations While-U-Wait! Come have fun being creative with Evan, Steve, a video cameraand an Amiga computer. Visit our dorm, meet Random people, and experiment with digitalvideo equipment through lunchtime.11:17
Barbecue food and toss a salad in any direction you like. Visit our sunny roof deck(hopefully) and eat while enjoying a scenic view of Cambridge. 12:17
Show up and we promise that we will amuse you somehow. We have movies running all hoursof the day in our lounge, and a sizeable supply of ice cream, games, and free time.13:17
Ever wanted to be a murderer, victim, or just an innocent bystander? Come join us forAndrew's role-playing murder mystery game.15:17
Glenda is going to make something that I cannot pronounce for supper (arroz con pollo).But I do recognize most of the ingredients. Join us in the search for truth.18:17
Casino Night at Random! Can you think of any more appropriate place to dice for big(but, sadly, fake) bucks? We'll have a prize auction at 10:30 or so.19:17
Midnight Football--A Random Tradition.24:00
Monday, September 3
You met his spaghetti sauce and your life just hasn't been the same. Now see him try hishand at breakfast.8:17
Create a lunch here (we provide the stuff), be merry, and run off with us to Fresh Pondfor a picnic, games, and real shrubs and trees.12:17
Play some frisbee (those of who shied away from the picnic) and bean passers-by inKresge Oval. Look for the Random Protest Sign.13:17
Steve's Chili Fiesta (for vegetarians and non-vegetarians). Guess all the ingredientsand win a prize.18:17
It's the great Random Hall Illuminati Tournament! Play the game whose inventor wasbusted by the Secret Service.20:17
Tuesday, September 4
Does all that walking around campus wear you out? If it hasn't yet, then come join usfor a game of basketball and use up that extra energy!13:17

Rush 1989

Friday, September 1
Meet at Random for a Volleyball game and refreshments!17:15
Saturday, September 2
It's time for the traditional breakfast of "George" - Pancakes! (George won't be makingthem this year).7:17
"This is not a Rush activity" - come make your own deli sandwiches, we provide theparts, you make the 'wich.13:17
Frisbee anyone? Meet at Random and we'll find a good spot.14:17
Tired of Rush? It's time for Looney Tunes!16:17
Taco dinner tonight! It's hot (heh!).18:17
Andy should be here by now, let's play diplomacy...20:17
Debbie and Steve are getting married -- reception following...21:17
Meet at Random and let Rob excort you to the Rocky horror Picture Show in HarvardSquare. Even though you have to pay for the ticket, we'll have the rice and water.23:17
Sunday, September 3
Breakfast, Bacon & Eggs, what the hell?7:17
We'll give you four teammates, 17 rounds of ammo, and fifteen minutes to shoot youropposition dead! Come and play "patrol"... it's fun...10:17
Tired of campus yet? How about a trip to Fresh Pond? Misc sporting events and picnicincluded13:17
Foosball? Anyone?14:17
Ken begins the epic showing of "Shogun"15:17
Take a break from food, tours, and ice cream, come throw some shuriken, or evensomething else.16:17
Amy's bored at desk, so she'll be doing origami -see what's folded up.18:17
It's time for Steve's spaghetti in our house lounge, it'll be good, we promise19:17
We'll find some interesting places for the holes - you'll have the clubs, let's playindoor golf!20:17
Hurry, "Shogun" is half-over!21:17
Did you miss this morning's game of "patrol"? it's not too late - this time theupperclassmen will be shooting back.22:17
And yet more "Shogun"...23:17
Midnight Football. Who needs to be able to see the ball anyway? (meet at Random Hall)24:17
Late Night with J. Arthur Random... ice cream, strawberry shortcake and more...25:17
Only two hours of "Shogun" left.25:17
Cocktail Wieners - seriously27:17
Meet at Random Hall, we'll have a paper airplane contest...27:17
Are you stillreading this??? -- go to bed!28:17
Getting used to staying up late, eh? Alright, come and play some pool, we'll probably betoo tired to be accurate anyway.29:17
Monday, September 4
Finally, a breakfast that Debbie cancook - fruit salad and muffins8:17
Kim and Jean wanted to go to George's Island all year - you're invited to take a tripwith them.11:17
On the outskirts of scenic Central Square, a barbecue - look for the slightlyout-of-place grill onMass Ave.13:17
OK - Amy wants a rubber band arcade. Test out red bands, blue bands, whatever...14:17
Titans anyone? Blaine and Debbie would be more than happy to play.15:17
Come watch even more Looney Tunes - they're good for you!16:17
Dinnertime, and Random Stew is the fare - enjoy! 18:17
Eliot's dumb movies - night of the Bloody Apes, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, and more!20:17

