Government Documents

Executive Committee

Random is ruled by the Executive Committee, lovingly known as ExecComm. (Most of Random's governing structures have 'Comm' in their names because none of us can spell comiteee.)

Our government is far from oppressive and is very open to input from everyone. Many freshmen are elected to positions in their first term.

The President, Vice President, and Secretary are elected in December. Members at Large are elected in February.

Judicial Committee

JudComm is the judiciary branch of our dorm government. Its members provide arbitration in disputes and enforce dorm rules (of which there are very few). Most dorm problems can be handled internally, generally without even involving JudComm.

JudComm members are elected in September.

Other Offices

All of these positions, with the following exceptions, are elected or appointed at ExecComm's discretion in February. Desk Captain is chosen once the previous desk captain graduates. The i3 Pointmen and Rush Chairs are elected in the fall.