Rush 1988

Saturday, September 3
Join Simon in the basement for some fingerpainting.14:17
Meet Bill and Vi at Rockwell cage for a game of volleyball. After the game come back toRandom for free dinner.15:17
Challenge Jim to a game of pool, or try your luck at foosball against Blaine.16:17
Come by Random for some burgers and dogs prepared by our head chef and tutor Elliot.17:17
Carlos has come up with a list for a scavenger hunt. Prizes will be awarded to anyonewho can find anything on the list.18:17
Tired after two days of rush? Stop by Random for a break. We won't even force you totake a tour, unless you want one.19:17
Evan's strange movies. Featuring Repo Man, Buckaroo Banzai, Blue Velvet, and more.20:17
Ice cream. Simple.21:17
Meet at Random so John and Rob can escort you to The Rocky Horror Picture Show inHarvard Square. Even though you have to pay for your own ticket, we'll supply the riceand toilet paper.22:17
Sunday, September 4
Are you tired of Lobster for breakfast? Random has the solution- pancakes. All flavors:strawberry, blueberry, chocolate, and even plain.8:17
Are you tired of all this rush garbage? Stop by Random and hang out in the lounge withDave. We promise not to annoy you.12:17
Mike Franklin will cook his world famous chocolate chip cookies for all to sample.14:17
And now for something completely different; board games. Challenge Andy to a game ofRisk or try Pictionary against dorm champions Genevieve and Teresa.15:17
Spaghetti fest. George will make the sauce; none of that bottled stuff.17:17
Matt's not so strange movies: RoboCop, The Big Easy and more...18:17
The Loop Floor is going into Boston.19:17
Loud card games night. Pit with Tracy, or Goulob Smoz, a game invented here at Random bySteve and Evan.20:17
Meet us on the turf for some Midnight football.23:17
Come by for a surprise activity. Ask for Mike the Butthead.26:17
Monday, September 5
Remember yesterday's pancakes. Well we had a lot of leftovers. Come and get some.8:17
By now every dorm on campus has probably offered you free food. We're going to trysomething different, free money. Stop by for more details.10:17
Last Spring Leo hid 257 plastic Easter eggs; 255 were found. Stop by and see if you cando what all 93 randoms couldn't and find the missing eggs.12:17
Join us in front of Kresge for some frisbee. Afterwards we'll return to the dorm forrefreshments.13:17
Speed Diplomacy. Played on a world map.18:17
Escape from the pressures of rush into the clam lounge-- third floor 282 Mass Ave. Youmay even see Pete, the person with the most rush book appearances in M@.I@.T@. history.(At least six.)19:17
Terry's nerdly game night. (Sorry Terry) Go, Chess, and Backgammon. We even have clocksto keep the games short.20:17
Meet use in Killian Court for a giant game of capture the flag.23:17
Tuesday, September 6
The last pancake breakfast of rush. We're getting tired of the same thing day after day.If you missed the others be sure not to miss your last shot. Why is this the last one?Because I'm sleeping in tomorrow.8:17
U@.S@. Risk. A classic game with a strange new twist.12:17

Rush 1987

Saturday, August 29
Time to wake up for breakfast- bagels 'n' stuff.8:17
Vegetarian delight- salad in a pita11:17
Follow the 17 arrows to Random Hall (starts in front of 77 Mass. Ave.).16:00
Random Night at the movies featuring Top Gun and free popcorn.16:17
Some of us are watching the movie but there are plenty of people to talk to.17:17
Buenos Tacos, Amigos. Tacos with all the fixings. Bon Appetite!18:17
Do you want to have some fun? Do you want to play games? Ask for Bengie. He'll show youwhere we're playing Twister, foosball, cards, etc.19:17
It's a long way until breakfast- time for dessert. Come taste the famous Toscanini's icecream!!!20:17
Come experience an acoustical orgy with Tom, the Perry Como of the '80's!!!21:17
Random Night at the movies featuring Monty Python and the Holy Grail (and more popcorn!)22:17
Time for milk and Cookies.23:17
Bedtime Stories with John- bring your teddy bear.24:17
Sunday, August 30
Wake up to sizzling bacon, juicy sausage, and golden, fluffy pancakes topped with freshfruit.9:17
Still plenty of food and people around.10:17
Take a detour from touring and come meet us at the Bar-B-Q pits next to the StudentCenter for some FOOD! In between bites we'll be willing to tell you everything we know.11:17- 16:17
Random Night at the movies featuring "Back to the Future" and free popcorn.16:17
William chained himself to the foosball table and he's waiting for you!17:17
Mmmm... Spaghetti just like Mama used to make. Eat, eat! You're much too thin anyway. Ifnot, help yourself to salad.18:17
Come get your hands dirty! Fingerpaint with Andy! Make papiermache with Kim!19:17
If you don't want to get your hands dirty, try origami with Amy. Watch and possiblylearn from Amy as she folds ducks, cranes, rabbits and the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)from ordinary paper.19:17.5
Come join us for some cake, coffee, and conversation.20:17
Look at 19:17 and 20:17.21:17
Random Night at the movies featuring Casablanca and more popcorn.22:17
Time for milk and Suzanne's freshly baked cookies.23:17
Monday, August 31
It's quite early in the morning for the typical MIT freshman but Tom, a SENIOR, isgetting up even earlier to cook omelettes, bacon, sausage, and hash browns for YOU!!!9:17
Did you just wake up? There's still plenty of food!10:17
Superman? Mighty Mouse? Maybe even Wonder Woman? Come show us your idea of a REAL hero!We'll supply the deli meats and all the fixings11:17
So you don't have a hero yet? Come and make one.12:17
Tired of inane chatter and blasting music? Come play charades and both relax and get ridof any R/O frustration with clues like... "Several species of small furry animalsgathered together in a cave and grooving with a Pict". Song...16 words.13:17
Mark is twisted and is waiting to play with you... I mean, Mark is waiting to playTwister with you. In fact, he is going to give the nimblest player in the Twistercompetition a gift certificate to Toscanini's.14:17
Have a guilty conscience from pigging out on ice cream? Did you inhale potato chipseverywhere you went? Repent the easy way! Gorge yourself on a variety of fresh fruits.15:17
Hurry, hurry, hurry! It's only 43 minutes till 5:00. Come see one of MIT's "well-keptsecrets."16:17
Now that the dorm preference cards are in, are you feeling neglected? Well, come onover! We'll be having a stir-fry feast as well as great conversations.18:17
Have nothing to do? Come join us for a Random Night at the movies, featuring the BluesBrothers (and popcorn, of course).20:17
Tuesday, September 1
Freshly baked cookies (mmm... mmm... mmm) all day long10:17
There's still lots of cookies! Won't you come and try one15:17
So you don't have permanent housing? Come check Random out and grab some cookies whileyou're at it.20:17
Wednesday, September 2
Still haven't found a place to live? Well come on over! We've got plenty of people whowould like to meet you and plenty of freshly baked cookies to go around.10:17

Rush 1986

Saturday, August 30
Rise and shine (well try anyway) for Random's Big Deal Breakfast. Eggs andmore--pancakes or french toast, come find out. We'll be going strong until 11:00.9:00
Andy's already pushing thirds on the eggs. Come eat breakfast with us. We won't stopserving 'til 11:00.10:00
Meet us in front of McCormick Hall and we'll walk you over to Random for a tour,munchies and raffle ticket, of course. We promise not to get you lost. See 6pm, 8pm, and10pm for later departures. 16:00
Taco Dinner. Come talk to us over a couple of Pete's finest. If Mexican is not yourstyle, there'll be plenty of salad, too.17:17
Our second trip to Random Hall. Meet us in front of McCormick and we'll whisk you awayto our home. Remember a tour qualifies you for our raffle. There may still be tacos. See8pm and 10pm for later departures.18:00
There's still plenty left. Come help finish off the rest of the tacos and stick aroundfor the post-dinner entertainment.18:17
Follow our guide from McCormick to Random Hall. We'll give you a tour (which qualifiesyou for a raffle ticket) and then escort you to fireworks. See 8:30pm.20:00
Fireworks yay! A local Boston rock and roll radio station, WBCN, just happened to picktonight to hold their music synchronized fireworks. You show up and we'll supply thepopcorn.20:30
Meet us in front of McCormick and we'll show you Random Hall by moonlight. Take a tourand get a raffle ticket. Relax for a while in our lounge. Movies are showingcontinuously. See 23:15 for other happenings.22:00
It's time for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Come with us (we're closer) to HarvardSquare for a very (ahem) unique experience. Don't worry about getting back afterwards,we'll walk you right to your doorstep.23:15
Sunday, August 31
Random Parade! Come join the Random Parade down the 17-arrow route to Random Hall! Enjoyfree fun filled movies, refreshments, tours, and friends! Parade leaves fromMcCormick/Kresge Oval. Look for our Banner!11:17
Athletic Seminar. Come and learn how you, too, can become an "athlete" at MIT. Topicsinclude phys. ed. requirements and intermurals in Random. Non-athletes are especiallywelcome. just follow the red arrows down Mass. Ave. to RandomHall!12:00
Sub and salad lunch. Come design your own submarine sandwich, hoagie, hero, grinder orwhatever it's called in your native land. Or go it light with just a salad. We haveplenty of both.13:00
Forgotten some of those great lines in Beverly Hills Cop yet? Good! Then it's time tosee it again. Lots of other movies too.14:00
Continuous Cookies! Come over quick! The latest batch is already gettting cold. Alldifferent kinds. All afternoon. I know we can never match Mom's, but we'll try.14:00
Random Parade! Come walk our Random route to the only dorm off campus. Follow the 17arrows for free movies, refreshments, tours, and friends. Parade leaves every even hourfrom McCormick/Kresge oval.14:17, 16:17, 18:17, 20:17, 22:17
The oven's still hot, and there are more cookies still to come. Take them upstairs toour next movie, then stay for supper afterwards.16:17
Ice Cream Creations. Time for your next dose of ice cream, right? You can handle a shakeat least. There'll be all sorts of different toppings for the adventuresome ones.19:30
Monday, September 1
Hopefully with this time slot, we're the first entry. Taking a tour anytime todayqualifies you for a raffle ticket. If you haven't visited us yet, and you're stillundecided as to which living group's for you, you really should comesee us, we're different.5:00
Tours are continuing here at Random. If you haven't visited us yet, we think you'remissing something (and it's not just a raffle ticket). We really might have what you'relooking for.11:17
Still undecided? Follow the red arrows along Mass. Ave. to Random, and maybe we canhelp. Pick up your raffle ticket while you're here by taking a tour.1:17
I know it's only an hour before preference cards are due, but don't panic! A quick tourof Random might solve all your problems (well, one at least) as well as getting a raffleticket.16:00
And now the moment you've all been waiting for! (cough) It's time to find out who willwin the Random Hall Raffle and receive the $30 gift certificate to Strawberries Recordsand Tapes.17:17

Rush 1978

Sunday, September 3
Random Hall Party. Molson ale on tap, soda. music, and munchies. Join the fun.19:30
Sunday, September 4
Random Hall Softball game, cookout on Briggs Field #2, directly west of tennis courts.Burgers, beer, soda.12:30

Rush 1977

Thursday, September 1
Random Hall Get Together for Freshmen and interested Upperclassmen. Refreshments will be served.20:00
Sunday, September 4
Random Hall bagel brunch.10:00